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  1. How is it different? - As stupid and misguided as it was - Bush did not do it to make it the 51st state. Maga pud
  2. You really live in Winnipeg? Are you a Canadian citizen?
  3. So egg prices went up and down and neither Biden or Trump had anything to do with the cause or the cure ….so what are we doing here?
  4. Says Elon….The guy who has given Trump $385 million? You MAGA puds literally are clueless
  5. Your life is so empty you spend your weekends starting threads on a forum ….and then responding to your own thread ….You are literally playing with yourself in public
  6. It’s amazing how they have bent the knee….just to stay in office. I hope it was worth it Marco….you could have been the guy to resurrect the GOP…now your just another pud.
  7. Nothing like depressed demand to lower prices
  8. That’s not what’s happening maga pud but your brainwashed enough to believe it
  9. Actually The Fed has a 2 trillion revenue deficit due to tax cuts to the wealthy, corporations and an unwillingness to adjust the metrics to properly fund SS. It then borrows this money make up the delta.
  10. Eliitist? No….big difference between opinion and knowledge. This country is being run by people with opinions …and here we are. My 2c. I analyze/vet individual loan scopes in my particular expertise. I don’t analyze the macro economy…that’s what the money does. Want to know what the money thinks? 5-6 years ago loans were 80 percent of appraised value..last year it was 60-65 percent of cost. If you do nt know what that means you shouldn’t be blathering …Basically $ taking foot off the gas in light of uncertainty accepting much less risk by demanding more equity. I can tell you right now $ are not even looking at deals until 💩 for brains 47 gets a grip. As well equity not doing anything. 47 does not know what the hell he is doing. He is a day trader .ffs right now he is an hour by hour trader chasing losses. That ain’t my opinion …didn’t come from some twitter feed. That’s what people with equity and debt are telling me with their actions.
  11. What’s your bio and why should anyone to you?
  12. Me? BSME MBA Years of project management, lived in Europe for a period in a business development role, started and sold 2 businesses, worked last 10 years consulting for banks and investment groups in primarily third party investment analysis and risk management. But I’m sure following Julie Kelly beats that.
  13. What is your education and professional experience that would lead us to believe you know what your are talking about?
  14. 35 posts in and you show how stupid you are...Who TF is gonna buy an American Pick Up truck outside of North America? They won't even fit on the roads. Solid attempt at the maga pud phrase "...not wrong"
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