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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. At the game. At half time I put my head down, then looked up at my brother and said "this could be our finest hour"...I was only half kidding.
  2. BIg Tree sets up a tent in the parking lot and has free beer/food on game days, usually music as well. Not sure what time but definitely by 10, probably closer to 9. Not sure when inside opens, 11:00 am according to their website Can't help with the traffic question, leave Rochester at 7 myself.
  3. One change to your statement...no need to confine this to American history. See below quote attributed to Socrates, which I first heard in fifth grade. Now that I'm in my 60's, I smile every time my thoughts go down this path and remember it. This is the way things have always been and always will be. "The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=408989
  4. I hate that they still get things wrong after stopping the game for several minutes for a replay review. When I'm commissioner, first thing I'm going to do is make all replays at game speed. No slow down/frame by frame close up, if you can't overturn it in real time then it is not irrefutable. Next, I'll live in something besides a 1 bedroom condo.
  5. Almost everyone can, but many need to say"step/chew, step/chew" If not out loud, then to themselves. Which is why so many gum chewers have trouble with conversation.
  6. At 62 my memory is getting better. Used to think I had two grand slams in a little league game, but now I remember a third in that same game! Used to think some of the women I brought home in college were beauty challenged, but now I remember they were all pretty hot! And that 21 save game I had against Spencerport my sophomore year to finally beat those (previously) undefeated arrogant b/stards...actually no changes to that one!
  7. Following his national championship in 87, his 87-88 team struggled. Nonetheless, when one of his star players was arrested, he wasted no time kicking the player off the team as he did not positively reflect the program. How many other coaches would have kept him on pending an investigation? For a long time he refused 9:00 week night games because his players had to be in class the next day. Loved it when he coached the olympic team in 84 (last amateur team I believe) and was asked if the team was every bit as good as it appeared to be. He responded by saying that they probably don't appear to me to be nearly as good as they appear to you to be. Then again, I know a hell of a lot more about than you do. College sports needs more Bobby Knights, not less.
  8. Sorry for your loss. My Dad passed away early morning October 30, less than 3 months shy of his 101st birthday. Was still tailgaiting following the Monday night Patriots game when I got a text from his aide at half past midnight that he had stopped breathing. Favorite story was told to me by someone in my euchre club, who told me that at the opening meeting of Lions Club one year, my father was greeting everyone at the door as he was president. As the story goes, the guy in front had told my father that his daughter was getting married. My father's response..."Married? I didn't even know she was pregnant!" Guess this makes two less Bills fans.
  9. Well, for a similar analogy let's look at the AL vs NL all star game record. From 1960 through 1982 the NL had a 23-2-1 record vs the AL, giving the NL a 34-18-1 all time record. It took until last year for the AL to tie the series record and they took the league this year. But the deficit was 16 games, Bills is only 13, and the all-star game has only been held once a year since 1963. So, to answer your original question, it may take some time, but I'm confident the Bills will have a winning record against the Dolphins (the hated Miami Dolphins) in my lifetime. Anyone care to guess (or care at all) why the NL dominated the all-star game in the 60's and 70's?
  10. Had trouble sleeping Saturday nite, got up at 6, drove to the game from Rochester. Admit I slept through Jacksonville's first touchdown and woke up just in time for their second. Hey, at least I was awake for the comeback game and didn't leave early!!
  11. Thanks to everyone? I believe you mean Thanks Steve O? As I said, I'll take the credit if you like it but won't pay the bill if you don't!!
  12. Guess you'll have to click the link I left and buy that issue on ebay? I really don't know why SI had an issue with Bo. But their campaign must have had some impact, Dudek got 12 first place votes that year to go along with 4 second and 12 third place votes. Jackson won a close race with Chuck Long, Iowa qb. I believe at the time it was the closest race ever, could be mistaken on that.
  13. Joe Dudek from Plymouth State, Division 3 not 2. Finished ninth in the 1985 voting (Thurman Thomas was tied for tenth.) https://www.ebay.com/i/264020758689?chn=ps
  14. One time my father took out the belt, started whacking the kitchen table and told me to start crying so my mother would think it was by butt he was whacking. Told me next time it would be my butt. There was no next time.
  15. From what I've seen, the common denominator for the failures is not putting in 12-14 hours a day. If you're simply looking for an investment but not really looking to work, buy a penny stock and take your chances. Common denominator for the successes is the owner working the bar and being sociable with the clientele.
  16. One of my good buddies brothers made it pretty big back in the 60's and early 70's selling ski equipment. Sold the company for 4M. His good HS buddy, Tom Golisano, asked him to invest in the ground floor of Paychex. Instead, he went west to start a restaurant with Olympic skier Billy Kidd. Came back several years later, not penniless, but no longer a millionaire. And certainly not the billionaire investing with Golisano would have made him. To Tom's credit, he didn't take things personally and always take care of his old friend, at one time making him marketing (or was it business?) manager of the Sabres.
  17. only read the headline and comments...shouldn't one be allowed to take a high end vibrator on a test drive before shelling out the big bucks?
  18. So for an eerily similar story with a more uplifting ending, watch the 30 for 30 on Maurice Clarett. From big 10 superstar that set school records to NFL bust, his story has many parallels. Came close to ending his life during a police chase. Turned his life around while in jail, during which time he refused to be sent to a lower security prison as he knew the max security provided the structure he needed. By all accounts he continues to do well as a much sought after motivational speaker.
  19. Two Ton Tony the pizza guy? Everyone in my neighborhood knows him.
  20. Met Van Miller at my uncle's 50th wedding anniversary. During Van's last year of broadcasting Bills' games he shared a memory every week. One of them his stories was about a spotter who was in the booth with him. The spotter, who had had a little too much to drink, disagreed with the ref's spot and started cursing on the air. That was my uncle. Since he had season tickets since the Bills inaugural year, my uncle was also asked to be one of the fans to accept the 12th man induction to the wall of fame. He had been dead for six years at the time, but we still had tickets in his name.
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