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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Where I'm coming from, it's not 26Shirts OR The Bills that I'm worried about ... it's about those in need who've been benefitting from the sales of this merch for a decade.
  2. It looks like the focus is regional ... https://www.wivb.com/news/good-news-with-gabby/26-shirts-ramps-up-efforts-to-help-more-in-need/
  3. 26Shirts is/has always been charity driven, so I think it just makes sense that - as the Bills take ownership of the slogan - it continues to contribute to the original mission. I didn't know that about merch sales, thanks. Totally agree with your second sentence, which is really what I'm curious about. I'd be shocked if there wasn't something agreed upon once discussions started.
  4. I'm wondering what percentage of Bills Mafia merchandise revenue (for merch sold through the Bills Store) goes to charity.
  5. Very good article from Oct. 2020 with input from both Terry Pegula and Del Reid. https://theathletic.com/2143835/2020/10/16/bills-mafia-finally-joins-teams-official-family-after-years-of-being-rebuffed/
  6. Thank you for telling something about my own parents that I never knew.
  7. Just so I'm clear (sometimes I get confused) ... did you just tell me that you are certain that my parents, neither of whom you've ever met, have (or had) homophobic and/or racist views?
  8. LMAO! This is awesome! https://twitter.com/hashtag/FlorioBreakingNews?src=hashtag_click
  9. My father was born in 1939 and my mother in 1944. Neither is a bigot. It's never "normal."
  10. Here is a list of Buffalo Bills trademarks. There are two "Mafia" trademarks, both filed for in Oct. 2020: https://www.gerbenlaw.com/trademarks/nfl/buffalo-bills/ I'm not sure what the "new" part of this news is that PFT is sharing.
  11. This is from 2020: https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2020/10/18/21520705/term-bills-mafia-trademarked-by-the-buffalo-bills
  12. Where are they still for sale online?
  13. These were sold out online as soon as they were for sale (original cost - $20). People already have them on Ebay for $50 or more.
  14. I want to see QB draws at some point in EVERY DRIVE.
  15. Braves have been relentless. Whichever team wins the division will have earned it.
  16. She's like the Curt Schilling of women's tennis. The Mets ... not sure what's going on, but they're really stinking it up against the worst teams in MLB. Better now than in October, but losing the division would be a colossal failure.
  17. Margaret Court basically put Serena on full blast, saying (in so many words) that she (MC) had it a lot tougher and Serena took longer to accomplish what she has ... and that Serena doesn't give her any admiration or respect. Other digs were thrown in, as well. Figuring there was more to this than met the eye, I looked into Margaret Court a little and it seems she's a homophobe and a racist. This may have been common knowledge to others, but it was news to me today. Here is the ESPN article in which Court goes off ... https://www.espn.com/tennis/story/_/id/34527959/margaret-court-defends-tennis-record-wake-serena-williams-farewell-says-admiration-not-reciprocated "Serena has played seven years more than I did," Court said. "I finished in my early 30s. People forget that I took two years out. I first retired ... when I was 25, thinking I would never return to tennis. "I got married, had a baby, but then had one of my best years, winning 24 out of 25 tournaments." Court pointed out that she had a superior record to Williams after they became mothers during their careers. "I came back after two babies," she said. "After having the first baby, I won three out of the four Slams." She added that "Serena hasn't won a Slam since" having a baby. Here is Court's wiki page that provides a little insight into who/what we're dealing with ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Court#Controversy Court has been a consistent critic of LGBT rights and same-sex marriage in Australia.[41] In 2012, she opposed proposed same-sex marriage reforms.[42][43] Court has been criticised for such statements by openly gay tennis players Billie Jean King, Rennae Stubbs and Martina Navratilova,[41][44] and in 2012, an LGBT rights protest group called for the renaming of Margaret Court Arena.[16] Court was criticised in May 2017 after writing a letter to The West Australian decrying Qantas, the largest airline in Australia, for being a corporate supporter of same-sex marriage and saying that she would boycott the airline. The letter, and further follow-up interviews, again led to calls from some Australians and tennis players to rename the Margaret Court Arena.[17][45][46][47][48][49][50] Some politicians, including Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, rejected calls for the change of name, saying the name celebrates Margaret Court as a tennis player.[51] Writing in the wake of this incident, Russell Jackson noted that Court had always held controversial views, which he described as "stubbornly immovable", citing her support for apartheid in 1970 ("South Africans have this thing better organised than any other country, particularly America") and her criticisms of Navratilova in 1990 ("a great player but I'd like someone at the top who the younger players can look up to. It's very sad for children to be exposed to homosexuality") as examples. [52] He added that this and the similar incident from 2012[43] are calculated provocations, allowing Court to portray herself as the victim and use the publicity to her advantage, and show that "for better or worse, Court is now the principal architect of her own image".[52]
  18. It’s a side gig.
  19. As of now, all I am feeling is excitement. Through yesterday, I had myself convinced that the Bills will lose on Thursday. But I knew that would change as the game gets closer and that's already happening. By Thursday morning, I'll have the Bills winning by two scores.
  20. Does this mean he got to see renderings of the new stadium?!?
  21. I was also unable to pick. The message I got was that picks would be ready sometime today.
  22. I don't recall Carr's noggin being that friggin' huge.
  23. Yeah, if they lose on Friday, that's a pretty bad sign.
  24. Here come the sun king Here come the sun king Everybody's laughing Everybody's happy
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