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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Maybe my facetiousness didn't come through....I think CN is the best thing to come along in a while and I hope we draft him.... Easy fella - I was JOKING[/b....I have been following him all year!! Do you think we should check if he looks good in a bikini? Kind of a mockumentary on the same titled thread for Mallet!
  2. Show me you can win a big game, come from behind, throw accurately, evade a strong rush, make a good martini, have dogs and small children like you, look good in a bikini..... Alright - I already think CN would make our team better in alot of ways - one thing I think he would bring is a sense of youthful excitement and charisma - because - our Bills are one damn boring team. Let's face it - Fitz has a great beard and everything - but he definately has "old dude" written all over him. Do people remember Leonard Smith running out of the tunnel to "Leonards Lair" - man we could use a dose of that The Bills could use something that points our team to a new direction - attract actual good free agents... Look forward to seeing tonites game - I think CN ends up in the top 5 in the draft.
  3. Gee, Someone wrote something on the INTERNET on an official website - it must be well researched and true! I would bet my house the invisible writer has never talked to RM - talked to his coaching staff or researched anything about RM other than coughing up talijg points. I am not a RM supporter but sheesh
  4. Wanna Know? JK did almost the same thing BR did to that girl to one of my friends - only she got out of it - and she was hardly alone...Dude was legendary...Cornelius Bennett raped a girl anally and she had to be stitched up - remember he went to jail. SHould have cut those guys right? - those 88-94 teams were OOC - but back in the day they were untouchable
  5. My take - the kid has been a pro football player since age 18 - couldn't care less if he does for our Bills what he does for Auburn. I am Jim Kelly's age - and believe me - he was the Ben R. (off field) of his time...you know of course what Cornelius Bennet did right? Bruce Smith....if we had the same thought process to selecting them - we would not have made it to 4 SB's....remember these guys are mostly dirt poor and 18-21 - the NCAA makes millions off them and expects them to relish the "opportunity" to make the NCAA, school and coach millions while they can't even get pizza money....
  6. Just reading through the various Mallet/Newton/Luck threads...I kind of look at the big picture. Since Luck is not an option (if Carolina doesn't pick him they should be immediately mercy killed)...we are lucky enough to be looking at the best crop of QB's since JK came out - and people want to act smart and nitpick. It is so much easier to find why things won't work than why they will. Cam Newton - Are people friggin kidding me? First off - he bought the laptop not stole it - as far as him being a student - the guy is not a student - he is a pro football player. Has anyone made more plays in a bigger conference in bigger games than him? All he does is MAKE PLAYS...isn't that what you want? Dashaun Jackson (certified malcontent) MAKES plays, Bruce Smith MADE PLAYS, Cornelius Bennet MADE PLAYS (both lawbreakers of the worst kind) BR, MV MAKE PLAYS.... all the great guys MAKE PLAYS, CN MAKES PLAYS every freaking drive!!! and idiots like shoop want to talk about his laptop and personal issues.....sheesh. Mallet - Guy has been blue chip since he was in grade school. Check his stats this year with the receivers you saw last night - what is his passer rating in the SEC - what about 170 or something ridiculous? 6-7 and can make every throw - probably better than anyone in the NFL - gee compare his college career to Fitz!!! and people think Fitz is a better answer?!?! No - but he sometimes looks goofy on the sidelines....oh and he threw a pick!! Holy Cow if people want to extrapolate a career from ONE play take the 35 good ones he made last night instead of the one bad one. Again - seriously - compare him to Fitz?!! Look at the teams that made the BOLD move to get a Blue Chip QB - let's see Jets,Chargers,Giants, St. Louis, Eagles, ....just name the teams in the playoffs... I guess my point is - let's not think too hard...the answers are right in front of our face - get one of these guys - they won't last past the 15th pick.
  7. +1 If that means I totally agree! Don't care about the laptop or his Dad....
  8. Actually I took alot of statistics - and he has a point. A top level quarterback has a more statistically significant effect on a team than any other position. Flip out Manning, Brady, Brees, BR, MV,Ryan....with say Trent or even Fitz and one has a completely different team. A great DE will not change the fortunes of a team as much as a top QB. I agree with his point - if there is a QB who is a game changer - I would agree to take him in round one. Now the debate becomes - get Luck - or is Cam Newton or Mallet/Gibbons(sp?) one of those qb's that is "statistically significant"?
  9. I dream of getting Cam Newton - makes everyone in front better (see Ben Rothlesberger, Vick...)
  10. Here is why JS sucks - he has no underlying logic to where he delivers his columns from. You cannot write - exactly one week ago - that winning the Cleveland game is actually bad and meaningless, then today write that winning the Miami game is good and meaningful. Compare his writing to say - the late Jim Kelley - and one can see the difference more eloquently. He blows like thw wind and that is why he is still is pissy column writer for the 60th largest paper in the country. Others like Kelley - moved up and on. If the News went belly up - who in the world would pick him up?
  11. I beleive Bills99999 tried to start a thread - but it got somewhat hijacked: Seriously - Why does CN not get more consideration for us? To be honest - I could care less about his laptop and his dad - as in I was just in Pittsburgh and people seemed to have forgot about BR being an arse. Anyway - CN COULD be one of the most game changing QB's in a long time. A bigger stronger Vick. I think he actually led or was near the top of FBS in passing accuracy (seems hard to say he is inaccurate or can't read defences)- against the SEC South - the toughest conference - he led comebacks, routs, he went un-freaking-defeated. He will make a bad offensive line look great. Take away the off the field stuff - seriously - how could one not seriously consider him?
  12. Whelp - I have been thinking about what I believe the original poster tried, rather clumsily, to say. There is no doubt that there is a very real chance that CN can be a bigger faster more durable Michael Vick - and IF that is the case whoever gets him is going to be a force no matter what. He can make up for injured OLines and create offense that AL can't. CN MIGHT be the best QB in decades. I really don't care about his laptop, his dad either. Who cares, do the people in Pittsburgh care as BR grits his way through wins? I think the gorilla is the CONCEPT of drafting CN. I think he is very near he top in passing accurancy in the toughest conference with the toughest schedule in college. He lead his team from ahead and behind against top rated teams all year - and I think if it weren't for the brushes with the law - he would be the concensus #1 pick. One has to seriously contemplate drafting him if avaiable.
  13. Whelp - He is not talking about those topics...he is pretty much talking about how the Bills are now screwng it up by winning....apparently they can't do that correctly either. One could couch it something like: "The Bills are winning...and while they may cost them the top pick in the draft...it is refreshing to see the team starting to come together" But no...it just "They are so stupid they are actually winning games"
  14. He is a total tool: The Bills stink if they lose and now they stink if they win: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/jerry-sullivan/article282247.ece
  15. Didn't the Bills knock Montana out too (knocked him cold in his last playoff game - I was there) AND knocked Bradshaw out (Haslett kicked him in the head) amazingly I was there too (15 years old?)
  16. EXCELLENT CHOICE! Cam Newton will be taken in the first 3-4 picks in the draft, in my mind he is a bigger Michael Vick - he just got his scrape with the law done before jail time. I think it is great that the Bills probably have a shot at him. I don't care about off field stuff, Vick, Rothlesberger, don't care! Mallett will also go in the first. I think they are all great options, Luck, Mallett, Newton and the Bills should consider themselves lucky to be in such a position.
  17. Totally agree - there is no way Dope or Lapdog make the playoffs next year....
  18. In some areas that is called a "pancake"
  19. UMMMM...that is why I pointed out there would be two standards....if this was a rookie performance it would be a viewed as a sign of the second coming of (well third I guess with fergy and kelly) of #12....instead it's just an aberration in an otherwise mediocre career... Fits may not be Brady but he is well in the upper half of Qb's in this league and seems to be improving ....no need to knock him
  20. If we had a rookie QB playing like Fitz.....we would all be think we had just drafted a HOF'er
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