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Breakout Squad

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Everything posted by Breakout Squad

  1. I can’t see our current Bills team getting wasted the nights before the game.
  2. Bills fan won on Wheel of Fortune NFL team fans championship!!!! Go Bills!! $65,000
  3. It’s embarrassing to the Super Bowl teams’ legacy. Why couldn’t they wait until after the SB’s to party. F’n ridiculous
  4. Nor did Oliver. It was a tough game for the defense. AJ made some game changing plays this season but he disappears too often. Floyd got the sacks Von should’ve been getting. Great pick up by Beane.
  5. I’d rather Beane pay Floyd to come back over AJ.
  6. I don’t have the exact words but it seemed or felt like there was something off. Early in the season McDermott showed hesitance sending Bass out for long kicks. Was he injured? Did coaches see him shanking long FG’s in practice and the media didn’t catch wind? I feel bad for him. He has the leg and he’s been accurate. I think he’ll be great next year.
  7. The drop itself compared to the others you referenced was the least egregious. The Harmon drop was bad. BUT I’d argue the Diggs drop was painful to another level. They pay him to make those plays and he dropped it. He had drops and fumbled the first catch… Diggs was more responsible for us losing than Bass. And shame on the people that harassed Bass on social media!
  8. I hope you feel better now. Captain Hindsight crap in full effect
  9. Bringing up the Mahomes debate at this point is ridiculous. It’s done and over. Mahomes didn’t have a winning record in college but you and Andy Reid knew he was going to be a superstar?
  10. Who would you replace him with? Realistically
  11. Yeah that sounded a little arrogant.
  12. Yes. But he still needs to make the kick!!! Ughhh
  13. Bills played a good game and if they had a healthy defense it would’ve been different. But they hung in there and when they couldn’t get the TD, Bass f’d it up. I still don’t know why Diggs was so bad tonight. That drop on the deep pass was brutal.
  14. We need to score a TD everytime. Thats not easy.
  15. I know. But look at that last drive. It’s Josh’s game
  16. Josh needs to carry this team again.
  17. Welp. Here come the injuries. I hope they can overcome
  18. She seems like a good and generous person. I won’t hate on Swifty
  19. My girlfriend just looked at me before walking down to the basement and said ‘I’m going to hex the Chiefs’ and then walked away. We have witchcraft on our side today boys!!
  20. Now that would be a great mind f**k As long as Ted in East Aurora keeps wearing his Bills thong…. and Joe in Amherst doesn’t wash his Diggs socks…. We’re gonna win!
  21. I would think most fans would know not to wear red but who knows.
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