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Everything posted by Gugny

  1. Good trolling is an artform. I personally love to see a successful troll job. That said, there are too many on here now who try too hard - and unsuccessfully - to troll well.
  2. He looked like he was laboring very early on. I am concerned ... again.
  3. According to this ... https://www.concertarchives.org/venues/buffalo-memorial-auditorium ... Rush's first concert at the Aud was in 1981.
  4. Just the tip.
  5. Always butter, but like @Simon, I am intrigued by the mayo. I plan ahead and take the butter out of the fridge early in the day so it's spreadable by the time I make the sammiches. I also like to pan sear pieces of ham and add thinly sliced tomato to my grilled cheese. American and cheddar (on the same sandwich) are my go to cheeses. Love me some nice tomato soup, but I have also been known to dip my grilled cheese sandwiches in ketchup. Don't be a hater and don't knock it till you try it.
  6. All seven seconds??
  7. He's had a ton of time to pay it back and he hasn't done it. There are also incriminating texts between Favre and Bryant about the money exchange. He's a scumbag and paying it back shouldn't keep him out of prison, IMO.
  8. Yeah, baseball games are still super affordable, which is great. And if my son was a huge Bills fan and really wanted to go to a game, then I'd drop $300 on a ticket, too.
  9. We all have our limits and I am never one to tell someone they're wrong in how they're choosing to spend their own money. I'm a firm believer in to each his own. That said, I can't justify spending $300 on a ticket to any event. Not a concert, football game or baseball game ... three things that I love to see live. I get it. I understand why Bills tickets have skyrocketed and I don't begrudge anyone over it. The simple fact for me is that I just don't want to spend that kind of money on those things.
  10. For the Steelers game, there are 300-level tickets re-selling for $400. I am 99.9% certain this will be my last year attending a game. I expected to be priced out with the new stadium; but I didn't expect to be priced out beginning next year. MetLife is only a 3.5 hour drive for me (as opposed to ~5 hours to Orchard Park), but it seems like the Bills always play in New Jersey during the winter months and I have no interest in that.
  11. I was at a Joan Jett concert earlier this year. As you can imagine, the average age of the crowd was around 50. Late in the show, the band did an acoustic set. Just about everyone in the crowd sat down ... except this one dude two rows in front of me. He was right in my line of sight. He was younger ...20s. I finally went up to him and politely asked if he wouldn't mind sitting down, as everyone behind him was sitting. He looked at me and said, "I'll think about it." I just returned to my seat without saying anything else to him. After a few minutes, he sat down.
  12. Yep. Mets and Braves have been going toe to toe. Mets rattle off 6 wins in a row; Braves rattle off five in a row. Total dogfight. Gotta take care of the Athletics and hope the Braves hit a little skid.
  13. I actually think we're on the same page. I get that we have to take pisses. Can't help that! A few years ago, I attended a Bills/Pats game in Buffalo. Multiple Pats fans were in and out of their seats for the entire game and I missed seeing action because of it. Those are the people I'm talking about.
  14. #littlepeoplelivesmatter
  15. On this note, I always pay attention to my surroundings - specifically those behind me. I do this at concerts and sporting events. There are times when everyone in front of me is standing and I have no choice but to stand in order to see the action. If people are sitting behind me, I simply apologize and explain.
  16. I have no problem with fans standing the entire game. What I DO have a problem with are that fans who find 50 reasons to leave their seat during the game.
  17. I had no idea you knew Malv Albert.
  18. Though I know I'll never lose affection For people and things that went before I know I'll often stop and think about them In my life I love you more
  19. https://gamewatch.info/teams/buffalo-bills/cities/tucson-az/bars https://www.facebook.com/billsbackersoftucson/
  20. And why would they want to??
  21. Looks like Desso GrassMaster would make the most sense.
  22. That's exactly what I thought, so no worries. He made the mistake of crossing state lines from NY to MA to take kids camping and molest them. NY has a statue of limitations; MA does not. He will die in prison. https://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Ex-priest-off-to-prison-with-a-grin-1016033.php There are many other articles out there that go into the details of the abuse. Absolutely sickening.
  23. What the hell is wrong with Knox's foot?
  24. Joel Osteen and people like him are among the most UN-Christian people polluting the planet. I was born, raised and confirmed Catholic. I never attended after being confirmed. Finally gave it up after the priest who confirmed me was convicted of raping young/teen boys ... more than one of whom were/are my friends.
  25. Actually, I just looked at our local CBS affiliate's schedule and they already changed the game to the Bills!! How are you getting the Jaguars when you're in NJ?
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