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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. Saying that was he was attempting to bunt is like saying he attempted to catch passes. It was a great bunt that would have made Rod Carew envious.
  2. A lot of those comments were just plain rude. I don't do twitter. Can't he delete posts, or tweets, or whatever they are called?
  3. Of course it's okay. I'm sure I've repeated myself in more than one thread on more than one occasion.
  4. ?You said pretty much the exact same thing in my thread about having both knees done at the same time a few months ago.
  5. Really? You post this right after my rant about your and you're being used interchangeably? Ahhhhhh
  6. 1) At my golf course we have a local rule entitling the player to relief from French drains. How am I supposed to know which drains were made in France and which were made in the US? And why am I not entitled to relief from the drains made in the US? 2) People who don't cover their mouths when they yawn. 3) People who use your and you're interchangeably. They have totally different meanings. 4) People who say something is very unique. If something is unique it is by definition one of a kind, no need to quantify how unique it is. Let's face it, bad grammar in general annoys me.
  7. In favor of drafting running backs in the first round, it is the position most likely to have immediate impact on the field, in part because there is so many fewer new things to learn than other positions. In defense of Bills fans (including my own) disgust with drafting them in round 1, look at the Bills history with them. Neither Spiller nor Lynch could beat out Freddie, a UDFA. McGahee couldn't beat out Travis Henry. Going back further, Antowain Smith was a disappointment, many pulling for him to be replaced by late (7th?) round pick Darrick Holmes. Ronnie Harmon was replaced by a second round pick. Booker Moore, for good reason I should add, never panned out. Terry Miller was replaced by a second round pick in Cribbs. That OJ guy turned out OK, at least for the Bills.
  8. Not that I mind getting hooked up, but I'm friends with the owners of the bars I patronize and don't want to see them go out of business because their employees are looking for a quick buck. It's not like bar ownership is a gold mind. Also, my brother owns a bar. He's there every day so this rarely happens to him.
  9. Actually I've never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, but will watch this episode tonight. But from what I've seen watching replays, Wilson was going to be safe not matter what. There's no way Buckner would have beaten Wilson to the bag, Stanley was nowhere in the picture, and even if he had been Wilson would have beaten the throw. Anyways RIP Bill.
  10. I don't mind tipping $1-$2 a drink. What I don't like is when I go to a place, start a tab, have several beers, and only get charged for half of them. I mean if someone is having 3 or more drinks they are probably entitled to one on the house. But it's tough to run a business when the profits are given away in the hopes of a big tip. Which admittedly I give, often upwards of 100% when this happens, which probably makes me part of the problem. And while we're ranting, when did "no problem" replace "you're welcome" as the proper response to a thank you? Nothing irks me more than thanking the wait staff and being told it was not a problem. I wasn't expecting it to be a problem, it's their effing job! Okay, there's probably a lot that irks me more that that, but I find it really annoying. Does anyone else?
  11. Only one I ever cheated was myself. Graduated HS in the bottom 40 of a class of 565. Decided to start studying in college, graduated with RIT with a 3.75 GPA. Would have been higher, but there were no partial grades or my 3's would have been 3.5's.
  12. Ask Kevin Everett agree that contrived 4th and 15 is nonsense. Don't know a good answer, should be a path to a losing team keeping the ball. And if not for the injury risk the old rule was as good as any. An art to the kick as well as a science. Element of surprise when not done at the end of a game. But there is enough injuries when 250-300 lb men run collide from a still position, giving them both a 10 yard sprint before the collision is a recipe for injury.
  13. Agreed, real time replays. If you can't overturn in real time, it isn't indisputable.
  14. Read your comment and immediately thought of this commercial that aired during the NCAA tournament. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDoDdLPJNvc
  15. They showed him with his cart some on Thursday, since tee times are reversed on Friday he wasn't in the coverage, which started at 1:00. At least not that I saw. Also didn't show that often on Thursday as he wasn't playing that well, only reason he got any coverage was because of the cart novelty. What is somewhat ironic is that carts are not allowed at Bethpage Black, so there are no cart paths there. The tour recognizes local rules regarding drop zones, interesting that they don't recognize the no cart rule.
  16. Yes, I'm referring to a different thread. Currently 15th from the bottom on page 1 on of the stadium wall. Below is the link to the thread, the first post has the link to the story. Sorry for the confusion. Guess I failed at my attempted humor. https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/215741-story-on-ex-nfl-raven-guard-and-buffalo-mathematician-john-urschel/
  17. In deference to the thread on John Urschel, I will answer your question in mathematical terms. A negative opinion of a positive opinion makes the person a negative person. A negative opinion of a negative opinion makes the person a positive person. The link with the Urschel story is really good, check it out if you haven't. And I'm just trying to be humorous, hopefully didn't offend anyone.
  18. I think Teller and McCoy stay. The others were mostly starters from desperation.
  19. But, but, he could throw the ball 60 yards from his knees. Guess that's why there isn't throw the ball from your knees station at the combine.
  20. If you can't make it as a weather man, you can still have a future as a draft analyst
  21. Problem with this is the radio is always 5-10 seconds ahead of the TV. I think we all got spoiled listening to Van Miller all those years. In my opinion Van was one of the best, would be a tough act for anyone to follow.
  22. God tripped the CB and put a perfect spiral in his hands
  23. Congrats, that's amazing.Good way to end the round. How long do I get to collect my drink? Had a hole-in-one in 2003 but that was a good miss. Was way more proud a week later when I birdied the #1 handicap at the same course, a 440 yard dogleg left par 4. 2 good shots and a good putt.
  24. Staying off topic, they used to just sell Heady Topper one day a week at one location, and you could only get one case at a time. My brother traveled from Buffalo to Vt to pick up several cases. When he could only get one, he hung outside and every time he saw a couple walking in he would ask them if to pick him up a case if they were only getting one. He ended up getting 4 extra cases that way and headed back.
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