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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Thanks for sending the cheerleaders over! Not sure if I was successful attaching the picture or not. edit: Picture was too big to attach
  2. Reason for the elevated commode has to do with keeping the it above the level of the outdoor sewer
  3. He is assistant Head Coach as well as RB coach (whatever that means)
  4. The guy that will be seeing a lot of time if Kelce is out is Brian Parker. He's local to the Rochester area, went to McQuaid and Albany. Had a couple nice blocks against the Lions. Anyways I hope he has a good game in a loss. http://www.kcchiefs.com/team/roster/Brian-Parker/fed955a5-99a1-481e-9f58-06171accd715
  5. While admittedly I didn't read through 4 pages of responses to the topic, I did mention a few times this weekend how we would have been better off without a first round pick in 2014. At least we would have two picks this year who have a chance of getting on the field.
  6. While I wasn't told directly there would be nothing for the pain, my brother (an LPN) told me that what the Dr. meant when he said the stent removal would take place in the office is that there would be nothing for the pain. I'm still holding out hope that there will be. Your Dad was one tough old man.
  7. Speaking of even worse, just found out that the stent removal will be done in the office. It will require both insertion and removal of catheter without anything for pain.
  8. Thanks for the professional insight B-Man. Sounds like quick was the best I could hope for, painless was out of the question. At least I was still out during the insertion process, which I hear is much worse. I was given 8 hours to pee on my own or a cat would be re-inserted, made it with 7 hours to spare. I'll give the entire team a stellar evaluation. Appreciate it.
  9. Equipment use was painless after the first couple leaks, guess I'm lucky. This is the kind of input I'm looking for. Did a Dr remove after your broken leg and someone less experienced after your prostrate surgery? Should a student be doing the removal?
  10. Before reading be forewarned, this is not for the faint of heart. So I had kidney surgery Tuesday to insert a stent to correct a condition I've had since birth but takes several decades (in my case almost 6) for symptoms to develop (note how the surgery was strategically scheduled before an away game so that I'll be up and around for next weeks home game). Everything went as smooth as can be hoped for considering the surgeon spent over two hours inserting a foreign object through my penis. When it came time to remove the catheter the day after the surgery, I was of course nervous. The nurse told me to relax, this is so simple she is going to let her student that was shadowing her that day remove it. While the process was indeed quick, it was anything but painless. Felt like my stomach was removed through that tiny opening in 1.5 seconds. Might as well have tied one end of a string to the catheter, the other end to a door knob, and slammed the door shut myself. Now it is time to rate my experience in my recent hospital stay. All the nurses and technicians were great, very kind, caring, and good natured. Before I give a blanket everything was great evaluation, just wondering if anyone has had a less dramatic catheter removal experience than I had? Or is the process equally as dramatic regardless if a skilled surgeon removes it or a first day nursing student?
  11. Carrington went on injured reserve during the 2013 season, the final year of his contract. Like Williams, he signed with another team. Lynch was traded, as has been pointed out.
  12. I've seen threads on worst trades, worst draft picks, etc. But unless I missed it and didn't use the search function properly, I've never seen one on worst player cuts. With roster cut downs looming, this year we might be cutting some very good players. Thought it might be fun to look at previous players cut that went on to have long careers with other teams. Surprisingly, I can't think of many, but two stand out. John Parrella, drafted in the second round 1993, played sparingly that year and cut in 1994. He spent 11 more years in the NFL, mostly starting for San Diego and Oakland. Couple guys named Smith and Hansen may have made him expendable. And of course, the one that really stands out was Gary Anderson, drafted in the sixth round of 1982 but cut before the start of the season in favor of Nick Mike-Meyer. Not sure if Mike-Meyer survived the season with the Bills or not, but he was gone by 1983. Bills struggled with kickers until landing Scott Norwood in 85. Anderson went on to play for 23 years and was the all time leading scorer at the time of his retirement. Anyone think of others?
  13. No mention of Booker Moore either (may he RIP)
  14. You're guy just made two really nice putts to go birdie-eagle and tie for the lead
  15. Rickie Fowler gave a nice interview after shooting 81...Tiger refused to speak to the announcers, though he did speak at press conference. Mentioned he kicked Rickie's butt (Tiger shot 80)
  16. Thank you, thought my memory was failing me and sanders retired with outside baggage...saved me from checking out the www. He did play 10 years, which isn't exactly an early retirement for a running back.
  17. reminds me of a saying...there is so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, that it ill-behooves any of us to pass judgement on any of the rest of us. Class act indeed by Randy.
  18. At least now Brady has a fallback plan...if his career and marriage go into a downward spiral he can always take a page out of OJ's book and write his own - "If I was going to deflate balls, this is how I would have done it"
  19. my 97 year old father looks 10 years younger than Burt
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