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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. After we lost to the Patriots in 07, I thought we should be doing this when we play them as there is nothing to lose if the defense can't stop them. Only thing I would add is to blitz on every down as well.
  2. Try looking directly into the sun when it is going down. Add 70,000 fans shouting at you. It can be annoying.
  3. That's fine, free country, use whatever word you want whenever you want. I just prefer not to hang with people that use the N word regardless of their color, which is my choice. For the record never told him what words he could use, just that that word offended me whether it was used about him or by him.
  4. Exactly...once told an African American friend that I won't tolerate use of that word about you, and I won't tolerate it from you. Never used it again around me.
  5. Guessing but the two reasons I see for bringing it up now are:1) Playing the Jets this week, second time they are coming off a long break (bye week last week, Thurs. game the week before the first meeting) 2) In spite of other notes on this board suggesting there is no statistical advantage to the long break, Bills are 1-3 in these games. 2-2 leaves us in the playoff hunt. Solution to playing teams off bye weeks seems simple enough, entire division gets a bye week, then plays division game the following week. Bit more complicated for the Thursday nite thing but maybe coming off the bye week the division game is a Thursday nite game, then play the same team the following week, home and home scenario. I'm sure this has some flaws but it seems more fair.
  6. Not sure what one thing has to do with the other but you're entitled to your opinion.
  7. http://phys.org/news/2013-10-scientists-breakthrough-solar-technology.html According to this article the technology will soon be cheaper and more efficient due to some research at a college in Singapore. It's on the world wide web so it has to be true.
  8. Bad news...getting reports (albeit unconfirmed) that the brewery is closed to the public now, HT only available at bars, maybe a retail outlet or two.
  9. My friend Dan Conrad wrote the guest essay below that appeared in Saturday November 9th's Democrat and Chronicle. After reading it I checked to make sure the "I wish to make an anatomical gift" block on the back of my license was checked. It was not, apparently it had been neglected when renewing my license two years ago. It is checked now. Anyways below is the essay, hope you check your license after reading it. "My son's enduring gift Three and a half years ago, my son, Scott Conrad, overdosed on drugs. I had no indication he was so involved in Drugs. We just spent the day together at the St. Patrick's Day parade downtown. He told me that day that I was his best friend and that he loved me. That was the last conversation we had, and that night he overdosed. That was on a Saturday night, and he went on life support. My family hoped and prayed he would get better, but he didn't. On Monday, we were told his breathing was getting weaker, and the odds of him recovering was almost zero. I asked the doctor giving my family the reports about organ donation, and she immediately put me in contact with the doctor in charge of organ donations. I did not know how my ex-wife would react to giving our son's organs away. I talked to my son, my daughter and her husband, and none of them were sure either. I made the move to bring her down to see the doctor in charge of organ donation and had him ask her about Scott's organs. My nervousness turned to joy when she was happy and excited to do this. I have never been more proud of her. Because of Scott's organs, four people are alive today One of the persons who got an organ was from Rochester, and he is like one of our family now. I miss my son tremendously and think about him daily, but the thought that four people are alive today because of him is so comforting. Scott was always such a giving person, and now he keeps on giving in four people. I hope no one ever has to go through the sadness my family went through, but we can all be organ donors. It is so easy now, because all we have to do is put a check mark on our license when we renew it. Wouldn't it be great if after our death we could keep on giving?"
  10. know he's a fan of the Vermont IPA's (particularly Heddy Topper),
  11. I'll be taking my old college roommate to his first ever Bill's game as well on the 17th (happy 57th to me on that day). The ketchup and mustard ceremony is a must see for first timers, and quite honestly it never gets old!!
  12. During the interview Joe talks about how the old timers (Art Donovan, some 101 year old) really didn't suffer much from concussion syndromes because they didn't use their heads to tackle with. Building on that point, helmets didn't afford much protection in those days. Maybe what is needed is to go back to the old equipment - if their was a more immediate consequence to using the head as a tool/weapon players wouldn't be so quick to lead with the head.
  13. If it weren't for the astrodome maybe this whole indoor stadium fad never would have started
  14. Buffalo is a great place for someone with alcohol problems to get his act together
  15. I'm with you Scott. Looking at the standings, gotta believe 10-6 makes the playoffs. With any luck, last game is meaningless to NE and Tom Terrific sits it out. Jets coming off a bye (weren't they coming off a Thursday nite game last time we played?) will be a tough one but all remaining games are winnable.
  16. Thanks...wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Heard the same on Troy Polamalu
  17. as long as he stays sober the next 3 I'm okay with that
  18. this is exactly what I wrote originally, then decided to just quote Gugny. Unbelievable life.
  19. http://nhl.si.com/20.../?sct=nhl_t2_a3 Looks like Miller could be the next to leave
  20. With KC's defense and the beating Thad took last week, hopefully just trying to be prepared
  21. 24-13 Bills...finally a win that we don't have to hold our breath until the last play is over.
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