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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Fortunately my phone doesn't auto-correct F bombs. That would be really frustrating. My frustrating autocorrect has to do with my address, which ends in tage and keeps getting autocorrected to gate.
  2. This is what a coaching staff and front office are supposed to look like. We've just been beaten down so bad all century that we've come to expect games like yesterday ending in a loss.
  3. I'm thinking he probably isn't in a better place...no matter where he ended up. Pretty tough to improve on that life. Kidding of course. Kind of.
  4. How many men does it take to do the dishes? None, it's women's work. How many men does it take to change a light bulb? None, if your wife can't change it herself she can do the dishes in the dark.
  5. My guess is this is left over hate from the 90's. You grow up hating a team hard to change that. I still have the same left over hate for the Raiders dating back to the 70's.
  6. Many from the O-clan will be there, including myself. Making the trip to meet my new great-nephew, who arrived on this planet yesterday. Timing was right.
  7. Which is where Freddie excelled. Like someone said, he was like water. If there was an opening he found it, and always moved forward.
  8. Admittedly just skimmed through the last 9 pages but I didn't see Mike Lodish mentioned. 10th round draft pick, career back up, until recently was the answer to the super bowl trivia question who played played in the most super bowls with 6 (Beebe played on 6 super bowl teams but did not appear in all of the games.) Tom Terrific just played in his seventh. Lodish and Lou Piccone are my picks, think those are the type of guys the OP had in mind.
  9. I was never so glad to be under the overhang as I was at that game.
  10. I give up at least 8 days of vacation a year, more when we host Monday or Thursday nite games. Just too damn old to fake it through Mondays after home games at the office.
  11. I really liked Steve Grogan. Was hoping he would pull it out off the bench.
  12. I have two theories for arguing with women. Neither one works. "Live like you'll to die tomorrow. Learn like you'll live forever" - Ghandi
  13. First off I think he was being sarcastic. But to answer your question, you can reach 100 pretty quickly by quoting other posts with well thought out responses like "this," "agreed," and "+1"
  14. Mark Fidrych. Rookie of the year and led the both leagues in ERA in 1976. Got injured high-fiving some outfielder, was never the same. Died working on his truck when a coat or shirt go tangled up. Something like that anyways.
  15. guard qb and receiver for the loggest td pass in Bills history? (apologies if this has already been asked, didn't look through 14 pages)
  16. For example Torell Troupe, who the Bills drafted one spot ahead of him.
  17. The one who I dislike (not hate) is Nix or Gailey...whoever is responsible for drafting Spiller & Troupe ahead of Gronk.
  18. Me too...I actually thought it was a sarcastic question
  19. Not looking through 9 pages, pretty sure one was Paul Maguire During his last year of broadcasting, every week Van Miller told a memorable tale from one of his previous season. One of those tales was about a spotter who had too much to drink and started swearing at a linesman on the air when he disagreed with where the ball was spotted. Who was that spotter? Since no one will get the answer I'll give it here, it was my Uncle John Cirrito
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