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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. you mean something like wide right or HR throwback or something? Just a guess, we'd still be dwelling on it 25 years later.
  2. 15 years ago who would have though we would refer to the Wade Phillips years as the good old days
  3. The keyboard is designed the way it is to slow typing down, not to speed it up. That is why you have to reach to type the most popular letters, e and i. They also come from different directions. Back in the day, letters were located at the end of an arm that swung up and hit a typewriter ribbon. The location of the letters prevented the keys from jamming. However, the long/awkward symbols one needs to reach for are placed for ease, and more /'s than ?'s were used at the turn of the century, when the keyboard was designed. Much as we would never use a measuring system of inches and feet vs metric centimeters and meters today, if the keyboard were designed based on today's technology, it would be designed differently.
  4. 2 pages on the o-line and no mention of bringing Levitre back if he gets cut?
  5. Wasn't there a movie about him? (Jerry McGuire or something like that)
  6. Cassel cost them 5 games vs Brady (Brady 2007 16-0, Cassel 2008 11-5) If the Bills had a qb worth 5 games a year all the 7-9 seasons with Cassel caliber quarterbacks are suddenly 12-4 seaons with Brady.
  7. Billick interviewed when Chan was hired, seemed really interested then. I wouldn't be opposed to him.
  8. increase work outs to 9x a week (will require 2x a day 3x a week), cut the drinking down to 2x a week (or 5x every 2 weeks at the most)
  9. He went to jail for a couple days in college for domestic abuse on his girlfriend, he slipped a bit because of that. Then the thing with his father his rookie season, both outlined here http://thevikingnati...mes-hardy-pullsNeither of those incidents were the reason we released him, those things didn't scare teams back then. He was released because he wasn't a very good player.
  10. At 6' 6" he won't have any trouble seeing over the line. Hopefully has a laser-rocket arm and good mobility as well (someone had to say it)
  11. You don't need to turn the song off any more. Please do a little homework before making such a serious accusation. Gordon Lightfoot has never been associated with anything close to this. He has received many of Canada's highest civilian honors and is considered by many to be a national treasurer.FWIW you are likely thinking of Cat Stevens, who converted to Islam in 1977 was denied entry into the US in 2004. Go to post #47 and quote the middle song with this if you must, but please don't tarnish the name of our neighbor to the North. Probably wouldn't hurt to research whether or not the ban on Cat Stevens was warrented.
  12. either you are talking about Kouandjio, or I'm the only one that missed on him
  13. To the OP's point, compare Russel Wilson to EJ. Both have good arms, great work ethic, good mobility, and are seemingly class acts. What separates RW from EJ is it. RW has it, EJ doesn't, at least not yet. Problem is, no one knows how you get it. Otherwise everyone would have it.
  14. Art Schlichter should be out of jail in a few years. At least he used to be a Bill might be familiar with the offense.
  15. This has been a bad couple days for global warming theorists.
  16. http://www.news-sentinel.com/article/2013130419701Tried to make it as a model / actor.
  17. Long after his playing days are done and he rewrites countless records, I can see an interviewer commenting on how he never showboated on the way to the end zone. Sammy replies "I did once. My rookie season. Got caught from behind. Vowed it would never happen again"
  18. What Jim said, although technically I won't be 58 for 3 weeks.
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