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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. At least in Rochester, hospice is comfort care only. A nurse and possibly a social worker determines if you qualify. Initial term is 3 months, after which there is another evaluation, and another one every month after. Once it is determined that the patient is improving, they no longer qualify. My father actually was on in home hospice 5 different times between the ages of 97 and 100. Palliative care does allow for some level of medical intervention.
  2. Kid must have been doing really bad in class. Next time just take the F.
  3. These facts are not fun at all. They are geographically and financially accurate facts. We've been duped! (apologies to the Gecko, couldn't resist)
  4. If the easy out is important to you, this is what you need to keep doing. Hammer's (and my brother's lot across the street from him) are shorter walks to and from the stadium, but unless you leave the game early you're better off tailgating for a couple hours after the game.
  5. Go 6 days a week. Get the $20/month it costs me back on showers alone. Just needs to be part of your daily routine. Just a word of advice, if you're not a morning person, don't make your workout time before work. Might last for a few weeks but you'll never make it long term, especially when the cold weather hits. Evander Hollyfield used to say it's tough to go jogging at 6:00 AM when you're wearing silk pajamas. Before retiring I was usually lucky enough to have managers that let me come in early, leave late, and take a 2 hour lunch when I went to the gym. Fringe benefit of this is people see you there when they come in and when they leave...no one notices the length of your lunch.
  6. I'm an easy listening guy, the Dan brothers, Seals and Fogelberg, were both in their 50's. Fogelberg the more famous of the two. Also, Lenny Bruce and Tim Russert.
  7. My nephew used to say "Uncle Steve, you're watching golf. Must be you're going to take a nap."
  8. When it comes to extended warranties, whether it's electronics, automotives, furniture, whatever, the numbers favor whoever is issuing the warranty. There may be a few times that you wish you had purchased the extended warranty, but over the course of a lifetime, you're better off never purchasing them. For the most part, whatever is going to go wrong will happen within the initial warranty period anyways.
  9. When I or one of my group has a really bad hole, I often say "Stupid game played by stupid people." Now I have scientific evidence, Thanks!!
  10. Alas, this is a family forum. What you suggest might well end up with warning points.
  11. 1) The mug shot made me think pass, but the subsequent pictures by shady and seasons show that she does indeed clean up pretty nice. 2) I can hear Brent Musburger now...kids, this is what you end up with in Alabama if you don't play quarterback
  12. The announcers made the point several times that there was no affect on Country House, and the best horse crossed the line first. But other horses were affected, good chance places 3-5 would have ended differently, and the rules call for disqualification if the outcome (not just the winner) is affected, which it was.
  13. Yeah, it's really tough to judge a UDFA class until 2-3 years later. There should be a "redoing the 2016 UDFA signings" article instead of trying to judge this years class?
  14. Don't really like horse racing, but I have to admit, Seabiscuit and Secretariat are two of my all time favorite movies.
  15. For stuff like frozen vegetables it might be their seconds. Friend of mine worked at Dannon, for stuff like yogurt they just swap out the containers, wouldn't make sense to clean out the vats. I would think its that way for most liquids.
  16. Next month it will be 11 years since Tim Russert died
  17. Most store brands are name brands re-packaged and sold at 3/4 the price give or take.
  18. I heard a comedian once that pretty much summed up my feeling about bowling...called it athletics for people that have lost the will to live.
  19. "Dad, let's run down this hill and @#$% one of those cows" the young bull said. The old bull replied "No son, let's walk down and @#$% them all."
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