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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. This is pretty pathetic. The whole team is playing like crap. I had my doubts about Peterman and they have been confirmed. He's certainly not capable of leading this team anywhere except last place.
  2. I had that poster on my wall. My sister went to Buff State and brought it home to me in Hornell that first year. Been a fan ever since.
  3. I bet they pick up a veteran QB later today.
  4. Umm no it wasn't. This team fought hard all season and earned that playoff berth. Just because we needed help on the last day does not diminish the accomplishment. If you couldn't even enjoy that after 17 years, what the hell are you doing calling yourself a Bills fan. We have no idea how this season will unfold and already you're predicting doom and gloom. I have a prediction of my own. Regardless of what the record ends up being this year, this team will work hard and be entertaining to watch. They can't be analyzed yet. There is no data to use in any realistic analysis.
  5. Ever think that they're not sure yet? It's Monday and it's the second practice since McCarron got injured. Maybe after a couple more days of watching Peterman and Allen rotate with the 1's they'll know better.
  6. That's the whole point of America. We don't want to be like Europe. We want to be American. Canada on the other hand is still a British Commonwealth. They have a Governor General in every Province and still have to ask the Queen's permission in order to have an election. They still pay taxes to the crown. No thanks.
  7. Yep. MIght as well not show up. It's already been decided. We're going to suck.
  8. Who knows? Schwartz did not do very well as a HC previously. Having said that, I believe just about anybody would have been better than Rex Ryan.
  9. 1. McCarron will be the starter and will play surprisingly well. 2. They will have a better record this year than last. 3. They will win a playoff game.
  10. If you don't believe that the protests have had an effect on viewership and attendance, then you are either a fool or an idiot. The owners damn sure recognized both the correlation and causation. Otherwise they would have taken no action at all.
  11. While this seems like a good idea, I have many friends who have vowed that they will never watch another NFL game. They have already found other things to do on Sunday afternoons with their families. For these people it won't matter what the NFL does. It will be too little, too late.
  12. They probably ought to realize that before kneeling on national television. If they care what people think about them, then they shouldn't kneel. If not, then kneel away, but don't forget that actions have consequences.
  13. What do you care what anyone accuses you of? Only you know your true beliefs, so what does it matter what anyone else thinks about you? My philosophy has always been kind of like Popeye's. "I y'am what I y'am and that's all what I y'am."
  14. And I can't imagine being so oblivious. People have opinions, sometimes strong ones when it comes to patriotic or unpatriotic behavior. Lots of people care and they are fine people who are entitled to their opinions one way or the other.
  15. Who says the other issues didn't bother anyone? And if you think people who love their country and don't like people disrespecting the flag and anthem are dumb, then fine, you are entitled to your opinion, just as they are.
  16. No and if you don't understand the difference between the two actions then you aren't worth having a discussion with. The kickoff rules are designed to enhance player safety and have nothing to do with the anthem protests. If you think the two are somehow connected, then have a nice day, I'm done with you.
  17. The evidence is that owners essentially banned protests by their action today. If there was no problem, then they would take no action at all. Calling BS if this had zero effect on owners financially, then they would take zero action. Clearly they know this is hurting the bottom line. Yes the league made billions last year, but if owners felt it was no issue, then they would do absolutely nothing.
  18. It's not just PR. If they didn't recognize that eventually this was going to be a huge problem, owners would do nothing. Today they chose to take action because they are greedy. It's all about the money as usual.
  19. The evidence is clear. The owners recognize they have a huge problem with these protests. Otherwise they would take no action at all. It's costing them money or they would not take the action they are taking today.
  20. Clearly it is or the owners would not take any action at all. Today they will. If you choose not to acknowledge that the league lost millions of fans last year, then fine, but the league recognizes it and are taking action.
  21. Again, you are entitled to your opinion. That is your right and I respect that. These days a lot of people won't even listen to someone who disagrees with their opinion. I think that is very ignorant and immature. I'm sure you have your reasons for feeling that way. All the best. Lol well it is enough of a trend that league owners are concerned. Otherwise they would have done nothing.
  22. Fans tune out and don't buy tickets. If the trend continues, then there is no more NFL. Those are the consequences.
  23. How is this "living in a bubble". I am relating my own personal experience and saying that this occured not only within my circle of friends, but all across the country. It did and there is no disputing that fact. I think maybe you don't understand what the phrase actually means.
  24. Well I respect your opinion. I served 23 years in the military to defend your right to state your opinion freely and openly. I also respect the players' right to protest if they so choose. Here's where I have an issue. Because you have the right to do something doesn't necessarily mean it is the right thing to do. Actions have consequences. All the best.
  25. I am using facts. Advertising revenues were based on the previous season's ratings, not 2017. Ad revenues will be down this year. The NFL lost millions of fans last year and even the league knows it's days are numbered if they don't do something about these protests. I have personal experience with at least 10 people that I know. These were lifelong fans and season ticket holders. They didn't buy tickets last year and didn't watch a single game on TV. They will not be coming back. Multiply that across an entire nation and the loss of millions of former NFL fans is very real. The players insisted on killing the proverbial goose that laid the golden egg. Even the league knows it has a problem. Watch for an announcement later today that will end the protests in the hopes of improving viewership. It's too little too late. Millions will never watch another NFL game.
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