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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Mike remarried after this. A close friend of mine named Liz. We would all hang out on most Saturday nights, just chilling and having a few drinks. But Mike ALWAYS brought Linda up. Always. I pulled him aside more than once to tell him to knock it off. He never got over her. They were high school sweethearts. Mike and Liz's marriage only lasted a couple years. He's been dating another girl for about 8 years now and he no longer brings up Linda. I don't see him much these days. Started with the pandemic, but we've never reconnected since then. I'll probably see him once every few months, if that. Mike was very upset when Bill died. He somehow managed to forgive Bill and remain friends (not hang out buddies) until Bill's death.
  2. One would think, man. But Bill wasn't much of a go-getter when it came to the workforce. He just wanted to make music and somehow scrape by. He really did love her, but I'm guessing that he chose to ignore the red flags because he knew she was a teacher on the rise with an already healthy salary. It sucks, because other than banging one of his (and my) best friend's wife, Bill was a really likeable dude. We were friends for years. After that went down, I decided that any in-person hangouts with him/Linda ended.
  3. The entire story is pretty crazy. I'll use fake names ... I have a very close friend, Mike who was married to Linda. Mike would have people over all the time to do music stuff. Most of the circle of friends were local musicians. One guy, Bill, was there a lot. One night, Mike caught Bill banging Linda. Long story, short ... the ended up getting divorced after Linda left Mike for Bill. Then Linda married Bill. They had a couple kids, but that marriage failed, too. Linda had already found her next target and left Bill. Bill is the one who killed himself the day Linda got married to #3. His former inlaws (kids' grandparents) went to drop the kids off at Bill's after the wedding. When they got there, there were police cars and an ambulance, so they kept driving (because the kids were in the car). Very sad story. Linda used Mike to pay for her bachelor's and master's degrees. Then she used Bill to get the children she wanted (Mike didn't want kids). Now she's using the current sap; probably getting a doctorate out of it. At Bill's wake, she and her current husband sat near Mike and his current girlfriend. She said to another guest ... and I sh!t you not ... "This is husband number one (pointing to Mike), that was husband number two (pointing to Bill's casket) and this is husband number three (pointing to her current husband)! She is the devil.
  4. I had one actual friend who was also a FB friend. He would get wrecked and put it ALL out there. Very bitter about his ex-wife leaving him for years. He was good for a nice rant a couple times/month. But you had to see it when he posted it, because he'd nearly always delete it the next morning when he realized what he'd written. Sadly, he committed suicide the day his ex-wife married the other guy. I had a neighbor (we're not "friends," per se; but we know each other) post the other day something like, "isn't it funny when you're accused of cheating that the one accusing you is the real cheater?" Then people started blasting her with "takes one to know one," comments. She took that baby down the next day. My newest saga is another actual friend of mine who met a girl 25 years younger than him online. She is in the Philippines. After 6 months, he traveled there to meet her and put a goddamn ring on her finger. And this dude posts EVERYTHING. Gee ... I wonder how this will turn out. Better than anything on Netflix!
  5. It's also the only reason I have more than a handful of the Facebook friends I do. I love that sh!t.
  6. "The Stroke" by Billy Squier would also work well.
  7. Some of his best work ...
  8. @PromoTheRobot
  9. For those of you who, like me, have no friggin' clue what a Twitter Space is .... https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/spaces Spaces is a way to have live audio conversations on Twitter. We’ve been testing and building this in the open with @TwitterSpaces and your feedback so we get it right. We love how it’s shaping up, but there is much more to come including new features and updates. Stay tuned!
  10. It's the sole reason I don't watch preseason games. My stomach is in knots. When players lose an entire season before it even starts, it's always sad. **Unless it happened to Edelman.
  11. One. Four chances and you COULDN'T WIN ONE?!? HFBD.
  12. I agree that they are banking on getting healthy. I also agree that it would have been great to get another lefty reliever. But I do like the Vogelbach/Ruf/Naquin moves. A lot of versatility and power off the bench and, as much as I love him, I think JD Davis is just not that good. He has had a LOT of chances to prove himself and he did not do it. I think Diaz is the most dominant closer in the league right now. Back to his form from his last season with Seattle. I don't see that changing. If Max and Jake are both healthy, I think the Mets are the best team in baseball. As long as Cookie, Walker and Bassitt continue to pitch well, the Mets will be a tough out. All in all, I'm happy with the moves the Mets made. They didn't overspend and they addressed areas of need.
  13. I still think she had an opportunity to recommend more games and failed to do so.
  14. That's what I was trying to say. She had the opportunity to set precedent, but instead referred to past punishments which had little-to-no relevance.
  15. Thanks, GB. Good stuff. And this is what's most disturbing to me ... There is no precedent, here. No one has ever been sued for the despicable acts that Watson has. Going by prior NFL punishments was not only asinine, but a missed opportunity to make a bold statement. Major fail.
  16. And his feelings are hurt ... https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10044130-joey-gallo-says-yankees-fans-make-me-feel-like-a-piece-of-s--t-honestly
  17. What could that po$$ibly be??
  18. No! That was for the Bubble Heads (guys on submarines). As long as they're more than 100' below the surface, there is no gay.
  19. When I was in the Navy, a lot of guys had a "100 mile rule." If we were 100 miles from the base, then it wasn't cheating if they got laid.
  20. That depends. Are we done praying for Dawkins?
  21. This would be AMAZING.
  22. Cats say, "hold our beer ..." https://www.zillow.com/homes/3854-Green-Rd-Bloomfield,-NY-14469_rb/31880003_zpid/ @teef
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