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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Here is the thing. The last time the Bills didn't have 2 picks in the top 44 was 2005 (outside of last year 2 in the first 41). That is where the "must find starters with first two picks" mentality stems from. Picks 50 and beyond you can hope for immediate impact but realistically you're thinking depth, development, and special teams outside of the top 50.
  2. Rd 2 - Cameron Erving C/OT Florida State - Immediate Depth at Center and Tackle, eventual replacement for Wood Rd 3 - Laken Tomlinson G Duke - Depth and potential starter at guard Rd 5 - Garrett Grayson QB Colorado St - Accurate, need someone who can hit open receivers if no one on current roster can Rd 6a - Nick O'leary TE Fla St - This is where #2 TE is addressed. Blake Bell from Oklahoma if O'leary is gone Rd 6b - Xavier Williams DT Northern Iowa - Will have time to learn and develop behind veteran line. Sure to get a look from Whaley because of last name. Rd 7 - Tony Washington OLB Oregon - Depth and special teams contributor
  3. 1972 Olympics, forward to 17:40 for his entrance into the stadum, takes about 10 seconds for the announcer to realize it isn't Frank Shorter
  4. None. If his wife can't change it herself, she can do the dishes in the dark
  5. Well, you know, I thought he sounded ok, and um, well, you know, not showing any signs of, you know, all the beatings, and um, concussions, he suffered as a pro.
  6. BringBackFergy has the most ingenious ways of working scripture in to threads
  7. to me it is just a landmark to take a right at on my way to the corner of Glenn and Abbott
  8. Move it back to the 5 yard line 1 or 2 pts, do away with the holder
  9. No Bednarik thread complete without his hit on Gifford RIP
  10. Was hoping Blackmon would fall to us and we would get Russell Wilson in the second. With the exception of Luck and maybe Kalil, the top 7 picks of that draft went pretty bad http://www.drafthistory.com/index.php/years/2012
  11. Good for him. 3 years, 7.5M...seems like the kind of guy that will invest wisely and make it last a lifetime rather than end up broke.
  12. I did do some reading on it and decided against it. The Reckless Blood Tonic may have done some good, or maybe it was the prayers others here have offered, but his blood work came back good today...may be going off hospice and on to palliative care. Hope for the best, be prepared for the worst.
  13. Thanks, definitely easier to find than some others, available at GNC.
  14. If it was Mom (95 herself) it would be much easier, she has let me know she has seen enough of this world. Dad has always changed the subject when I try to bring it up. He is fighting hard. Thank you for the prayer, .no need to apologize, you are not a thorn, I asked for input.
  15. Thanks to all for your kind thoughts, prayers, and advice. I noticed at the bottom of the link was a Xarelto law suit add...that is what my father was on for almost a year.
  16. Thanks, appreciate the encouragement. I've been keeping the possibility of Cassel being our starting QB from him, that might give him a heart attack.
  17. this is the worst, drives me absolutely nuts
  18. He still golfed 2-3x a week at 92, 5 more average years, who wouldn't sign on the dotted line for that.
  19. don't know what it is, just corrected topic.
  20. I'm just throwing up a hail mary here, Dad is 97, two upper GI cauterization procedures last week were unsuccessful in stopping internal bleeding, Dr's won't go back in. Probably lower GI bleeding as well, colonoscopy was never an option, probably wouldn't survive the prep. He is at home hospice now, thus the hail Mary. After doing some research found three herbs that might help slow/stop internal bleeding - Wild Geranium, Birthroot AKA Trillium Erectum, and Yarrow. Couldn't find the first two anywhere in Rochester, only two places had Yarrow, one in capsule form, the other in something called Reckless Blood Tonic. I settled on the latter, guy at the herb shop suggested San Qi formula as well. Didn't have a chance to research it ahead of time but he let me read up on it at the shop, guess it can't hurt at this point. Anyone heard of either of these or have other suggestions of something that might help? Know there is very little chance at this point but his vitals have been good all week, he's still doing wheelchair exercise videos every day, walks a few steps here and there. Any input appreciated.
  21. Over two pages and still no answer to your question so here it is - quite simple really, you do it to remove your facial hair so you look nice for the ladies
  22. Wow, I'm not nearly as bad a drunk as I would have thought-Only 5...6 if you include buying a crowded bar after winning their super bowl pool but I don't think that is in the spirit since it is more or less expected. Fountain Grill scenario counts, 9PM-2AM doesn't (Just my opinion)
  23. This one is actually helpful given the winter. How do you turn your lawn mower into a snow blower? Buy her a shovel!
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