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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. This will be up to the band. With the latest weather report, logistics for the band may be an issue. Still two days, forecast will hopefully change.
  2. Thanks for the invitation, I'll stop by. Hammer and Bill are good buddies. Lot is small, house actually used to be owned by Hammer's mother. Renters live there but event parking is an expectation. Most of the people that park there pay up front for the year. Not really competitors, plenty of people to go around.
  3. Don't think it will be a problem but let me check with my brother and get back to you.
  4. As always I will bring plenty of beer. Will be across the street from Hammer's, in my brother Bill's lot. As this is our annual Newf game, there will be a band before and after game.
  5. Correct grammar please. Should be "Same as Bills' lots." - notice the correct location of the apostrophe. For a second I thought you were giving my brother a dig.
  6. That's horrible...please tell me you're kidding.
  7. 20 years ago (give or take) a bar owner gave me a Jim Beam key ring. Left it on the bar while I went to the men's room. When I returned the guy sitting next to me said I was lucky it was still there as he loved Jim Beam. Still bothers me that I didn't give it to him, I never used it.
  8. To paraphrase Woody Hayes, he was probably upset that he couldn't go for three
  9. I would like to see all Thursday nite games be between division opponents after both come off of bye weeks. Then you would play that same opponent 11 days later, home and home series. Advantage would be #1 Thursday games would not be sloppy due to short preparation week. #2 would be that there would be no bye week advantage for either team, and no 11 day rest advantage for teams coming off Thursday nite games. Could still have the season open on Thursday under this scenario, however the next couple and the last few weeks would have no Thursday nite games. I wouldn't miss them.
  10. If you're going to Seneca Niagara, stop by The Craft Kitchen and Bar, corner of Third and Ferry.
  11. Mine too...it is also the closing song to Breaking Bad
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/wrongly-imprisoned-golf-artist-released-media-publicity-143049018.html After spending 27 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit, Valentino Dixon was released from Attica yesterday. Had started heading down the "wrong path" at the time, so probably was no angel.
  13. This incident could have been avoided all together if we did what Massachusetts has done and eliminate toll booths in favor of electronic tolling. My understanding is that NYS will be going to all electronic tolling soon.
  14. Spectrum isn't going anywhere, just political BS
  15. The all Williams team didn't work out so well for us, maybe the all Allen team will
  16. Not exactly young, but Duane Brown is talented. Houston traded him for a third in 2018 and second in 2019.
  17. Best thing about light beer is that there isn't any in my refrigerator. Used to drink Yuengling on hot days, hoppier beers when it got colder. More apt to drink dry red wine when it starts getting cooler now, except on game day. Being from Rochester, drank plenty of Genny in my teens and early 20's...then I got a job that paid more than minimum wage. Still enjoy the 12 horse draft when at the Genny Brew Pub though.
  18. Wasn't excited about seeing it either, but really liked it as well. Either it seemed good because of the low expectations, or I'm just a sensitive guy.
  19. I can help with the Rochester area, not Buffalo. Looked in to several before placing my Dad in one for a few months while we turned the family home in to a nursing home. As mentioned above, can give you some direction with in home medicaid if you want to keep mom at home. Unlike medicaid for a nursing home, which has a five year look back, there is no look back for in home medicaid.
  20. Legs, arms, and head all very high. Starts the turn to his back at 2:11, enters the net at 2:12. 1 second (actually think it was less) to make the turn, position himself, and enter the net. One frame at 2:12 shows the enter position, so you need to go to 2:11 and advance frame by frame to see it.
  21. Five years ago (actually five years and six days) my father had a stroke. Up until then my folks were more than the sum of their parts, Mom healthy as a horse, Dad sharp as a tack. Overnight they became not twice the problem, but the problem squared. Dad was in an out of rehab and assisted living for 9 months while we turned the family home into a nursing home. It's a full scale nursing home now, complete with hoyer lift, 24/7 care from aides, and daily visits from a nurse. Still, managing it is a nightmare. 4 inches of snow is an emergency, aides need to be able to get in and out of the driveway. If they can get out of their own. What if they can't? Guess who has to fill in. Another rough winter is predicted, I'm dreading it already. Not to mention the daily conflicts between the aides. And scheduling issues. Mom's 99 now, Dad turned 100 last January. Five years ago I was 56, looked 46. 61 now, look 71. Taking on all this has aged me 25 years in the last 5. I tell my brothers that they need to find a way to spend a week every three months here, with 3 brothers that would give me a week a month break. Brothers have not been able to help. So, am I considering putting my folks in a nursing home? Starting to think about it. Assisted living is much better than full scale nursing by the way, but my parents need too much help for assisted. Let's just say I'm doing everything I can to allow my folks to die at home. They don't seem interested in keeping their end of the bargain. Enough about me, thank you for the opportunity to vent. If you would like to discuss how to protect assets, in home medicaid, etc. PM me. I'll send you my phone # and we can talk.
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