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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. No addict wants to be an addict. If it was as easy as saying, "well, I think I'll stop using meth or heroin today," then the crisis wouldn't exist. The fentanyl just makes already addictive drugs even more addictive and I'd guess that most users know that they're playing Russian roulette every time they score. But their bodies are in control of their minds at that point. It's not an easy fix.
  2. I have to counter that with a good Police song! The afternoon has gently passed me by The evening spreads its sail against the sky Waiting for tomorrow Just another day God bid yesterday goodbye Bring on the night I couldn't stand another hour of daylight
  3. I wonder how many Toronto, Pittsburgh or Cleveland fans there are in WNY. All of those teams are significantly closer than NYC.
  4. He should be banned for life. The NFL needs to start taking a serious stance against domestic violence and sexual assault. They need to adopt a true zero tolerance policy ... and it should start with this scumbag.
  5. You used to have to ask a pharmacist for a rubber?
  6. I would imagine Fitz' beard would get pretty itchy. Good luck with that!
  7. Lovers forever face to face My city, your mountains Stay with me, stay I need you to love me I need you today Give to me your leather Take from me my lace
  8. GODAMMIT, PJ!!! I was trying to be nice!!!
  9. Totally agree. It was horrible. But it was a true anomaly.
  10. Good catch on the grammar!
  11. Snoop has been in multiple movies!
  12. No. It was one play. Out of thousands.
  13. Great. Another Flat-Earther.
  14. I would love to see the Manning Bros., and Fitz do prime time games together uncensored. That would be a dream come true. But in the meantime, I'll gladly accept this as great news!
  15. I'm not 100% certain, no. But I am certain that I don't ever recall hearing anything about him being dirty. I love the guy. He really seems to have enjoyed life on and off the field. Yeah, he acts immature at times, but that's part of what I like about him. By everything I've heard/read, he's been super responsible with his money and is also philanthropic through the organization he runs with his father and brother. Sounds like a great dude to me and I've always been a fan.
  16. Yeah, man. I agree. It was brutal. Whenever the topic comes up, I try to point out that the guy was squeaky clean for his entire career minus that hit. I'm sure we all wish he was more apologetic (publicly), but I still can't define the guy based on one VERY bad decision. Tre coming out of it unhurt is the most important thing. Like you said ... it could have been tragic.
  17. Well, at least you came forth with a purely relevant analogy. I guess it would make sense for me to counter with: Well, just like Reagan, Tre White turned out to be just fine! Sounds pretty dumb, eh?
  18. I get it. It was very bad. But it should not define him. It's not like we're talking about Suh or Burfict, here.
  19. On June 21, 2001, the Seattle Mariners were 54-17 on their way to an eventual 116-46 record.
  20. 143 games over 11 years and he had one dirty hit. I will never label him based on that. Guy has been a true pro for his entire career and by FAR one of my favorite NFL players of all time. Great for the game.
  21. @BringBackFergy loves Starlings!!!
  22. Well ... you titled the thread as a rumor. When you provided links, they were to a) someone playing "fantasy GM," and b) a "proposal." Those aren't rumors. Not even speculation. They're pure fiction.
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