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Steve O

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Everything posted by Steve O

  1. So, if my math is correct (and it always is,) Steve and Luke Tasker have lost a total of 7 national championship games
  2. Saw some folks a couple years ago deep frying a turkey in a parking lot near some folks playing beer-pong. Think they were all part of the same tailgaite group. What could possible go wrong? Fortunately nothing did.
  3. Just don't understand this. My rule is 2/2. If the text is more than two lines, or the string is more than 2 texts (initial and response) I call. Just saves time. Also you sometimes can't tell if a person is kidding or serious in a text. Damn auto correct also has me saying things I didn't mean when trying to text without glasses. Exception is group texts, admit there is some value in reaching out to several people in a single text rather than making several calls.
  4. There might be a couple bugs in this conversion I hadn't anticipated.
  5. With snowier days soon upon us, thought I would pass on this useful tip on how to convert your lawn mower in to a snow blower. Buy her a shovel! I'm here all week folks.
  6. Doesn't matter as long as you use pure maple syrup
  7. Through the years it's been O, big O, little O, finally seems to have settled in at Steve O the past 4 decades. Anyone who drops the Steve has known me at least since college, more likely since high school or earlier.
  8. As I've said in similar threads, reviews should be real speed. If you can't overturn at the speed the ref saw it in, it wasn't incontrovertible.
  9. Pretty obvious he's taking a page out of AB's book - Looking for the Rams to cut him so he can sign as a FA with the receiver starved Patriots.
  10. Re prologue - Many of us look forward to your well thought out observations every week. Appreciate the effort, please keep them coming. Re #2 - Hausch hasn't been right since the cheap shot by Anderson last year. Could be time to consider Bojo on kickoffs if Hausch can't put it through the endzone any more. Re #6 - This gives the opposition something else to consider when lining up with this formation. Good to get it on film. Re epilogue - Let's hope we continue to grow and peak at the right time. Yesterday was exactly what I needed for my 63rd birthday - a stress free win!
  11. Absolutely agree. Several months ago someone quoted one of my posts and said "Your nuts." Felt like telling him that if he was referring to some legumes I own or to a part of my anatomy, he would have to expand on what it was about my nuts he wanted to discuss. If he was referring to the fact that my post wasn't rationale, at least have the decency to use proper grammar when insulting me. Turns out he was right though. It was before last season, list of best Bills at every position. I felt Hauschka should have been selected instead of Christie. Past two seasons have certainly proved me wrong.
  12. My immediate thought was the 1940 NFL championship game where the Bears beat Washington 73-0. On Washington's first possession a receivor dropped a pass in the endzone that would have been a touchdown. The Bears dominated the rest of the game. After the game a reporter asked Redskins quarterback Sammy Baugh if the game would have ended different had Malone had caught the pass. Baugh replied "Sure. We would have lost 73-7."
  13. There is an NFL rule that #1 on all lists must be Patriots. This one is no different. 1) Jamie Collins, LB, New England Patriots
  14. He told Tampa Bay not to waste a protection on him, he wasn't going anywhere. He then told his agent not to field any offers unless Buffalo called.
  15. I used to fake it through Monday's after game day until I found a solution...started taking them off!
  16. I've used liquid soap at least for this entire century... almost forgot it still comes in bars.
  17. Beef on Weck at Bar Bill is the best I've ever had (then again I'm from Rochester.) View, well, totally dependent on the clientele at any given time. Unless you're partial to that great view of 20A from the patio. https://www.barbill.com/items/beef-on-weck
  18. Don't feel bad, I don't even know what a meme is. Guess I missed the memo when it became a thing. Would look it up, but I don't really care.
  19. Who else would drink it? Hope you're kidding, if not your man card has been suspended
  20. Lived in Rochester area (Irondequoit) my whole life, never heard of either, looked them up on line. What was funny was that the Tournedos menu gave the prices, Morton's menu just showed the calories.
  21. Here's another idea for rule change...make pass interference a reviewable call (where is that darn sarcasm emoji?)
  22. Right ankle/Right knee/Back/Right Shoulder. All pretty minor today. Left side is fine. Not bad considering 6 years of soccer, 9 years of wrestling, 20+ years of volleyball, 30+ years of golf, and 40+ years of baseball/softball.
  23. hasn't been right since the hit below. Maybe he still hasn't fully recovered. Washington's kicker has been solid for a few years now. We drafted him, an injury led to him missing the first year when we signed Dan Carpenter. Carpenter played well enough that we kept him and cut Hopkins a year later. Kind of wish we had a do-over on that one.
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