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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Victim of the ice storm http://www.golf.com/ap-news/augusta-ice-storm-puts-end-eisenhower-tree?sct=hp5
  2. Sounds like his daughter saw it happen, can't tell for sure from the article. Hope not. RIP
  3. 46 Bisons played a 14 game schedule, 3-10-1 record. Sounds like he had a nice life, RIP
  4. They get all the free Molson they want. Still, is it enough to make you want to watch curling? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wm4gGkup4mQ
  5. http://espn.go.com/new-york/nfl/story/_/id/10349205/mike-lodish-goes-six-super-bowls-peanut-brittle-maker I'll order some for opening day tailgate this year (probably doesn't go very well with Heady Topper though) (note - Beebe and Vinateri were both on rosters for 6 SB's as well but Beebe missed 25 & 32, Vinateri missed 44)
  6. Now that this has been resolved I'll be anxiously waiting to hear what color the sky is.
  7. was hard to believe back then that we would fondly refer to 0-4 super bowl record and the other playoff losses of the era (bank shot, Miami, Pittsburgh, HR throwback) as the good ole days
  8. Field goal posts stay where they are but slightly narrowerSeparate set of posts for PAT, 10 yards back, posts 2/3 current width. All PAT attempts from 7 yard line so difficulty of 2 pt PAT is also increased. Makes the 1 pt conversion approx 34-35 yards on narrow posts. Puts some excitement back into the PAT
  9. I've seen "dumb question" referenced a couple times in this string including the OP. Enough already. Remember, there are no dumb questions, just dumb people that ask questions.
  10. Can live without MNF and TNF, and I'll raise you SNF - had my fill once the 4:00 games are through. Do like the idea of Saturday games once college conference championships are through.
  11. Cancer sucks. Will pray for that miracle you're hoping for.
  12. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Story?id=99050 somewhere around the turn of the century
  13. Pretty sure the last time there was no bye week was SB XXV
  14. Heard a few of the defenders talking about all the time they spent studying film. Shouldn't accuse them of spying because they did their homework.
  15. Which Faulk called in, Kevin or Marshall? Would love to get the real story from Kevin, who was there for 13 years.
  16. I will be ecstatic if 3 (or even 10) years from now we are 2-5
  17. Gates is also a free agent, though I believe my career stats are the same as his (0 carries, 0 yards)
  18. Nothing earth shattering, summary below, link at bottom EJ is the guy, needs to stay injury free Marshawn is a tremendous person, played with his (Fred's) kids Thinks Stevie will be back Challenges coming from D3 school No doubt would play in super bowl with concussion, doesn't know anyone who wouldn't http://jimrome.com/2...fred-jackson-2/
  19. Hoppy beer is an acquired taste, developed by first drinking lighter/less robust beers and gradually acquiring a likeness for stronger tastes. (You don't see very many 18 year olds drinking Heddy Topper or Hopp Devil, nor many 60 year olds drinking Bud Light)Dry wine is an acquired taste, developed by first drinking sweeter wines and gradually your taste buds acquire a more sophisticated taste. Sorry, but I haven's seen Mike do any "traditionally" funny stuff that might entitle him to having people think this schtik is funny. Mark Twain once came out and stared at an audience for 10 minutes without saying a word, and received a standing ovation. Wouldn't have worked out that way if he had done the same thing when he was Mike's age.
  20. 1) Toss up between Johnny Cash and John Denver 2) John Lennon 3) (Who do I hope to see before it is too late, even though it isn't one of the OP's questions) - Gordon Lightfoot
  21. Auditioning for another Virgin Life Insurance commercial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBRORiRImw0
  22. I used to love watching boxing in the 70's and 80's, but never was proud of the fact that I enjoyed the sport so much. Loved watching football as well and was proud of it. Haven't watched boxing for a very long time now, and feel about football the way I used to feel about boxing - still love to watch the games but not very proud of it any more.
  23. Well...I'm not an equestrian person and my eyes seemed to water up a little after watching it...
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