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Posts posted by TH3

  1. 2 hours ago, Toledo Bill said:

    When not watching the Bills I watch most of the Lions games.

    I am curious what people think… who is better?

    If I remember correctly, Kincaid was the top rated tight end coming into the draft.

    I wonder if Laporta is better suited to be a  tight end in the NFL..

    Wait….you can go back and think you could have picked different in the draft? When did this start?

  2. 3 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:


    Democrats plot to remove a Republican FROM THE BALLOT….huh

    You continue to prove yourself an idiot with complete lack of awareness of how stupid you are.

    Of course your not alone here.

    DT and most of the GOP house and a handful of GOP senators plotted to remove an elected POTUS from being sworn in ….and it’s the cornerstone of his campaign and the mantra of the MAGA 


    You are stupid….or brainwashed …or stupid enough to be brainwashed

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  3. 3 hours ago, Heavy Kevi said:

    I have watched every game for decades. Literally.


    Even gotten free trials of fubo, downloaded apps, got up at absurd times to see London games, etc.


    But this game isn't on LOCAL ROCHESTER MARKET because piddly little peacock is trying a money grab. 


    All the other "exclusives" had free trials, were simulcast on a real network, or even in the case of prime- everyone already has it. But peacock, tiny little bullschitt peacock with nothing worthwhile to offer? The NFL not only isn't afraid, they actively don't like us.


    So I can't. I just can't. Sure, I could afford the subscription; but I can't positively reinforce negative behavior by the NFL trying yet another way into fans' pockets. 


    They will take our tax money to build the brand new stadium for a billionaire, but we can't even watch the effing game. Pathetic.

    prepare the rest of your life for disappointment 

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  4. 12 hours ago, Kingston Bills Fan said:

    I just think it’s a B word move. Sorry if I respect someone for not flopping like a limp B word when he is barely touched. 
    I love everything else about Josh it’s just cringy watching a 6 foot 5 tank of a guy falling like a girl immediately whining to the ref for a call.

    How old are you?

    • Haha (+1) 2
  5. 14 hours ago, WotAGuy said:

    McDermott had them ready to play, had a great defensive plan and won a huge game that gives everyone renewed confidence. 

    A lot of fans sounded like they had written this one off with all the talk about “the Bills can afford to lose this one”, but the players sure didn’t accept that premise. 

    Someone show Granato the tape of the first quarter

  6. 5 hours ago, BuffaloBillsGospel2014 said:


    We're just going to have to agree to disagree here, you don't reward bad play imo with more playing time, fighting for playoff lives or not it sends a message to be better but I'm old school, I get where you're coming from though.

    So sit Josh for his turnovers, sit Gabe for his non catch/pick…..sit the special teams coach for horrific play. Bills O was not effective with him benched. The Bills had a better chance of winning with him in the game….that’s actual critical thinking 


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  7. On 11/12/2023 at 8:19 AM, Orlando Tim said:

    I saw James Hansen is making the rounds again, he who is 1988 made predictions about some of the NYC roads being under water by the year 2000. His defenders are hilarious since all of the real changes he predicted are clearly wrong they fight for the statement that CO2 has gone up, but without any consequences. Truly it is 35 years since his initial warning, everything he warned about as far as CO2 and pollution has happened and none of the bad things have happened. 

    Guns save lives too

  8. 1 hour ago, BillsFanNC said:

    Hey let's put our faith in two different long term swamp creatures!






    I hate to break this to Quack, but we are well past the point of no return here. Burn it down is the only way forward.

    Burn it down? I thought you types thought America was the greatest?

    Burn it down? To what end? To what result? To what end game?

  9. 8 hours ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    I stated facts and you went ad hominem.


    Is ignorance bliss?


    Cause DOBBS was fought to the supreme court, by a DEM PAC.  At a 15 week limit.



    SCOTUS conservatives got their majority and immediately did what they were sent there to do. Any case would do …They took a simple case on a 15 week limit and completely overturned Roe. Trying to pin it on Dems just shows how stupid and shallow your thinking is. Your an idiot.

    • Vomit 1
  10. 41 minutes ago, sherpa said:


    I get really tired of fools making foolish claims.

    I never claimed Johnson was "a man of the Bible."

    Can you provide this?


    Judaism, as practiced during the time of Jesus had been corrupted.

    There are countless examples of this in the New Testament as Jesus' ministry evolves and especially in His confrontations with the Pharisees, eventually causing them to insist that the Romans kill him.

    If you think the claim is "laughable." any literate individual can read the book and come to no other conclusion/

    It’s laughable that you want to provide a Christians view of the corruption of the Jews 2000 years ago while present day American Christianity wraps their arms around the most corrupt dangerous false leader right now….not to mention the full on pedo that that Catholic Church was and hid for centuries…What don’t you lecture on something more timely and relevant

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  11. 13 hours ago, sherpa said:


    It "surprises" you becasue you are misinterpreting it.


     The Old Testament is not being denied of diminished.

    It is a historical story of the preparation of a people who were ultimately supposed to welcome  and introduce a Messiah who would reestablish man's relationship with God. Many rules were provided them to separate them from the rest of civilization.

    They also invented a bunch of their own rules and traditions that were not given them.

    Judaism as was being practiced during Christ's life had been adjusted and corrupted.

    The best example of this is how they turned the Temple. (God's place on earth), into a commercial enterprise profit center. There are many others.


    The arrival of Jesus was fulfillment of the "law," as he said, and he established a new covenant, as he stated.

    There are scores of versus in the New Testament that proclaim this, and end many ceremonial and purity rules the Jews had established.

    Ultimately, the Jewish leaders of the day denied his divinity and had him killed.

    From the resurrection, a core of believers spread the Gospel establishing the "New Covenant."



    Laughable how you state Judaism was corrupt during the time of Jesus….Now “Christians” like Johnson hold up Trump as their leader….WTF….and you respect Johnson as a “man of the Bible” when he does this…Do you have ANY self awareness?

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  12. 2 hours ago, B-Man said:



    Not tied to anything ?






    "Fix the Border" 


    Does MAGAworld actually know what that means - or do you just blab it?


    If you want to "fix" the border you have pass legislation through both houses and have the POTUS sign a bill into law. GOP has had the gavel for 10 months already....Where is the bill they will send to the Senate for review so they can send it to their subcommittee - that will approve it and send to the floor for debate...so you know...they can pass a similar bills that will go through...you know resolution.


    When MAGA world had both the house and the Senate 2017-2018 - How come they didn't pass anything? 

  13. 14 hours ago, JaCrispy said:

    I’m talking about when everyone compromises, the little guy tends to get screwed in favor of big corporate donors…


    I don’t know who will come out on top for the Republican speaker, but it is nice to see some people standing up to the big donor politicians, to protect our borders, reign in spending, etc…


    Its refreshing to see that there are still people who won’t just bend over to the elites…👍



    Its laughable that you think the GOP is going to do what you suggest above. AFA as both "protecting our borders" and 'reighning in spending"  - neither of these will be substanively dealt with without legislation. This means a bipartison effort. The MAGA GOP has made it clear this will not happen.


    So much for the little guy. 


    Big Corporate Donors? You can thank Scalia for scuttling  any control of that under the guise of "textulism" - The cruel joke is that the GOP got the "little guy" to buy in that this was good for him. Bravo

    • Haha (+1) 1
  14. 4 minutes ago, JaCrispy said:

    They only compromise to benefit their donors Imo, while the working class gets screwed…


    Look what compromising on the immigration has done for inner city black and brown people of this country…it certainly hasn’t helped…


    Look how compromising with their insurance donors has kept Medicare for all away from the people…


    Not all compromises are positive for the citizens who don’t have power and money…👍

    What are you even talking about?

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