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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. The Bills might give him a look as an UDFA simply because his skill-set is similar to Josh's, albeit even more raw. BIg, strong arm, mobile. Overall I don't see this as a good move on his part but will probably end up on someone's practice squad.
  2. The statement he took the most criticism for may be true and eventually bring an end to football as we know it (if it hasn't already) "...It's a violent game that I personally don't think humans are supposed to play..." https://www.sbnation.com/nfl/2016/5/24/11761090/bills-gm-doug-whaley-injuries-football-humans-quote
  3. I save my yearly quota of "drunk by noon's" for home games. Of course, we had one nite game and I missed a game after shoulder surgery, so I get two extra in 2019!
  4. 30's is awful young to start relying on anything. Have you tried exercising after dinner? Even just a brisk walk for 2-3 miles an hour or two before bed? Make sure you check with your Dr. first if you're really out of shape.
  5. RIP. Last nite's news mentioned three celebrities dying, all 76 years old. Along with Super Dave, Gene Okerlund, WWE announcer, and Daryl Dragon - the Captain of Captain and Tennille.
  6. Now that I'm in my 60's I have sex almost every day. Almost on Monday, almost on Tuesday, almost on Wednesday.....OK, stole that one from Jack Lalanne.
  7. All good points, but the highlighted one really irks me the most. Know what the running time of the longest game ever was? The 82 minute / 40 second Christmas Day game between the Dolphins and Chiefs? The game actually took 3 hours 21 minutes to play. Add to that, back in those days the clock stopped on every out of bounds and every incompletion, none of this last 5 minutes of the half stuff. Commercial breaks occurred when there was a break in the game, they didn't stop the game for commercial breaks.
  8. Hey, Chris Kelsay was able to parlay that skill set into a 10 year career!
  9. I didn't realize the timing. You are correct, every time I had to have my hair cut was at the nail/hair check, before the meet started. Middle of the match is not the time. Hair length rule always seemed like a rule without a reason, which is why many refs didn't enforce it.
  10. Looking back at some of the things I did to make weight I can see where you would think it's a stupid sport. Always understood the finger nail rule but never the hair rule, always thought it was stupid. Especially since college wrestling didn't have it.
  11. Well, I don't know what the rules are now. Back in the 70's the rule was hair is above ear and above normal collar. Some refs let you get away with hair not being up to code, some did not. I always pushed the envelope which led to many impromptu haircuts. Never thought I was putting the team first by getting it cut before the match, more like I got caught, time to face the consequences (lousy impromptu haircut.) Certainly not something that deserved accolades. Did a little research since starting this and it does appear the NJ rules regarding hair length are basically the same as in my day, but do allow for a hair cover now. Not sure of the particulars on the hair cover though.
  12. Saw this on a local news broadcast. Are you kidding me? This is newsworthy now and causes outrage? Wish I had a dollar for every time I was forced to cut my hair right before a match. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/high-school-wrestler-reportedly-forced-cut-off-dreadlocks-compete-171757102.html
  13. One of the convicted saboteurs was released on humanitarian grounds when he supposedly had 3 months left to live. He lived for a couple more years, or at least several more months.
  14. Well this was a buzz kill way to start the day. I guess as long as the tooth ferry and easter bunny are real I'll be okay though.
  15. Well, I bet Don wishes he did wear Kelso's helmet on this play
  16. Some really depressing stuff on this thread. Guess cliche's get to be cliche's for a reason, most of them are true. There's a sucker born every minute, and two to take him.
  17. He was on with Murph and Tasker a few weeks ago. Tasker was saying how not a week goes by without someone mentioning how great it was that he didn't give up on the Leon Lett play in super bowx XVII. Beebe said he didn't mind Tasker getting credit for the play as Beebe often gets credit for his 7 pro bowls and being MVP in one of them.
  18. Way too young, shades of Kent Hull. Wanted him with the number 1 pick. Instead we got Bruce something. RIP
  19. I'll drop it by your tailgait Sunday. Actually I'm having shoulder surgery today, not sure if I'll be up and about by Sunday.
  20. Is to too late to get in on the ground floor as an investment?
  21. Will to survive can be strong. My father actually survived (they call it graduated) hospice care four times. They won't take you in hospice unless there is virtually no chance of long term survival. He finally passed after being on hospice a fifth time (hey, he was only breaking his own record at that point anyways.) Before I brought him home for the last time (it was in-home hospice) the Dr in the hospital had told me death was imminent. Not really sure what the definition of imminent is but he lived for 6 weeks after coming home. But yes, the last 5+ years of his life probably racked up 5 times the medical expenses of the first 95 years. There is definitely some financial incentive. Having spent much of the past 6 years caring for my parents in one form or another, all I can tell you is that you may not be doing the best that can be done, all you can do is the best you can do. If you've done that, there is nothing to regret.
  22. Hope this robot doesn't look for a tip, pretty lousy pour from what I see. Don't think bartenders have to worry about these high priced robots replacing their jobs just yet. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/broncos-to-debut-beer-pouring-robot-at-upcoming-game/ar-BBQPMw5?li=BBnb7Kz
  23. I was thinking the same game. It was actually played Jan 2, 2005. Happy friggin new years, microcosm of things to come. Losing to XFL MVP Tommy Maddox and the rest of the Steeler's second string. Remember being in the Hammer lot listening to the OT victory of...Saints over Jets I believe, which would have put us in the playoffs. I said to the people I was tailgaiting with that we could be so psyched right now. If there is one consolation for you, Steeler fan had to deal with a 15-1 season followed by a championship game loss at home. Guess that's what is called Karma!
  24. Little drummer boy David Bowie and Bing Crosby Christmas shoes, silver bells, snoopy vs the red baron. before you start thinking I'm a sensitive guy, my least favorite is rudolph
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