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Everything posted by skibum

  1. Bryan FitzAdams Fitzwaxit Master QB-Wan Fitztastic Fozzy
  2. Stuart Scott, hands down the most obnoxious pile in sports today. Represents everything that is the brain-numbing circle jerk that football analysis has become . Spends most of his air time cramming obscure, meaningless statistics down the viewer's throat and presents them as if they are a titanic moment in the history of sport. Example: "Did you know this was the first time IN NFL HISTORY that a quarterback threw for 300 yards, ran for 50, threw two touchdowns, threw less than two interceptions, fumbled only once, threw five passes of more than 30 yards, got sacked less than twice, came back from a 14 point deficit with less than 12 minutes remaining, had fish tacos for lunch, and did it all in merino wool socks?"
  3. Pass blocking was good today, but you still don't see the kind of pocket that the really great teams create. Tom Brady often has nobody within 5 yards of him for what seems like an eternity. With the Bills, you see a pocket that collapses steadily, but fortunately we now have a QB that can get rid of the ball quickly. I think Fitzpatrick's accuracy would improve greatly if he had a little more time. I think that the kind of protection he is getting is the kind of protection that Trent or JP would get flustered with on most plays, and either check down (Trent) or get sacked (JP). Same goes for the run blocking.
  4. Was he watching Ronnie Harmon highlights, too?
  5. Jesus, Leslie Nielsen is dead!
  6. Something ventured, nothing gained.
  7. The broadcast crew of the Eagles game last week was ready to lay down and make love to Michael Vick, who is a dark skinned brother with a criminal record. That crew included Steve Young, a member of the most crackity-ass cracker church in the world. This article is complete BS. Besides, everybody knows that Jimmy the Greek was right: black folks are better athletes than white folks. It's not 'racist' in the hateful sense of the word. It's just a race-based observation that is proven true every night in sports arenas all over the world. Jamele Hill is Jason Whitlock with titties.
  8. How did this guy pass a physical? Seriously, is there any grounds to sue the Chargers or something? Didn't he have to pass through their medical staff before he was waived? And now he is maybe out for the season after 20 minutes of practice? There should be a freaking lemon law for this kind of thing.
  9. Fitzpatrick is too Cherry Garcia with that beard.
  10. It's true, the little white-guy is becoming quite the hot item in the NFL today. Where is our Wes Welker? Our Dan Woodhead?
  11. 3 more wins. They beat the Pats* but fold to the Browns in some horrible way. Come on, everyone. There's a lot of Kool-Aid going around right now, but beating the two most historically embarrassing teams in the NFL does not a dynasty make. The run defense is still sufficiently awful to give most teams a chance against the Bills on any given Sunday.
  12. First punt of the day for Moorman?!
  14. Game of the year!
  15. Damn You Ed Hochuliiiiiiiiii!!!!!
  16. This is going to be a rough locker room at halftime. Now Poz has about 11 tackles.
  17. Is Lindell drinking?
  18. Trying to fight that twinge of hope... it only makes it hurt more...
  19. Time for Lindy to send out the energy line.
  20. Fitz is foul and so is the protection. And Lindell just missed a FG, nice.
  21. Fitz is dead! Long live Fitz!
  22. I hate games with Ed Hochuli reffing. He throws flags on almost every down, just so he can get some camera time to flash the pecs.
  23. Fitz completions to Bills: 2 Fitz completions to Bengals: 3 (one negated by penalty) Maybe he thinks he's still on the team?
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