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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. I read an article that appeared in the Miami paper before the Bills-Dolphins game in December 1990. The winner of that game was going to get home field advantage throughout the playoffs. The gist of the article was that Bills fans were better, and since the game is for the fans, they should win. It points out Miami could barely get 50,000 fans on a 75 degree day on Nov. 4 vs the Cardinals. A week later against the same team, in 25 degree weather, Buffalo had 75,000. The funny part of the article was "by 9:00 AM they'll be half drunk. By 10:00 AM they'll be burning Miami fans' coats and hats. THEIR HUSBANDS ARE EVEN WORSE!" Somehow your comment reminded me of the article.
  2. Reminds me of an old polish saying...If your horse has a broken leg, you can soot the horse, but that won't fix the leg.
  3. Weird. Allmusic.com has his birth date as 3/23/49. https://www.allmusic.com/artist/ric-ocasek-mn0000889097/biography Wiki has it as 3/23/44 and has him graduating from Maple Heights HS in 1963 which would mean 75 is more likely. However, if you go to Maple Heights HS Wiki page it shows him as a notable alumni and a 1968 graduate, making 70 more likely. "Ric Ocasek – lead singer of The Cars, a 1968 graduate..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maple_Heights_High_School
  4. Accused of DV https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2838757-bills-tyrel-dodson-arrested-accused-of-domestic-violence-against-girlfriend
  5. Though it has many drawbacks, there are some appealing things about that lifestyle. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090329/mediaviewer/rm2358739200?ft0=name&fv0=nm0000534&ft1=image_type&fv1=still_frame
  6. Careful what you wish for my friend. I've seen 100, not sure I want to make it. 7 years ago I didn't know what hoyer lifts, catheters, or UTI's were, let alone the difference between chucks and briefs. Mom still has quality though, as you say, decent health is the key. 95 would have been just fine for Dad, last 5 years of his life aged me 25.
  7. This thread was six pages long when I looked at it, was expecting to see six pages of just these two pictures
  8. Dad died following the Monday nite game vs New England last year, was still tailgaiting when I got the call. 82 days shy of 101. Mom turned 100 in July. I remember one of the guests at her birthday party saying it was the first 100th birthday party he had ever attended. Told him it was the second one I had hosted.
  9. My brother lives in Asheville, have friends in Cary NC (Cary = containment area for relocated yankees according to the locals.) Asheville consistently 8-10 degrees cooler in the summer which makes it livable to go outside. Parking in the city sucks. Micro-brew heaven if you like that. Plenty of local culture if not national. Heard something on the radio probably 15 years ago about the cities with the happiest women in the US. Asheville was one of the three mentioned.
  10. This is the first one that came to mind for me...exact same place in the movie. My girlfriend at the time was very upset when I chugged the last half of a beer during the dying scene of Terms of Endearment. Guess I should have used a glass so she wouldn't have heard it.
  11. The Craft in Niagara Falls will be opening early Sunday. Food and drink specials starting at 10:00 AM. 223 Ferry st, corner of 3rd and Ferry. The owner does the parking at the corner of Glenn and Abbott, across the street from Hammer's. Red Zone will be on for all you fantasy football players.
  12. If you can consume beer while playing and it actually improves your skill level (up to a point,) it is an activity. If you wait until completion to consume beer, it's a sport.
  13. Depends on which Packers v Bears game you're referring to. If they had broken up during the November 3 game it would have been Maxwell House If you're talking about the December 15 game, Folgers for sure. That Roy Scheider could sure sell coffee! The regular season just can't get here soon enough!
  14. I would move the PAT to the 5 yard line for either 1 or 2 points. However, no holder. Drop kick for 1. Might just eliminate the holder all together from the kicking game. 50+ yard field goals are routine, teams are almost guaranteed 3 points once inside the opponents 35 yard line. With all the rule changes over the years favoring the offense, something should be done to help out the defense.
  15. Well, I've been in 334/15/28&29 the past 4 (or is it 5?) years. 50 steps up to go to the bathroom, unless I want to go down and wait 10-15 minutes to get to a troth. Great seats, but a couple of issues: 1) step # 13 is 1/4 inch higher than the others. Measured it when I started noticing how many tripped over the same step. Can't tell you how many have tripped over this step over the years, but at least a couple a game. 2) no hand rails. This is the issue that kept me from renewing tickets this year. Arthritis was really kicking up in my ankle when I had to decide about tickets, and without the stability of a hand rail I would have to move very slowly up and down stairs or risk falling. Quite simply, I didn't feel safe.
  16. So, if my clothes won't turn invisible, it stands to reason that neither would my golf equipment. Would make sneaking on to private courses really difficult. May be able to get away with it for a hole or two, but hardly worth the effort. Back to naked chicks and trade secrets I guess.
  17. 40 years ago I felt this way about boxing, loved watching it but wasn't very proud of that. No longer watch it. Now it's the way I feel about football, still love watching, especially the big hits, but being more aware of the permanent damage it has caused to so many makes me wish I didn't.
  18. In my opinion BB had the best ending to a series ever.
  19. Interesting take, decided to look at their impact plays. Both had 14 year careers. For the regular season, Biscuit had 71-1/2 sacks, 31 forced fumbles, 27 fumble recoveries, and 7 interceptions. Talley had 38-1/2 sacks, 17 forced fumbles, 14 fumble recoveries, and 12 interceptions. Those numbers clearly favor Biscuit. Doesn't look like tackles for loss stats were kept during Talley's career, only the last two in Biscuit's. In the playoffs, in 21 games Biscuit had 1-1/2 sacks, no int', forced fumbles or fumble recoveries. Talley played in 18 playoff games, had 6-1/2 sacks and 2 int's. He also had 2 fumble recoveries. So, for the regular season Biscuit was more of an impact player, but for the biggest games you are correct, Talley had a bigger impact.
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