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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Managed the Wings for a bit in 78. RIP.
  2. There aren't many things you can do to ruin your chances once you've gotten her to the mattress, but a huge brown stain on it is one of the few.
  3. I've had knee and shoulder operations. Got asked at least 10 times which one we're operating on today, they mark the correct one, just don't understand how this happens. I'm sure everyone heard the 1995 story of a man having the wrong leg amputated. When googling it, saw a story about another one that just happened last year (in Russia.)
  4. We had a band play in my brother's lot during the tailgate for the Patriots game. I had them paraphrase the Ohio state fight song that is reserved for when they play Michigan, replacing "Michigan" with "Massachusetts" and "Ohio" with "Buffalo." For those of you unfamiliar with this classic, here it is:
  5. Obviously this genius couldn't figure it out
  6. Didn't bother reading it since I've lived it 8 Sunday's a year for most of the past 40+ years. Having attended the 2017 in Carolina, I was amazed that I waited until the half was done, walked down to the men's room, took a leak, and went back to my seat without waiting in a line.
  7. It's the old story, boys like pornographic pictures of girls, company blocks external websites that contain these pictures, boys decide to upload porn to internal website so they can watch porn at work. The way these geniuses got caught (many of whom I worked on a few programs with) was that the internal server was running out of space way faster than it should have. So, a summer intern was tasked to find out why the server was getting used up so quickly. Then simply tracing the people who were accessing the porn back to their computers. If memory serves (it was back at the turn of the century) those that just downloaded were reprimanded. Those that uploaded or emailed pictures around were fired. Seriously, what do you tell your kids? https://www.theregister.co.uk/2000/07/15/xerox_fires_40_in_porn/
  8. Could be a seen from Beaking Bad That has to be a typo. Like Exiled said a few posts back...85. And a rough looking 85 at that. My 100 year old father looked 10 years younger.
  9. Guess a date leaving a big piece of her salad that covered much of her two upper front teeth for most of the evening doesn't make the cut to be on this thread.
  10. To the OP's point, just took a look at how many former quarterbacks are head coaches in the NFL. Currently 9 of 30 are former QB's. All 9 were either career backups, never played after college, or played in lower tier leagues (CFL, Arena, etc.) Frank Reich probably had more career starts than the other 8 combined. Guess carrying a clipboard pays dividends in the long run!
  11. Even Ditka could have won the super bowl with that team.
  12. Actually if you go to page 12 of the controversial opinion thread I quote someone who says global warming is fake news and say pretty much exactly what you say here, global warming is fact not fake, what is debatable is if it is man-made or naturally occurring phenomenon. I go on to say that regardless of what side of the debate you support, it won't hurt to decrease one's carbon footprint. Was just kidding here. But I shouldn't have done that as it is a controversial subject, have deleted that post. see comment above...deleted
  13. Golic was describing how the coach asked Reggie White to explain how he had done something to shed a blocker (not sure it was something he did in practice or watching game film.) White began to explain his move, then through his arms in the air all frustrated and said I don't know, I just do it.
  14. No reason you would have heard this. Fenton and one of golf buddies are good friends from the days when their kids played hockey for UMass. They became good friends, still vacation together in the off season, gets my buddy tickets when they're playing in town, all that stuff.
  15. Paul Fenton (current GM for Minnesota Wild) interviewed for the Sabres GM job. He was told that they were really high on Phil Housley for the coaching vacancy and was asked how he felt about that. Paul said Phil was not ready for the job. Can't really argue that to this point.
  16. This was loosely based on a guy from Pittsford. Really did get sent back to the states for his opening statement one morning..."Good Morning Vietnam. It's 6 AM. For all you enlisted men that's 0600. For all you officers, Mickey's big hand is on the 12, his little hand is on the 6." Pretty sure that's used somewhere in the movie but couldn't find it on youtube.
  17. Global warming is fact not fake. What is debatable is if it is due to natural or man made phenomenon. Weather patterns have always changed. Ice ages for example. For those in the Rochester area, Lake Ontario used to extend to Ridge Road (read it on the world wide web so it must be true.) Back to natural vs man made, really I don't know, don't think anyone knows for sure. My guess is it is due to both. But even if man-made phenomenon has nothing to do with it, would it hurt to be less wasteful or decrease one's carbon footprint?
  18. My opinion about flat wine glasses being better than stemmed somehow morphed in to it...not really sure how?
  19. My solution would be to follow the New England model (duh.) Have your quarterback marry a really rich women. Then, like Gisele, they can tell their husband to go ahead and play their game, don't worry about how much you make. We'll be fine if you only get paid 2/3 of what you're worth. Let the team spend the rest of what should be your money overpaying for free agents that would otherwise sign elsewhere.
  20. Wine tastes better from flat glass than from stemmed. Beer already comes in a glass and should not be served in a different one (Craft beers are of course an exception.)
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