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Everything posted by TH3

  1. I am not sure their is a concerted effort to diss the Bills in scheduling but some things always bother me about NFL scheduling. Why don't teams that have the bye simply play each other the next week? Why don't Thursday game teams have their bye on the Sunday preceding? Finally - back to back West Coast games - c'mon....
  2. Ok - so they move the fences out $200 million? Did anyone ever think - "I was going to go to the game....but those darn fences are too tight!" No renovations and playoff team = LOTS of new revenue!! $400 million in renovations and 4-12 = No new revenue Still don't get how stadium reno's equal more revenue - unless the Bills get a check for $200 million and they skim 50-100 off the top. I am in the business and have actually worked on many stadium projects - the scope of what the Bills are referring to does not equal $200+
  3. I am at a loss on what the money is for...I rean Brandons comments regarding what the $ would be used for - widening access, moving the fences out, parking improvements etc. None of the mentioned improvements I saw lead to greater revenue for the Bills - that is - more boxes, greater occupancy etc. I don't attend many games - but I just don't see what you can do to RWS at this point that is really going to make me want to go more - in fact I would never go see a game because of a venue... Better performance by the team would be the primary cause of more revenue - and if I was at the table on behalf of the taxpayers I would ask firmly what the Bills are going to do on their behalf to imporve their performance.
  4. I was at that one too - I also remember they had a frisbee dog at halftime that took a leak on the goal post. I seem to remember the crowd was totally out of control.
  5. Mrags - you opened the door by calling Cuomo a "POS" - as far as my statements - I don't say any actual worker for the state is anything but good - but the bottom line is that the rest of the general taxpaying public has the same "POS" impressions about the state unions - why? Not because they are bad people - but because of the excesses involved over the last decades. Our school district has 4 teachers that are so bad they are relegated to observing study hall - they are totally shielded by the union...the City of Buffalo - which spends $25,0000 per pupil per year (4x national avaerage, 2.2x NYS avaerage) pays all cosmetic elective surgery at a cost of 10's of millions. When asked to give this up or lay off 200 teachers - guess what the union chose? The list goes on and on. I am not talking about the good people who do good work for the State - I am referring to the obvious excesses that have developed with the Unions - not to mention Wicks, Triboro.....So when you bust out the POS for the Governor please know that impressions cut both ways. AFA Cuomo - NYS will now begin a long painful process of resetting an appropriate level spending leveraged by the 2 percent tax cap. First start the cuts and when the cuts become too painful the state (taxpayers) and the unions will finally begin to clean and modernize how work/retirement/healthcare is compensated. My hope is that this process includes the union excesses that overshadow the good work done by many state employees. AFA murderers getting health care and lawsuits....well that should stop same as every other excess that costs taxpayers money but offers no benefit.
  6. Well = your position that Cuomo is a "POS" is pretty much the same us all of us thinking that the Unions that dominate NYS policy and its legislative bodies are 'POS's" too. The unions fail to grasp the fiscal realities concerning the cost of health and defined retirements and their constant sheltering of poor workers and ridiculous work rules and over the top benefits (see Buffalo Teachers cosmetic surgery) puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth.
  7. That is assuming every team has an equal chance every year - which is not the case.
  8. UMMM no PGH is actually doing very well - it should be a model for Buffalo.
  9. Colts = 0 16 Luck Philly - will be 5-6 wins already has Vick Redskins - will be 5-6 wins - NEED Chargers - 6-7 wins Already set J-Ville - Gabbert Panthers - Already Set Minny 2-3 wins - Drafted QB last year Dolphins - Gotta Tampa Bay - maybe 5 wins - I know they like Freeman... Arizona 5 wins now...NEED! They might get one more one - BEat Cleveland - 6 wins? Bills - NEED - 5 wins? Cleveland - Colt Mccoy? - They got Pittx2 Balt and Arizona - they are going to be 4-12 KC - NEED - they got 1 more wind Draft Order Colts - LUCK St Louis - Bradford Minny - PONDER J Ville - Gabbert Cleve - Mccoy BUFF? - QB???? We could draft 6 - Gotta think that people will be trading up to top five to get a QB - RG3!!
  10. Colts = 0 16 Luck Philly - will be 5-6 wins already has Vick Redskins - will be 5-6 wins - NEED QB Chargers - 6-7 wins Already set J-Ville - Gabbert Panthers - Already Set Minny 2-3 wins - Drafted QB last year Dolphins - Gotta lose to them! Tampa Bay - maybe 5 wins - I know they like Freeman... Arizona 5 wins now...NEED! They might get one more one - BEat Cleveland - 6 wins? Bills - NEED - 5 wins? Cleveland - Colt Mccoy? - They got Pittx2 Balt and Arizona - they are going to be 4-12 KC - NEED - they got 1 more wind Draft Order Colts - LUCK St Louis - Bradford Minny - PONDER J Ville - Gabbert Cleve - Mccoy BUFF? - QB???? We could draft 6 - Gotta think that people will be trading up to top five to get a QB
  11. All these threads - Dareus stinks, SJ is a joke, not sold out...., fire Edwards, we need a 3-4 guru, Maybin at the Jets...can all be merged into one - the Bills orgainization is a total joke. Good players/coaches come here and decline, bad/coaches players leave here and do well - just name them. We had one great era - the Bill Polian era. BTW - Polian left because Ralph did not want to pay an injury settlement to Jamie Mueller. Polian got mad because it would deter free agents - Ralph's daughter was in the meeting and told Polian something - Polian dropped that "C" word and it was over - we lost the greatest exective ever in the NFL. The SJ is representaive of it all. This was the SECOND time a SJ TD celebration resulted in a 15 yarder on the kickoff....how does this happen in any decent organization? It cost the Bills a TD and the game. Did anyone on the team/coaching staff get in his face either during/after the game? Chan - who I like - says he needs to learn....WTF...can you imagine SJ pulling such a stunt in the Kelly/Polian era. Want to walk to the sideline and tell Bruce Smith to buck up and hold a team from your 35 instead of their 20? What is Fitz going to go over in the locker room - put his teenage ninja mutant turtle t shirt on and tell SJ to cool it? Please.... This team and organization has no leaders and wants none - it is a perfect example of a company where either consciously or unconsciously the management won't hire smart leaders because they might outshine the people above. At the end of the day -the joke is on us - we pay for - write about and follow our "loveable losers". We make insightful comments about the draft, nuances of the defense and offense. But what we have is a business that is on a 10 year cash grab - especially right now in the seasons before the salary cap floor starts. Our problem is we the care and investment the fans make is not matched by the owner. An organization like this just is not worth having.
  12. Yes - because someone with 14,000 posts (could be a sign!) is SO MUCH smarter and well versed than someone new PTR - could you give us some insight on how many posts it takes to become as knowledgeable and respected as you?
  13. Maybe he is right.... They are 9-7 over their last 16.....sounds about average BTW - he said his favorite bet is the Bills + points
  14. Well - as my buddy from SF said last week - the Bills played last Sunday like they were 30,000,000 below the cap - the Bills fail to invest in their team - don't expect the fans to invest in tix.....
  15. East Aurora is EA - next to OP outside B-LO Mark Kelso's kid - Mark Kelso - old enough to remember him? Little Loop is Pop Warner Football Yes - I am comparing him to a 9-10 year old - Kelso's kid at that age knew how to read blocking patterns, see plays developing and he (he was always the RB) would following his blocker and understand where the holes WOULD develop in the next second. Spiller doesn't have that - FJ does. Spiller just wants to blast off - FJ studied tapes of Kelso
  16. This post kills me..."Time for him to step up!!" This statement makes it seem like he has been holding back - he has another gear - he can play better. Oh - good - can't wait to see him step up!! My take on Spiller is this: If you look at his college highlight real - most of his big runs were sweeps to the outside - he had enough speed to get to the outside and once there - he had one defender to beat and used his speed. Can't do that in the NFL - he doesn't know how to run in traffic - which is what FJ does well. This is why the Bills use him in screens and pass plays - put him in positions where he can try to use his speed - he lacks traffic skills. I live in EA and watched Kelso's kid play little loop - at age 9 kid knew how to use his blockers - he would follow/wait and then hit the hole (FJ)....that is not Spiller. Spiller doesn't have a "step up" - he is what he is.
  17. Well - if you want to know who is in first - ask Pats and Bills fans whose record (w/l - opponents) they would rather have....
  18. Hi Thanks for the note. My sincerest apologies that the intent of my article was missed. I love Buffalo; one of my best friends is from there, and I spent a perfectly enjoyable weekend there a few years back. It was meant as a satire of those who think of your city - and mine - as out-of-the-way dumps in need of some Ivy League sophistication. If the intent was missed, it's because I probably shouldn't make attempts at satire. Anyway, thanks for reading, even if I only enraged you. Can we call it even after what your Bills did to my Chiefs in Week 1? Reeves Dude, Could you have spent less time on your blip about Fitz? You just couldn't resist blasting Buffalo with the same old crappy cut and paste ****. Cold winters declining population...blah, blah, blah, Did you use Google to write that or did you visit here and come up with these grand insights on your own? New York's winter's equally suck.
  19. Here is the way I kind of see it. You can win with a top rated offense and or defense that grinds out statistics - maybe say like old Bill Parsells teams or the Jets. Grind it out, let your statistically superior team have its results regress to the mean. You can get beat once in a while but after 16 games....you have won 10 to 12 of them. The other way to do is skip the stats and MAKE PLAYS. The Pats have been living on this for the last 8 years. Bills are statistically almost equal to the Pats - and in the same way have a 4-1 winning record - why? Because both teams MAKE BIG important plays. The Bills have been making plays on both sides of the ball all year long - big offensive and big defensive plays that leap frog the stats. I do beleive that the league has changed since the Parcells days and the factor of winning has changed from grinding out stats - to that of having a team that makes plays. The question the thread starter posited - is this 4-1 record a statistic anomoly? I don't think so - I think our coaching staff and other staffs (New England) have teams and game plans that enables the team to MAKE PLAYS. Unsustainable? Good question - after 16 games we will know!
  20. The refs did blow it with the clock at the end - should have been at 1:53 instead of 1:43....home cookin?
  21. Big Cat....Do I know you? Know anyone named marto? danno?
  22. Next up......"When did you start hating your country?"
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