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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. That would be 23 teams that regret NOT drafting him. If memory serves. And I'm sure at least 5 of the 11 that didn't draft Sapp regret it. Pretty sure there was something about a positive pot test, could have been something else.
  2. I'd hate to miss out on Warren Sapp by two picks because you beat MIami in two meaningless games.
  3. Being 62 myself, way too young. RIP Turk.
  4. Officially rooting for the Rams now. Please excuse me for a while, it appears to be getting a bit wet under my eyes, need to find some kleenex.
  5. Played Volleyball until I was 48, softball until 59. Now it's just golf. What can I say, after college no one wanted to take the afternoon off to shoot takedowns.
  6. Sounds like it was still worse that you deserved. But it also sounds like you got away with a few. Good you learned your lesson without anyone paying too high a price. Black lining, my friend died of cirrhosis at 45. He looked 85.
  7. This one sucks, did it eventually go away? I can't imagine with your friend the DD testifying that this would be upheld. I had a friend who had 3 DWI's. Would have had a fourth but the only one that he caused any damage in was the one he got away with. Drove into a phone poll in the middle of the night. Did enough damage that he couldn't go anywhere. Turned off the truck and put the keys in the ash tray. Lit a cigarette. Finished it, put it out and closed the ash tray and went to sleep. Next morning someone called the cops, he still couldn't pass the breathalyzer. Cop couldn't find his keys. Neither could he. Car got towed away. No proof as to who was driving, so no DWI. Lock smith had to create a new set of keys. After his truck was fixed he got it from the garage, lit a cigarette, opened the ashtray and there were his keys. (Yes he was an alcoholic.)
  8. Did they really have to include HR forward pass in it?
  9. Based on the reviews above I'll definitely watch. Thanks for posting.
  10. but, but...that's different. Oh wait, maybe it isn't. Actually the courts will decide both cases as Jeremy is suing.
  11. I mentioned Breaking Bad in the OP...as the best. Saw at least one other best and one other worst in this thread. Guess we all see things differently.
  12. It's not random, it's mistakenly mashing King and junior together. Guy has no history of racism, and do you really think he's going to risk a 6 figure salary job? As has been pointed out, Greenie did pretty much the same thing, apologized and moved on with his life.
  13. Karma is a beach. Believe she is being investigated for something to do with campaign contributions. It won't be long before her or one of her inner circle does something much worse than mashing a couple words together by mistake.
  14. I'm going to have to watch this one again...starting to come back to me. Great idea but I'm not sure how that would be pulled off
  15. The TV shows you want rebooted thread gave me the idea for this one. What long running (2 seasons or more) series had the best endings, and which had the worst? I'm talking about series where the writers actually tried to give a satisfactory ending, not where the series just ended because show was cancelled (Wayward Pines, Revolution, etc.) My vote for best ending is Breaking Bad. Don't remember ever being so satisfied with an ending. Worst was one of my favorites...Dexter. Let's face it, all of season 8 was pretty weak, but the ending was really bad.
  16. I have this sickening feeling that 2020 is the year age finally catches up with Brady and the Pats go 2-14 or something and end up with the first pick...
  17. Was psyched when I heard about it, bummed when it got cancelled before it ever aired. Jerry's dead now, wouldn't be the same without him.
  18. Small market team, blue collar regional fan base. Stayed relevant as a fan base in spite of years of non-competitive teams. Known for great tailgaiting. Spent years having some of their home games played away from home. If we had won 4 straight instead of lost, would even have the same "titletown" nickname. Disliking Green Bay would be like disliking your twin brother (if only fraternal twins.)
  19. Young, Pryor, Kouandjio, Barkley, Harvin, Henderson, Woods...Who did I miss? Only 3 were drafted by the Bills. Like Buffalo716 says above, 5* recruit doesn't always translate to the pros. If one is used to dominating without effort at the HS level, it becomes difficult to flick the switch and put in the effort needed to excel at higher levels. Not always just effort either, once heard Donald Jones (when he co-hosted with Murph) talk about the QB with the worst pocket presence he was ever a part of. Not sure if he ever revealed who he was talking about as I turned off the radio, but I'm sure it was Young. Just didn't have the infamous "it"
  20. So, here is my solution to make everyone happy. Change to 8 game playoff. Go back to the new year's day bowl game which will have the 8 teams involved in the playoffs. This year would have looked like this: Rose bowl - no need to change, Pac 12 & Big 10 champ always in playoff, Washington vs Ohio state this year Cotton Bowl - This game will feature Big 12 champ vs at large, this year Oklahoma vs. Georgia Sugar Bowl - This game will feature SEC champ vs at large, this year Alabama vs Notre Dame Orange Bowl - This game will feature ACC champ vs at large, this year Clemson vs UCF? (Last year would have been the same, if blow out maybe someone else) Next two weeks are off weeks as NFL playoffs are in full force. When the NFL has Championship Sunday, college will have semi-final Saturday. Only difference to this year's final 4 would be Ohio State replacing Notre Dame, who had already lost to Alabama New Year's day. The bye week prior to the Super Bowl will be the National Championship game for College. Haven't decided if this will be on Saturday, Sunday, or leave on Monday. Will decide when I become NFL and NCAA commissioner.
  21. Um....Winnie's 44 now. And yes, if you google her recent pictures, there is a similarity. To the OP's question, based simply on her picture and profession, who wouldn't? Add in the article, who would?
  22. Just out of curiosity, do they still have grades in school or is everything pass/fail? What about honor roll?
  23. You would think 40 years of tailgating would lose its novelty...it hasn't. Will admit I don't look as forward to the December games as much as in the past, but that might be due more to not being relevant in December than to the weather. Hopefully I'll figure out which next year!
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