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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. I'll keep it simple...Welcome to Buffalo Maddy. Good luck in your new job!
  2. No that was against the Steelers if memory serves (and it always does)
  3. The candle that burns from both ends burns twice as bright, but lasts half as long. RIP
  4. Thanks Yolo, link has been bookmarked
  5. Yup, remember this one. Got to mid-80's over memorial day weekend, never touched 80 again fixed now
  6. Just out of curiosity, when was the last time Lion's fans had fair-weather?
  7. 30 years ago we would play 2-man volleyball almost every day at Charlotte beach in Rochester. As others have mentioned, almost no beach left either at Charlotte or Durand, and what there is isn't very inviting.
  8. Here's 2 by Randall Cunningham, a 91 yard punt against the Giants and a 95 yard TD pass in to the wind against the Bills. Stopped drinking during the game after the TD play. Was in the aisle waiting to sprint to the can, saw Bruce coming free towards Cunningham in the end zone, made my move to the can expecting to see the score 26-9 when I got back to my seat. Instead, it's 24-16.
  9. Glad for Ryan. Thought he was going down the same path as Art Schlichter. Actually, he was going down the same path, Ryan just got off of it. Art never did. Was going to provide a link to Art's story but anyone who's interested can just do a search on his name. Currently in jail until 2020. He's a former Bill FWIW, though he never played a game as a Bill. Was cut before the 86 season with the arrival of Jim Kelly.
  10. Don't drink any beer that ends in light, has the name of or is best served with fruit When it comes to golf, if you ask if you should hit a provisional, you already have your answer It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission
  11. Just wondering what we'll have to give up to move from 32 to 7
  12. Let's do the math....38.3 billion. "...She also signed the Giving Pledge in May, promising to donate more than half of her fortune to philanthropy..." So, that leaves her with 19.15 billion. And leaves me with 9.575 billion when we divorce. I'm good with that. Actually, she can keep the 9, I'm good with the .575 billion. Hope we don't have to consummate the marriage for me to get the alimony!
  13. Not seeing the obit, here it is https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/jul/10/rip-torn-obituary Found the below part interesting. Anyways, RIP (no pun intended) "In 1969, Dennis Hopper offered Torn the role of the pot-smoking lawyer in Easy Rider. Torn withdrew from the project after he and Hopper got into a bitter argument in a New York restaurant ending with Hopper pulling a knife on Torn. As a result, Torn was replaced by Jack Nicholson, whose appearance in the film launched him into stardom. In 1994, Hopper told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show that it was Torn who had pulled a knife on him. Torn sued. A judge heard from both sides, and from witnesses who had been at the restaurant, and decided to award Torn $475,000. When Hopper appealed, another judge doubled the award."
  14. I played softball with Scott for a couple years in the 50+ at Winton-Empire. Anything over the fence was an out. Very frustrating for him.
  15. No, just old. 46 years of going to bars is a long time to say positively I've never had an altercation in one, and also depends on one's definition of altercation. Just saying if I was ever in an altercation it was minor and didn't end in a fight.
  16. 62, been going to bars since I was 16. Seen a few altercations but can't recall ever being in one. My take is if you're looking for trouble, you'll find it, but it isn't that hard to stay out of it.
  17. If you introduce by saying "I'd like you to meet my wife and daughter" and there's one woman with you, you might be a redneck. C'mon, anyone who read the link has to be thinking the same thing.
  18. While he played on six teams that went to the super bowl, he broke his leg and did not participate in SB 32. Until two years ago the answer to the trivia question who played in the most super bowls was former Bill Mike Lodish. Some guy tied that record two years ago and broke it this year.
  19. Also had a legendary game September 8 1991 vs Steelers.
  20. Can't believe only one person has mentioned Bat Out Of Hell. Everyone I knew in college owned it. Late For The Sky by Jackson Browne is the only one on my list that hasn't been mentioned.
  21. People actually buy those new fangled gizmos? What a waste of money. Trust me, they'll never catch on. Whoever owns one probably owns an 8-track as well.
  22. I'd replace candy land with stratego and leave the rest of the list as is. As to Bills games... 5) Monday night vs Dallas, 2007. Lost the game but the first 59 plus minutes were great. 4) First home playoff game at what is now New Era field vs Houston, New Year's day 1989 3) 2011 Bills vs Patriots streak ender 2) September 30 1990 vs Broncos. Down 21-9 in the fourth quarter, Denver attempting a 30 chip shot field goal to put the game out of reach (no 2 point conversion back then.) I was standing in the tunnel about to make a B-line for the exit if the kick was good. Bennett blocks and returns 80 yards for TD. Followed quickly by a Leonard Smith pick-6. In my opinion the block turned the season around and started the Bills AFC dominance. 1) Seriously, no love for the comeback? 2-5 on the list could be in any order, number one not even a close call.
  23. Kind of liked her speech. Gave credit by name to those that had a positive influence. Didn't mention names of those that she blasted, just pointed out that she also learned some valuable life lessons from them.
  24. all 100 on the list have one thing in common. They're all making some guy miserable?
  25. 9 year career, not bad for a sixth round pick in a league where the average career is 3.3 or 6 years (depending on if you ask the NFLPAor NFL.) Best of luck Arthur!
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