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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. I see EJ's upside in the same realm as Flacco and Eli Manning. Probably never be a top 5 QB but he can be in the next 5. As Flacco and E. Manning have shown you don't need to be top 5 to win super bowls.
  2. I can see where every million up to 5 million would make a difference in my life...after that, it will only make a difference in the lives of others. Except maybe buying into the Bills after Ralph passes.
  3. While I agree with your comments about today's kids, every time I start to lose faith I think of the following quote: “Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.” The quote is from Socrates. This is the way things have always been, it is the way they will always be. http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/63219-our-youth-now-love-luxury-they-have-bad-manners-contempt
  4. http://extramustard.si.com/2013/12/18/video-barry-hinson-rant-southern-illinois-murray-state-press-conference/?eref=sihp Not exactly a warm fuzzy press conference, don't think the trip home was much fun and neither will practice be today
  5. I remember coming down to breakfast at the Sleep Inn on October 9, 2007. Still had my Bills garb on from the Monday nite meltdown at the hands of the Cowboys. This nice man still dressed in Dallas attire opens the paper, and in a loud voice snickers and proclaims "looks like the Cowboys did win after all, wasn't sure if I was dreaming".Has anything good happened to Dallas since then? Sometimes you just have to wait for lady Karma to rear her ugly head
  6. The Bills got what turned out to be Chris Hairston and Tank Carder. While this turned out to be a terrible deal for the Bills, Lynch is probably still just one step away from a year long suspension given his previous track record with gun and hit and run incidents. I'm glad things worked out for him, but I think it would have been different, and not in a good war, if he had stayed in Buffalo (of course I can't be sure of that.)
  7. Chuck Knoll would refer to Lewis as "my gift to Buffalo"
  8. http://nfl.si.com/2013/12/12/worst-trades-nfl-history/?eref=sihp Bledsoe for what turned in to Wilfork & RJ for what turned in to Fred Taylor and Tavian Banks didn't make the list. Neither did Losman or Mcargo trades, not sure who they turned in to.
  9. Doesn't seem upset, just says thanks, gets up and leaves
  10. Dennis Miller agrees with you about Miley's lack of talenthttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pszAiyzSOqw (Not sure how he feels about Rebecca's talent level)
  11. You guys are good. Or maybe I just suck...714
  12. What I found interesting was the Massachusetts, while one of the least likely to curse, was also one of the least courteous. Louisiana and Marilyn, while foul-mouthed, are also polite about it (please pass the *&^%ing salt). Now Ohioans are just rude and vulgar!
  13. Not that it means much but even off the bye week we catch a team coming off an extended break
  14. As Leslie Nielsen said in Airport, I picked a lousy day to quit drinking.
  15. League will investigate. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap2000000289650/article/nfl-to-examine-tomlins-footing-for-possible-discipline According to ESPN, the NFL says he should have been flagged. Of course it is tough to argue otherwise http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10052325/nfl-reviews-move-mike-tomlin-pittsburgh-steelers-discipline
  16. I've been drinking in Durand Park for over 40 years, only issue I've ever had was being told to leave because the gates were closing in 10 minutes. Never had to pour one out though. However painful dumping the Labatts was at least you didn't get a $100 ticket (or whatever the fine is).
  17. As long as we're floating ideas, how about sudden death but you only get 3 downs in ot instead of 4?
  18. Pretty sure 3 and 15 are related as many who work aerobically out do so before work.
  19. A remake was done in 1977 with Marlo (That Girl) Thomas as the lead character. It Happened One Christmas was the title.
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