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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. 26 seconds...26 seconds of my life I'll never get back
  2. My thoughts exactly about Wade. Who would have thought almost 20 years after his firing we would refer to the Wade Phillips era as the good old days? I liked the energy Fewell brought but there was a play where a pass got intercepted that T O could have easily prevented but instead he just gave up once it was clear the pass was under thrown. Then walked right past Fewell on the sideline without a word. Thought Fewell should have been in his face. Just remembered not being nearly as enamored with him after that.
  3. I thought so to but this guy was drafted in the second by Cinci. Jake Long was #1 overall in 2008, Eric Fisher out of Central Michigan was the #1 overall pick in 2013. Jake Fisher combines both their names which may have caused our confusion.
  4. Yes that is correct. Here is the thing. Don't know how familiar you are with "the system." Have you heard of the five year look back? To qualify for in home medicaid, there is no look back. The five year look back pertains nursing homes. So, if you put your father's assets into an Irrevocable Trust today, on March 2, 2024 a nursing home won't be able to touch them and Medicaid would take over the payment to the nursing home. However, you would be able to apply for in-home medicaid tomorrow. At 90 your father will only get worse and need more help. Six years ago my father (then 95) had a stroke and overnight my parents went from "more than the sum of their parts" to, not twice the problem, but the problem squared. Talk about a life changing event. Anyways we kept them both at home. First 3 years we went through almost 100K per year on top of their pensions and SS income. Then my brother researched the in-home medicaid thing. Long story short we have broke even the past two years, plus when one of us fills in we get paid $11.50/hr. You need to start by talking to an estate attorney and put your father's assets into an irrevocable trust.
  5. Since this led to his firing, I'll just add that Wade never should have been fired and would still be the head coach today if he hadn't been.
  6. Not to change the subject (actually that's exactly what I'm doing) but I hope you know that you can get paid for this if you're keeping him at home.
  7. Sports Night. Ran for just two seasons. Won a lot of awards including Best Actress in comedy series, Best New comedy series, Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Comedy series, and Best Show You're Not Watching. There was even some talk of cable picking it up which the writers parlayed in to the script...never happened though.
  8. Coach. Was psyched that it was going to be brought back, bummed when it got cancelled before it ever was.
  9. Refer to pg 1, stadium wall. System down starting at 2 today. Probably started with some background activity first that didn't require taking the whole thing down.
  10. Dexter - last season was weak. 6-8 weren't that great either. Blindspot has been really weak this year. Someone pointed out in another thread he thought the writers intended for season 4 to be the end of Breaking Bad but it was brought back for season 5 due to popular demand. No matter, really enjoyed season 5, thought the ending was great.
  11. Without googling I'm going to say 15th overall to Seattle. Will edit if wrong. I was wrong, mark the day and time. 14th to the Rams in 2011. I was thinking of Bruce Irvin, 15th to Seattle a year later.
  12. Been counting since you posted this yesterday. 11,312. Plus whatever has come in since 12:58 PM yesterday. Maybe I should have deleted as I counted, most of them are useless. Oh well, like the saying goes, hindsight is always 20-20.
  13. Darn, I would have gone shopping tomorrow instead of today if I had known. Do have some running around to do in the morning but I'll just put it off until 2.
  14. Did you watch season 3 of Twin Peaks? Uses real time and picks up 25 (26?) years after season 2. Reviews were excellent, some publications named it the best TV show of 2017. Much as I loved seasons 1 & 2, I stopped watching season 3 half way through the second episode. Guess my mind just isn't in the same place as it was in my 30's. Who would have guessed?
  15. Breaking Bad was the show that crossed my mind when I saw the topic. A few months ago I started a topic about best / worst endings to shows with more than one season. Breaking Bad was my choice for best ending. Absolutely loved it. Ending that final episode by playing my favorite Badfinger song in its entirety was icing on the cake. That being said, almost as many chose it as the worst ending as the best. Also liked that every time it started to put some humor the meth lifestyle, it showed the horrors. Dexter was my choice for weakest ending for what it's worth. Currently, Blindspot is getting very weak in what I assume will be its final season. Still enjoy Blacklist, though the ending will likely be a letdown as well.
  16. Skyway gives me heebie jeebies even in good weather
  17. Yeah but we didn't get hit too bad with power outages. Which means neither me nor my folks lost power. If either of us had been hit and we were the only ones, I would have said massive power outages.
  18. Signed to practice squad Oct. 2016, suspended Nov. 2016, signed reserve/future contract in Jan 2017, released two months later. Not sure what reserve/future means. Doesn't sound like he was ever active though.
  19. Didn't read through all six pages but Robert Edwards, Patriots pro bowl running back during his rookie year of 1998. Scored rushing TD's in each of his first six games as a rookie, Los tied that record in 2015. Blew out his knee during the rookie flag football game at the pro bowl. Almost had to have it amputated. Was out of football until 2002 when he made a brief comeback with the Dolphins, also had a couple decent seasons in Canada. If memory serves (it almost always does,) the Patriots lobbied hard to get first round pick compensation since he was injured in an NFL sanctioned activity, but were denied.
  20. As I said a few posts above, bad for Duke but especially for college BB if he doesn't. Guess you can add Nike to the list of things it will be bad for. But I wouldn't blame him, like you say, too much at risk. Way too much. As for college BB itself, his not returning might usher in a new era. Maybe a certain # of scholarships that come with an insurance policy. Maybe an end to one and done in favor of a developmental league which college BB is for the one and doners.
  21. Physical therapists use ultrasound therapy on a regular basis and are more likely to have experienced insight than a Dr. Which is why I mentioned it in the title. And left enough background information in the OP to hopefully solicit an educated response. Don't have one of those Cadillac insurance policies that allows me to go to a professional every time I have a question. I can surf the world wide web with the best of them, but I'm told you can't believe everything you read on it. This community has provided advice on thousands of topics not related to football. Is it beyond the scope of comprehension that a football community would have a physical therapist that contributes regularly and wouldn't mind sharing some information? Perhaps.
  22. So yeah, he might just opt not to play for the rest of the season even if the injury is minor, which would suck for both college BB and Duke.
  23. Achilles are tender but as row_33 says in the post above, if either were torn, pretty sure there wouldn't be any question. How are your knee, rotators, and Achilles? Sounds like I'm in a situation that's similar to what yours' used to be Hoping in another 2 years give or take I'll be able to go back to life as I knew and loved it. Would be nice to hear a success story.
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