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  1. The outrage was here: http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/03/14/dixie.chicks.reut/ Just because people were a$$holes in '02-08 doesn't mean we should keep being a$$holes.
  2. Who cares if he's from the left or the right? Can't we all just agree that likening our president, or anyone who hasn't committed mass murder to Hitler is over the top? It's more an insult to the millions who died at Hitler's hands, than it is to Obama.
  3. "Almost" fascist? Main Entry: fas·cism Pronunciation: \ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm also ˈfa-ˌsi-\ Function: noun Etymology: Italian fascismo, from fascio bundle, fasces, group, from Latin fascis bundle & fasces fasces Date: 1921 1 often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition 2 : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control <early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge>
  4. I hope that was a deliberate typo with pun intended. But I'm guessing not. The story of the Bills is the story of Buffalo. Would be a great documentary, and Michael Moore could nail it being from Flint, MI.
  5. I've bailed entirely on the Bills. I just can't get invested in another team. Perhaps the Bills have jaded me? I had season tickets last year, but (wisely/luckily) opted not to go to both the 49ers and Patriots games. Now only if I could have skipped the Miami and Cleveland games... I didn't renew my season tickets this season because I predicted the TO impact was not going to change the sorry state of football in Buffalo. Unfortunately, I was dead on. I was so confident in the sorry state of the Bills, despite offseason changes, that I actually put money on the Pats to cover the spread in game one. That taught me a lesson never to bet on the Bills (for OR against). After allowing a glimmer of hope to root in my mind following that game, they are showing me exactly what I expected to see. Incompetence from top down. After their piss poor performance against NO, I vowed never to let the Bills get me down or waste my time. For the remainder of the season, I'll make no special effort to watch the Bills, and feel no sense of letdown when they underperform as per the usual. So, instead of watching the Miami game, I toured Montreal--ignoring the sports bar right to my hotel that probably had the game on. Instead of watching the Browns game, I did yard work. I'm sure some "true" fans here might flame me for this, but it's amazing what cutting the Bills out of your life can do to your morale! On a pro-Buffalo sports note, Let's go SABRES!
  6. Impressive resume!
  7. Yeah, you can say that again. The last straw in a whole bale of disappointment...
  8. Thanks cincy. Long time lurker here...
  9. We haven't gotten it right in the past, and the Pats have made us pay dearly for it. If you recall years past, Brady would make the quick snap and catch the entire defense flat-footed. You're right that the defense should be ready as soon as the O lines up, but that simply hasn't been the case. This is basic scouting, and because it has happened so many times before, YES, it's the responsibility of the coaches to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  10. How many times has Brady done a quick snap and caught our D offguard for a QB sneak or whatever on 4th down? I'd say averaging 1 per game against us for the past 5 seasons, with a 100% success rate... Until Monday. It may have taken Dick 3 painful years, but we finally got wise to that little trick. Good job DEFENSE! Just thought I'd share a positive note for Jauron. I still think he should have been gone after last year, but now that we have him, might as well hope he's getting a clue.
  11. Agreed. 8 seconds ticked off the clock before that timeout was actually called--Trent was trying to get a play set up. Only when he realized how far downfield his receivers were did he call the TO. The last two plays could have gone a lot differently if we had 30 seconds instead of 22...
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