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Posts posted by TH3

  1. 2 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    I generally go against the majority of the board here, but I'm mostly with SoCal Deek here. It's oversight. I think the claims against Hunter are almost certainly overblown and used as an emotional tool to motivate the Very Online Right, but the allegation that a Senator and/or President may be benefitting from corrupt family members is exactly the kind of thing the committee exists for.


    The real question to me is if they're going to actually try to investigate Hunter or do a Benghazi-esque show trial solely to try to harm Joe Biden.

    All the crap the GOP is getting is deserved. If it’s a committee….why is it their headline lead? They had NO PLATFORM for 2020…The Trump GOP healthcare alternative was a FREAKING BLANK BINDER.

    Americans are done the bait and switch…smoke and mirror show….until they show some actual substance…they are proven frauds

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  2. 15 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Wait…what? You’re a smart guy/gal Tibs. You want the House Oversight Committee to work on inflation? And when they do I’m guessing we’ll see a full page post from you about how it’s overreach from that subcommittee. 

    Cut the crap! It’s not the entire House. It’s a freaking subcommittee. Sheesh. 


    Exactly…and this oversight committee is completely overshadowing the announcements on the GOP efforts to work toward meaningful and realistic legislative proposals on immigration, inflation, crime and energy….

  3. 9 hours ago, B-Man said:


    For those coming in late, ballot harvesting or ballot collection happens when one person gathers absentee/mail ballots from many voters – bundling, you might say – for submission at a mail or drop box. This obviously happens on an innocuous micro scale when someone offers to post the completed ballot of a spouse or disabled friend, so it’s usual to define the threshold by reference to quantity (you’re not a collector unless you accept more than, say, three or six ballots) or relationship (it’s okay to do it for family members or persons with a specified incapacity). 

    Restrictions on ballot collection are common around the states. The best known exception is California, which legalized ballot collecting in 2016, upon which Democrats are said to have employed the method quite effectively to increase their vote. Even California, as the Washington Post notes, “has since made it illegal to get paid per ballot collected and for employers to ask employees to bring their ballots into their workplace.”


    That last point highlights one of the first problems with the practice: the person standing there asking you to hand over your ballot may be someone you have a hard time saying no to, owing to dependence, economic or otherwise. What if it’s a union steward at your workplace, or the political boss of your community, or a patriarchal family member? What if they’re pressing you for a faster decision than you’d prefer to make?


    There’s a requirement that the envelope be sealed before you hand it over, but that might work mostly as an honor system. If you yield to improper pressure, who’s going to complain to the authorities, or verify a complaint?

    Contrast all this with the idea behind the secret ballot, the idea of leaving you free to vote your conscience or maybe not vote at all, no matter what powerful people in your life or community may expect of you. As they used to say, it’s just you alone in the voting booth. 


    Next consider the dangers of ballot tampering. Contrary to some imaginings, the abuse that is probably likeliest is not that the collector will switch the choice of party at the top of the ticket. Far harder to police is the practice of “helping” unsophisticated voters by filling in choices for down‐ballot races that they might have left blank on their own.






    Ballot Harvesting definition - GOP Bogeyman for losing

  4. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


    I will put my marker down right here that the Democratic Party will release a policy platform for 2024.

    I agree.


    Watch the House R's after they get the gavel in 2023....Are they going to try to solve inflation, gas prices, immigration, crime....like they campaigned on?...Or talk about Fauci, the origin of CV. laptops and Afghanistan?  

  5. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You're seeing spies in the woods, and creating a narrative from my response that doesn't exist. 


    I said that people voted for Biden because his agenda appealed to them.  

    You said:  

    Give me something to vote for. I don't necessaily like the Dems solutions...but at least they are trying... 



    You also shared your journey from pre-Clinton-era GOP voter to Biden voter and opined how I didn't consider voters like you.  I said that represented presumptuous thinking on your part, which it did.  I could have pointed out that your journey--while compelling in it's own right--had nothing to do with the subject at hand.  











    As my mom would say to her 6 kids....You need to go outside

  6. 1 minute ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Well, there are two issues you're addressing here, and I'll handle them separately.


    First, it's presumptuous to assume I hadn't considered people like you.   People grow, evolve, devolve, their opinions change, their political affiliations shift and yesterdays liberal is today's conservative or vice versa.   For every line item addressed, there is a separate, yet equal line item that can be pointed to where the dems seem to have moved farther to the extreme.    


    What I said, and what you seem to acknowledge, is that you voted for Biden because his agenda made sense to you.  I don't see this as earth-shattering, controversial or even debatable, but do see people attempting to recast their choice as Biden's cognitive issues accelerate.  The fact is simple, you voted for the guy and got the guy you wanted.  


    Second, on the issues that bother you about the GOP, I respect your right to your opinion on all of it.  Vote liberal, vote socialist, vote how you feel.  However, for every line item listed, there is a separate yet equal line item of the dems moving to the extreme that bothers a fellow voter.  


    The most extreme example recently was the allegation that the 2016 election was illegitimate, the result of a coup, and that Trump was guilty of treason.  That was a major disinformation campaign, not because I don't like the messaging, but because is spite of having the dems having the full weight of the US government, an exceedingly hostile prosecution, an unlimited budget and the opportunity to coerce and intimidate witnesses, they failed to prove the election was illegitimate, or the result of a coup, or that Trump was guilty of treason.  


    I get that the scheme worked, but I don't understand how if you reaaaalllllly feel the way you feel about Kenneth Starr, why you would accept a supersized version of it just a few decades later.  More importantly, I'm not sure why you would be surprised that Trump followed suit with the stolen election claim just a year or two after the Russia game fizzled out in the nationally televised unraveling of Bob Mueller. 








    You seem to be very good at attempting to putting words in peoples mouths and thoughts in their heads ....not going to work with me. 




    GOP is broken...call me when they aren't....

  7. 1 hour ago, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    You’re saying the Biden agenda will motivate people to vote for Biden, which is what I said in my post. 

    I was responding to BackDays comments about losing to a horrible candidate in Joe Biden.  I think he lost because people like you, BackInTheDay and millions of others voted and believed in his agenda.  None of the other stuff mattered—his history with women, his racist commentary, his partnering with segregationists, his decades of telling tall tales, and the obvious cognitive decline. 

    What mattered was student loan buyout, who would qualify, abortion on demand, his tax plan, green energy scheme and so on. 

    He sold a plan, you liked what he had to offer, and you bought it.

    If he runs again, in spite of his continued and frankly tragic decline, millions will vote for him again if he offers the same agenda, or more likely, supersizes the promises and give always. 

    If, on the other hand, he tightened the belt and took those offers off the table while another candidate offered more goodies, the other candidate—Sanders for example, would be the new favorite. 




    Nah...I think your missing out on many people like me. I used to vote straight GOP. Then Ken Starr, then yellow cake, then Palin, then the "Freedom Caucus" calling the shots, then dismissal of ACA when it was a GOP idea, then more guns,  the more tax cuts with no spending cuts, then dismissal of GW, then Mitch stacking the SC, then Trump, then the SC going off the rails,  then most of the GOP Reps voting for election denial, then Boebert, then MTG, then J6.... 


    None of that is "Republican" or "Conservative" and these are the main accomplishments of the GOP over the last 30 years...


    Give me something to vote for. I don't necessaily like the Dems solutions...but at least they are trying... 



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  8. 1 hour ago, Gene Frenkle said:


    I don't think they've even come close to the interest rates required to curb this inflation. They printed A LOT of money.




    Also, for anyone confused, Biden can't print money. Only the Fed can, a private institution.


    Edit: Also, for anyone interested, this represents a decrease in the value of any US Dollars you own, a.k.a. your savings. This is done to artificially prop up markets that are touted as free, but are clearly not. This is done to help large corporations and billionaires.

    Huh? The money supply is up because - if you have lived as long as I have...there is so much more economy now. If money supply causes inflation..what happend in the late 70's? 


    Complaining  about money supply/quantitative easing is way to simplistic ....it has brought much more good that bad...to just about everyone...

  9. 2 minutes ago, Ethan in Cleveland said:

    When does the fan base start to turn on White? This is getting a little ridiculous. He has not been listed as injured for two straight weeks.  One of the starting corners is out and White is not active for the game.  He has had several weeks to get in shape.  My Spidey sense tells me there is something more to this story.  


    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 47 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Just trying to push this to 100 pages …

    Kinky Boots Ron strikes me as smart enough to tack hard to the center as soon as Trump is out of his way. If that happens…. Can’t wait for Trump to start spilling the dirt on Ronnie. Should be fun. Nick Offerman Popcorn GIF by NBC

    Here is my disconnect for RD....I listened to his victory speech....He used the word "woke" enough times to show that seems to be his primary message...really? This is what America...from a Presidential level...needs to focus on? Wokeness?....He seems like a band with one great song that opens and closes with it...He is infatuated with wokeness.  

  11. 28 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:


    Not it doesn't.   If you can't relate to both sides of the issue you have no critical thinking. 




    Against gay marriage until their son comes out as gay

    Against abortion till they stumble into an unwanted pregnancy

    Against welfare...till they need it or its PPP

    Hate Social Security...until they retire

    Hate socialized medicine ...until they are on medicare...

    No Global Warming...until their house burns up

    Agaisnt debt....until its tax cuts...

    Against immigrants...till they need to eat fruit or vegetables or drywall hung...


    Ya...I get "conservatives" and  "critical thinking" 




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  12. 1 minute ago, Westside said:

    The unborn baby deserves rights. If it was a rape or the mothers life is in danger, then yeah. I can understand that. But if it’s used as a contraceptive then no. I don’t agree with that. 

    It’s pretty simple 

    Then don't get one....The simple fact is  - people like you - especially men -  Sit on their high horses....but you know what? When your 16 year old  daughter gets pregnant...well all of a sudden its ok to make an exception...You know people who have gotten abortions, people in your family have gotten abortions, people in your church have gotten abortions...you just don't know about it. 


    Maybe if conservatives world work to eliminate the reasons for abortions - lack of birth control, lack of sex ed, lack of accessible day care...they would not seem so hollow....


    Herschel still gotta chnace huh? 

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  13. 14 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Well I agree with Boyst that it should be up to the states.  Here’s my question.  Should a state’s taxpayers be required to pay for abortions (procedures, travel and lodging) for those who are non-residents of the state? 

    "Up to the states" but not up to a woman and her doctor says everything you need to know about this issue

    4 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Yes. It's not a game. That's what you don't get. It's democracy. People voted for their own rights for their state. That's what we wanted.  


    Do I need speak more slowly?  People voting for their own rights is what we, the conservatives, generally want.


    As far as the right to life angle and the rights of the "unborn" that's not the pursuit of my statements. 

    If its "what they wanted" put it up a referendum and see what happens...don't convulate gerrymandered male dominated legislatures with the will of the people

  14. 5 hours ago, SCBills said:

    GOP will flip it and talk about candidate quality (fair) and how they made a lot of inroads towards taking the House in ‘20 which is why tonight isn’t so eye opening on that end (also fair).    

    They’ll also point to the map for Congress being much better for the GOP in ‘24 (again, fair)


    But the the overarching takeaway from tonight is that Trump is toxic and he, for the second election in a row, completely f***ed over the GOP by pushing his candidates. 

    Abortion messaging needs to be better for R’s, but I don’t see this being a massive issue again in ‘24, given the recency power of this fading.  It will be an issue, but not the damaging one that drives northern democrats in their obsession to legalize any/all killing of unborn children.   It also doesn’t totally add up given abortion measures are state level policy and DeSantis, Kemp, Dewine, Abbott all did phenomenal…. All signed abortion restrictions.  

    Ya…well your take on women’s rights is pretty much…..wrong. GOP hatched a group of women and young voters who will never vote GOP….see above

  15. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBaumer said:

    They were starting to fade over the last few weeks and now I think the spotlight will officially shift to the Dolphins in our division. I think this will be a very good thing because for some reason or another, they just seem to crumble when everything is going perfectly.


    It’s time for the players and coaches to hit reset and reassess their goals. They need to concentrate on winning the division and figure out home-field and everything else that follows after that. 

    Let’s forget about all the commercials, all the trash talking, all the double digit pointspreads and get back to basic football. It doesn’t have to be fancy, just get out of the building with a one point victory.

    Dunno….read some posts….we are not just fading away..but already eliminated from the playoffs and Josh has turned into a pumpkin

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