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Everything posted by skibum

  1. #9 is a common type among Bills fans.
  2. So he can't block, but has 4.5 speed. Maybe he gets a shot at WR?
  3. I guess the argument against this pick will always be that OBD passed on a ton of blue-chip talent to select a project QB who probably would have still been around at #41. I sincerely hope this all works out, though. I like the kid and obviously the Bills brass put a lot of thought into it.
  4. Shockmain Taylor is still playing in the CFL, I believe.
  5. By the way, we also don't have a QB.
  6. I agree with the aforementioned. Dishonorable mention to Marek Zagrapan, Jiri Novotny, Mika Noronen, and Artem Kryukov. And of course, Taro Tsujimoto. Total bum.
  7. 1) Nothing Bills-related is worth getting IRATE over unless you are a player or employee of the team. It's a game, the Bills aren't very good at it, we should be used to this by now. 2) Once and for all: LEVITRE LEAVING THE BILLS WAS LEVITRE'S DECISION, NOT MANAGEMENT'S. He was a UFA and didn't want to re-sign here. The FO of a losing team has little leverage with a UFA who is in high demand. END OF STORY 3) Levitre is no longer a Bill and should be booooooed accordingly. Respect THIS, Andy (grabs junk).
  8. Manny Lawson
  9. Stinks, but: a) That's a lot of dough for a G b) Fans tend to forget how big a deal it is for a player to finally become a UFA. Few would pass up the opportunity to test the waters, especially when they play for a losing team with no QB. So don't blame Buddy, Boo Levitre! c) It happens to EVERY team, every year. This is not unique to the Bills.
  10. You should have seen the 20 years before that!
  11. The Sanchez contract was worse by a mile. Fitz is no Joe Montana, but he's a much better QB, leader, and human being than Sanchez - before and after their respective signings.
  12. I'm a big Eric Wood fan, but I can't get behind his statements this time. He gets paid millions to do his job. Boo-hoo if it isn't always "fun". My job isn't always fun, and I make less than Eric Wood's game check for the entire year. If there's a "joke" in this game, it is the Bills themselves. They have laid an egg at the Rogers Center 4 out of 5 times so far. The Toronto crowd pays to watch a team that is consistently outclassed by its competition, and they're supposed to become die-hard fans? Not necessarily the players' fault - we all know the team's problems are manifested on many levels. But what kind of support do you expect when you can't win the game? The Bills FO took a chance in trying to expand the market and make the team more profitable. The intentions were good. I think Mr. Wood should be a lot more respectful of this and keep his petty frustrations to himself. Let the fans do the talking on this one.
  13. Come on. Once again the Bills are down a few points with nowhere near enough time left. This is a nearly impossible situation for a QB. You just have to force a throw into coverage and hope for the best. To judge Fitz's performances based on the picks he throws in these scenarios is totally unfair. No way yesterday's loss was Fitz's fault. You know, other quarterbacks - even the ones we think of as "elite"- throw picks and miss receivers on deep routes ALL THE TIME. It seems like the only way Bills fans are going to be happy with Fitz is if he completes every single pass he throws.
  14. The MCL is located on the outside of the knee and has a strong, steady blood supply. It is therefore able to heal itself when partially torn, and it can be stitched up if it is fully torn. The ACL, on the other hand, is deep in the center of the knee and has almost negligible blood flow to it. So when it tears, even partially, it stays torn. It requires surgical replacement with graft tissue that comes either from the injured person's own body (patellar tendon, hamstring, or quad tendon), or from a cadaver. There's lots of trauma from cutting, drilling, and screws, and if you use your own tissue you have to also heal up the area you harvested from (and that's usually the worst part of the deal!). So in most cases even a full MCL tear has a better prognosis than a partial ACL tear. I have had both of my ACLs rebuilt, and it's BRUTAL!!! I can understand #70's relief that he won't have to do that drill again.
  15. I'm with the OP here. It's sad to see, hear, and read all the hate going on right now, because the Bills have made a concerted effort, from top down, to put a winning team on the field. We all bought into it, and for good reason. We signed a gunslinger after suffering through years of gutless, incompetent QB play. Finally, some high draft picks were starting to show promise. The O-Line rose from the dead to become a solid unit. Some unheralded players, like FJ, Stevie, Nelson, Chandler, and G. Wilson, had emerged as consistent Sunday studs. There was legitimate depth at positions that used to be one injury away from catastrophe. Our defensive front four was shaping up be an all-world QB killer. All of these things looked really good on paper coming into 2012-13. But unfortunately, God still hates Buffalo. And no earthly roster can beat that.
  16. I think far too much is made of this. With his most recent TD run, Freddie showed us he's still got the ability to break big plays by finding space nobody knew was there. No, he's not as fast as CJ, but he's got zen-master ways of making defenders whiff. If CJ were to get hurt, I bet we would see Freddie dominating games again. So I don't really care who they give the ball to. We have two amazing RBs. Hooray for us.
  17. You're right - the fundamental problem is that the players don't want to (and shouldn't have to) risk their careers for a meaningless game. And tackle football just isn't worth watching if nobody's trying. I think sand might cause a few knee blowouts, but they definitely should make it a flag football game. A regular football stadium would be fine. And from a fan perspective, it would be fun to see the players doing something they're not 100% used to. You might even see some crazy plays and juke moves being made.
  18. Ever heard of Copenhagen? Anyway, I think it's really sad that you would choose smoking cigarettes over going to games. It's a horrible thing to do to your body and to the people in your immediate vicinity.
  19. CJ has how many decent games under his belt? This is not yet a real controversy. Fred was having an MVP season wile CJ is just now showing signs of being starter material. I think it's a pretty simple formula, actually. They keep Freddy until his contract plays out, then probably let him go. Unfortunately for Fred, CJ showing promise means Fred will have less leverage if he decides to hold out for the deal he deserves.
  20. The workout video is pure comedy gold. "Blocking Ability", as he blocks air. "Ability to Recover", as he juggles a catch while being covered by no one. Has this guy ever played in an actual football game? Oh, how far we've fallen.
  21. Just think of how those poor Uruguayan rugby players must have felt seeing Stevie's classless act.
  22. The Colts were really on the decline even with Manning. They would have had a tough time making the playoffs had he been healthy this year. After all, the guy can't play defense.
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