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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Bills were 7-9 in 06, 07, and 08 and 3-6 in 09 under Jauron but yes, Bills ended the season 6-10.
  2. Would amount to trading Jones for Lloyd if we sign him.
  3. Kind of like in 2004 when the Bills cut Ruben Brown and he signed with Chicago, Chicago cut Chris Villarrial who signed with the Bills
  4. Um....maybe you're tastes have changed from years ago?
  5. Actually finished out 11-5. To your point what I pointed out earlier in this thread, they were 16-0 with Brady a year earlier, 11-5 with Cassel. 5 fewer wins is a big drop-off.
  6. Spent another hour I'll never get back watching it this week...think I'm done with it.
  7. I know you're kidding but seriously, I never understood why so many people thought 11-5 was a "good" season. The Patriots went 16-0 during the regular season one year earlier with Tom Terrific at the helm and 11-5 with Cassel. If they had gone 12-4 a season earlier with Brady and finished with 5 fewer wins with Cassel, all people would be talking about is what a difference the change in quarterbacks made.
  8. Unfortunately this is the first thing that will come to my mind every time I hear mention of him
  9. re-watching season two....Rita is so f...ing hot
  10. they couldn't even get off their stoned butts long enough to vote to legalize recreational use of pot
  11. Top of the article says she is 28, the caption under one of the pictures says 30. Either way she's hot.
  12. Just out of curiosity, do you use E-Z Pass?
  13. Everything I've read says a team may apply one franchise or transition player each year (not "and")
  14. In spite of the fact that I'm a Duke fan, I need to agree that that the Devils seem to get more than their fair share of debatable calls. Not enough to make up for all the calls the Bills get screwed on though.
  15. Reminds me of the J-Mac story a few years ago for those who don't click the link he's an autistic kid that scored 20 pts in less than 4 minutes in Greece Athena's last game of the season
  16. don't want to go to bed with the number of my last post being my most recent so...people who don't cover their mouths when they yawn
  17. The CEO's of what used to be the two largest employers in Rochester, and who have never seen a job they didn't want to offshore, being selected for the committee for economic development. Like their input is going to favor keeping jobs here.
  18. Phil Hanson North Dakota State Leon Seales Jackson State
  19. Good luck to the kid, hope he makes it in the NFL but sounds like he has a lot going for him if he doesn't. (Good thing for him not many teams have 40 yard tackle eligible passes in their playbooks.)
  20. rest assured this annoys everyone in the checkout line...like there's an exact change prize or something
  21. Easy to forget you're carrying, just ask Barry Switzer http://www.nytimes.com/1997/08/05/sports/switzer-arrested-on-gun-charge.html
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