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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Recently purchased a home ultrasound unit which is currently in transit. Played softball until 59, volleyball until 50, not to mention 10 years of wrestling and 6 of soccer in Jr/high school/college. Until 2 months ago also worked out at least 5x a week, 1 hr intense cardio with some light lifting mixed in. Always kind of figured my body would fall apart, all of a sudden, all at once. It isn't disappointing. Tore a meniscus over the summer, cortisone didn't help, too much arthritis for arthroscopic, need a full knee replacement (probably two eventually.) Opted for shoulder surgery this winter hoping to put the knees off until after golf season. Problem is my ankles are very sore, at this point I don't think they can support enough weight for the PT needed after knee replacement. All this activity over the years led to a bunch of sprains and muscle pulls (not to mention minor concussions.) Ultrasound always seemed to help a lot with strains and pulls, hoping it will help with my current ankle and knee issue and I'll be able to put off any further surgeries until after golf season. Wondering if there is a point at which ultrasound loses its effectiveness? Is 2x a day too much? Also does the lotion used make a difference? Any input appreciated.
  2. Shouldn't this be on the controversial opinions thread?
  3. I may be wrong, but I believe the point is that those that insist on dealing with climate change seek only to deal with the symptoms, not the cause
  4. Damn I went through 4 pages and looks like I finally found someone that beat me to the Rob Johnson punch. So, I'll add Scott Mitchell, who started 7 games in replacement of Marino in 93 and parlayed that into a nice free agent contract.
  5. I think your mothers go to football games together.
  6. None. That was my point. Even the kids that couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time without saying "step, chew, step, chew" played when I was a kid. The girls often played as well. Which is why it kills me to see the ball fields empty, knowing that the kids are inside surfing the world wide web or playing video games.
  7. One of the kids in my neighborhood had a sign on his back saying to send him home at 5. It kills me when I'm driving around in the summer to see all the empty ball fields. Never would have happened in the 60's. Always found a way to improvise...ghost runners, call your field, all-time position player, home run ball.
  8. Hey man, I'm 62. Eyesight isn't was it used to be, neither is the bar.
  9. She just doesn't get it, actually thinks NYC was going to write Amazon a check for 3 billion. Doesn't understand that the 3B was in tax incentives. It was bad enough that she said that those that challenged her math were "...missing the forest for the trees..." in the softball Anderson Cooper interview. On Amazon - "...The city was paying for those jobs...We could invest those 3 billion dollars in our district ourselves if we wanted to. ..We could put a lot of people to work for that money..." She is scaring even the most liberal of my friends. Granted, she's a solid 9 in the looks department. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yvOVXwtizOU
  10. Wolford was first year of true free agency, not plan B. But you mentioning him is making Ralph roll over in his grave, as he still thinks either the Bills should have received compensation, or the deal should have been nullified. If memory serves (and it almost always does) part of his contract guaranteed that he would be paid more than any defensive player as well as be at least the second highest paid player on offense (or maybe second highest non-quarterback.) The Bills had a star studded defense that included Bruce and Biscuit. While they were able to meet match the dollar value of the contract and would have been able to use the right of first refusal under the transition tag, they could not (or at least did not want to) match contracts of players covered by the escalator clause, which included Smith, Bennett, Thomas, and Reed. Anyways, once the deal was approved, the NFL being a copy cat league and all, other GM's tried using similar escalator clauses in contracts. These types of escalator clauses were quickly banned, but Wolford's was allowed.
  11. Both my cars are 5 speed manual Civics. Half the time don't even bother locking them, read the same article as the OP, only 7% of population can drive them. Judging from the poll people on this board are way above average (judging from some comments, perhaps not?)
  12. Still lives in Rochester..Greece actually. Was on a local radio morning talk show last week, pretty well spoken. A friend of mine has a kid that went to college on a track scholarship and another one that is going on one now. Both of his kids jog somewhat regularly with JMac, who runs marathons. Anyways he's a little of a local celebrity, things are going well for him.
  13. Not sure if you ate 4gs's instead of going to the bar, or ate 4 g's then proceeded to the bar. Either way fixed now. Your friendly neighborhood grammar police.
  14. Well, according to songfacts.com, "This song is fun, familiar, and easy to sing, which has made it one of the most popular Karaoke songs of all time. It goes over especially well where alcohol is served, since passable renditions are possible even after a few drinks." https://www.songfacts.com/facts/neil-diamond/sweet-caroline
  15. Reason cliches got to be cliches is most of them are true....nothing good happens after midnight.
  16. Yours is of course the prevailing mindset, which is why my opinion that they get their jobs because of their looks is controversial?
  17. If you've been to the Master's, even if just a practice round, color me green with envy. Suntrust Club sounds nice as well.
  18. The Masters has used this model for decades https://thegolfnewsnet.com/golfnewsnetteam/2018/04/04/2018-masters-concessions-menu-food-choices-food-prices-augusta-national-109068/ 2018 Masters food menu and prices SANDWICHES Egg Salad - $1.50 Pimento Cheese - $1.50 Bar-B-Que - $3.00 Masters Club - $2.50 Grilled Chicken Wrap - $3.00 Classic Chicken Sandwich - $3.00 Ham & Cheese on Rye - $2.50 Turkey & Cheese on Wheat - $2.50 Masters Blend Fresh Brewed Coffee - $1.50 Sausage Biscuit - $1.50 Chicken Biscuit - $1.50 Blueberry Muffin - $1.00 Fresh Mixed Fruit - $2.00 BEVERAGES Soft Drinks - $2.00 (up from $1.50 in 2015) Bottled Water - $2.00 Fresh Brewed Iced Tea - $2.00 (up from $1.50 in 2015) Domestic Beer - $4.00 Import Beer - $5.00 American Craft Beer - $5.00 (not on the menu in 2015) SNACKS Candy/Chips - $1.00 Peanuts/Crackers - $1.00 Cookie - $1.50 Georgia Peach Ice Cream Sandwich - $2.00 Georgia Pecan Caramel Popcorn - $1.50
  19. Why is this even a question...YES.
  20. My mother is on in home medicaid. She (actually I) write a check each month to medicaid for all but a stipend of her monthly income. Medicaid then pays fidelis, last I knew $44/hr for Mom's care. Fidelis then pays the company that supplies the aides, not sure of that amount. That company then pays the aides that take care of Mom $11.50 an hour. So, what starts at $44/hr becomes $11.50/hr by the time it reaches the people doing the work. At least in this scenario Medicaid paying the aides directly would certainly seem to make sense. If medicaid paid aides directly, maybe i could get better aides for $22/hr, and Medicaid could save 1/2 their costs.
  21. Often tell people that, but for insurance, health care would be affordable. As an example, I see two chiropractors. Both are two Dr offices. One of them takes no insurance, no credit cards, $40 cash or check. This office has one very nice lady receptionist that does all the file work, payments, scheduling of next appt, phone answering, etc. Still has time to read or chat on the phone or whatever. The other office, as noted also a 2 Dr. office, has no less than 3 and sometimes 4 folks processing paper work. They scramble around with insurance, try to figure out co-pays, filling out forms, plus all the other standard office work of scheduling, phones, etc. Seldom see anyone in the office with "leisure time." I go to the second office only after my deductible has been met. Know what the co-pay is once deductible is met? You guessed it, same as Dr. # 1's standard price...$40.
  22. I think a lot of weather girls get their jobs because of their looks. http://www.ninjajournalist.com/world/weather-girls-yh/?utm_campaign=Weather Icons MJ PARTAY - Desktop USA YA&utm_source=Yahoo&utm_medium=FINANCE_US
  23. Building on your opinion regarding medicare for all (single payer, universal health care, call it what you want) I think those that supported the abolition of the individual mandate are going to regret that support. The individual mandate was a key component of the ACA. Now that it no longer exists, the demise of the ACA will happen quicker that it otherwise would have. It will need to be replaced with something. Conservative as I am, I'm not seeing a lot of (actual any) viable alternatives other than single payer that can be instituted quicker and more effectively. Cliches got to be cliches for a reason, most of them are true. Be careful what you wish for (in this case abolition of individual mandate.) This just isn't controversial.
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