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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. This is horrible. So sorry for your mother. And for your family.
  2. Thanks for the input. I'm leaning towards one at a time. At least another month before my shoulder heals. Giving Cannabis oil a shot. Started Saturday, both knees are noticeably better now. If they continue to improve may wait until next winter to start the replacement process.
  3. She sounds angry on her facebook. Very angry. Very angry indeed.
  4. Reminds me of an old Polish saying. If your horse has a broken leg, you can shoot the horse, but that won't fix the leg.
  5. Heck no. The more he drinks the more I have to pull over so he can offload.
  6. Thanks for the input everyone. For the most part my health is excellent. Except, of course, for that nasty little prostate cancer thing. Which I so far have been able to live with without addressing. Hope it stays that way.
  7. Haven't seen the statistics for the first two. If I ever run for office, the next two will be part of my platform. Don't fly, but most of what you say in the last one make sense.
  8. Originally I had knee replacement surgery scheduled for mid-December. After mid-November snow storm, when I had to dig the snow-blower out of the middle of the garage, I could barely move my shoulder the following day. So I changed and had shoulder surgery instead, which I'm currently recovering from. Figured the knee replacement could wait a year. One of the good things about long winters is that there is plenty of rehab time without missing the good weather. Somewhere between the time I left the gym last Wednesday and woke up Thursday morning, my good knee became my bad knee. Must have been favoring it too much doing cardio. So now, instead of limping through a golf season and getting my knee replaced next year, I'm faced with the realization that this coming golf season might already be done. Do I want to get the knees done separately and double the rehab time or get them both done at once and maybe be back in action before the end of the summer? Comments from anyone with positive or negative experiences doing both at once would be appreciated. Thanks. (60's have been great. Can hardly wait for my 70's.)
  9. Rock paper scissors is still a game of chance. At least there is some skill required in the scrum.
  10. Rather than change the rules, change the way to determine who gets the ball. Instead of a coin toss, have a scrum.
  11. Damn they were backed up inside the 20 with no timeouts and a tie game. Would be great if things come full circle. If not, next year will be NE's fourth straight super bowl appearance. Can't let that happen!!
  12. During football season I hate everything in all six states that make up New England. And I have family and friends that live in them.
  13. Never said I would have had the same career without an education. Never would have gotten the jobs I did without it. I do think that at least for the engineering portion I would have been just as successful without staying in the library until closing every night had I been able get the same jobs (which I would definitely not have been able to do.) What I did was agree with the OP that college degrees were overrated. You wasted no time in telling me my opinion was ignorant (which was not accurate.) The response sounded angry, so thought I might have offended you. Should have put more emphasis on the ISO portion of my original response, leaving the education part out. As to what is fashionable regarding the worth of college these days, I have no idea.
  14. So, let's satisfy your curiosity. Spent a little over 15 years as an engineer. Roughly half in production floor support, half in design (at Xerox they were separate jobs, in smaller companies they were the same job.) Following that, spent almost 20 years in purchasing and planning. With the career change I decided to educate myself and took the APICS certification program. Found this way more applicable to the new career, and was able to implement at least a few of the ideas in to actions that immediately improved the financial health of my organization. Things like ABCing inventory and tying the sales and operation plan to the production plan. That being said, while I did follow through and receive my certification, most of what was applied to the work place was learned in the intro course. In a similar way, I never said the value of my education was never apparent to me. Those were your words. However, I can tell you that most what I really needed to know I learned in Kindergarten. "...Share everything. Play fair. Don’t hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don’t take things that aren’t yours. Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life—learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some. Take a nap every afternoon. When you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Wonder. Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup: The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. Goldfish and hamsters and white mice and even the little seed in the Styrofoam cup—they all die. So do we..." https://www.penguinrandomhouse.ca/books/56955/all-i-really-need-to-know-i-learned-in-kindergarten-by-robert-fulghum/9780345466396/excerpt With those things in mind, I apologize if my opinion in some way offended you.
  15. My opinions are not ignorant, they are based on my experience. Graduated from RIT with a 3.75 grade point average. Spent over 30 years working in both large and small companies (mostly large.) Since companies put a lot of value on education I played the game. But I learned more my first week on the job than in all my schooling. I've also seen what goes in to ISO certifications. All programs get put on hold for two weeks and everyone scrambles to make sure all ducks are in a row for two weeks before an audit. Then everything goes back to normal for 5-1/2 months until the next audit. Comfortably retired now for what it's worth.
  16. I put college degrees up there with ISO certifications. A lot of effort and money spent on convincing people that there is a lot of value in something that has very little.
  17. To the dumb point "...Taylor gives them that blind side protector..." Had to watch a second time to make sure Florida had a right handed quarterback, thought maybe I had missed something.
  18. With both Lynch and Freddie already on the roster, Spiller was certainly a luxury pick we could not afford. Roscoe and Everett were picked to give Losman some weapons besides Evans, give the new franchise quarterback every chance to succeed.
  19. Was wondering how long it would take for someone to mention Robb. Early in his career I agree. Later on, I think he was over used, especially in short yardage situations.
  20. New regime, new strategy. We now draft only players named Josh Allen with our first pick. After that, BPA.
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