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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. No need to be so hostile, Yobogoya makes a good point. it wasn't hard at all to find someone affiliated with the team. John Sterrenhagen, great grandson of Leo Lyons, the driving force behind the team, lives in the area and keeps the Jeff's alive through a website dedicated to the team's history. https://www.rochesterjeffersons.org/contact
  2. If I was 26 hard pass. Since those numbers are reversed, at 62 my options aren't what they used to be, on the fence.
  3. Well, Botterill was hired on May 11, Housley on June 15. So, I assume officially it was Botterill, unofficially Pegulas. But I really can't profess to inside knowledge on this, the only reason I know of the Fenton comment is because one of my golfing buddies is friends with him from the days when their kids played college hockey together at UMass. As it often goes with sports parents, they become close, even vacationed together a couple times.
  4. Agreed. Housely simply wasn't (isn't) ready to be a head coach in the NHL. Paul Fenton, current GM for the Minnesota Wild, said as much when he was interviewing for the Buffalo gig and was told how high the rest of the management team was on Housely.
  5. https://www.whec.com/news/leticia-astacios-sister-says-shes-running-for-rochester-city-council/5269275/ Her sister is running for office, not her. You know, the one that F-bombed after Leticia was sent to jail. Edit: I guess I should read these links before I post them, sounds like Leticia is running as well. As someone else said on this thread, glad I live in the burbs.
  6. He's only 61st highest paid coach, but still makes over 1.7M a year. Seriously, at what point do you have enough? I can see anything up to 300-400K a year affecting my life. After that it's only going to affect other's lives, or I'd just be leaving it behind. But, to answer your question, according to Wiki, "He has chosen to stay at Gonzaga in part to provide stability for himself and his family, turning away coaching offers from larger schools over the years." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Few
  7. A lot of Rochesterian's disagree. That being said it did morph in to something I ignorantly hoped it wouldn't. Was hoping for more input like SWATeam's on page 1. Just a suggestion, what I do when I don't like the direction a thread is going is give up on it after the first couple responses and move on, rather than waste my time reading 3 pages and then offering up an insult to the OP (in this case me.)
  8. Thus the reason I'll try and respect the office. Doesn't sound like many on the thread are willing to make that concession, which I totally understand.
  9. How are the Bills and Packers meeting in the second round? They shouldn't meet until the finals
  10. Highway Dept policy might be 50 lbs a week, I bet none of the workers pay attention to it. They just want to get rid of what's out there and not have anyone call in and complain. At least that's my experience with the waste management during the fall, they never leave any bags of leaves no matter how far over the limit. Wouldn't hurt to wait for the pick up, give the workers a hand, buy them lunch.
  11. You say this like there's something wrong with it ?
  12. As part of the NFL's 100th anniversary celebration, the league is recognizing "Original Towns." Lovely Warren will take the stage along with a player or NFL alumni to announce the 6th round pick. Article in this morning's D&C. The Rochester Jeffersons were one of the 14 original NFL teams in 1920 and played from 1920-1925. Guess this is one of those cases where I'll need to respect the office if not the person.
  13. Just watched this last nite. I mean, who would believe it. One thing I noticed was that back in the 60's and 70's we identified these warped mofo's by their crimes, not their disease. They were called child molesters, not pedophiles. Like somehow these days we should be sympathetic and recognize these people have a disease.
  14. Well, now that we have one, I'm looking forward to doing this. I can just see myself 6 or 7 years from now when the schedule comes out and Pittsburgh is on it. I'll be like "really? Pittsburgh still has a team in the NFL?"
  15. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger
  16. I was wondering the same thing. Drink approximately the same amount - 2/3 of an average size pot, basically 3 cups. When it's gone I'm done for the day. I chose twice a day.
  17. This is one of those times when it would definitely help to know someone on your town board. It just makes a difference. If you don't, maybe one of the other parents do and can help, reach out. Failing that, sounds like decision has been made. As 4BillsITB says, don't frustrate yourself, find new fields or different times.
  18. I was thinking this as well. Someone makes a chuck 6 yards down field instead of 5 and automatic first down. Hand checking back and forth and the defense gets flagged for PI. Not to mention the questionable roughing the passer and leading with the helmet when tackling a WR calls.
  19. Actually it doesn't have to be from a punt, but a tee can not be used if going from the ground. Either have to use a holder or lay the ball on its side if going from the ground. Dallas pulled one off successfully (from a punt) back in the 70's or 80's.
  20. Not after every score but certainly a good idea to replace the overtime coin flip with this.
  21. Um...you do know that a team can on-sides kick now after safety don't you? I'm thinking 4th and 30 but I'd be okay with 25. How many times do the bills give up first downs on 3rd or 4th and 15 through the years...way too many in my opinion.
  22. Guess I should have taken the "you would not" in the title as a warning. Nightmares for the next two weeks now.
  23. People went nuts over these two in college. Never got it. Listening to everyone laughing in the TV lounge I'd be wondering if we were smoking the same stuff. They basically ruined British TV for me, never watch it unless it involves golf.
  24. Interesting read, thanks. My father is buried in Holy Sepulchre, Mom will be when her time is up. Dad's death date is not on the stone yet (purchased 25 years ago) as he just died in late October (got the message at the post-Patriots game tailgait.) Mom was born in 1919, Dad in 1918, wonder what people think when they walk by and see those birth dates, probably figure they either got divorced or decided on being buried somewhere else.
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