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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. And that is why TT is the starter and not EJ.
  2. Here we go again. First score by Cinci aided by two weak ass penalties. Lately I've been watching NFL games and usually by the end of the first quarter I can tell who is going to win based on the way the calls are going. Not looking good for a Bills win thus far.
  3. The point is that he's fragile and has no business complaining unless he can stay healthy. Maybe then if he's healthy for long stretches and not being utilized he would have reason to complain. But if you can't stay on the field, it's hard to use you.
  4. Maybe if he could stay on the field he would get some targets. Every time someone breathes on him he gets injured. Play a few games without getting hurt before you start complaining about targets.
  5. Splitting the reps between Boobie, Herron and Wood ruined any chance of a run game on Sunday. Herron looked to me to be the most effective and he has a history going back to when he was with Indy of being able to throw up some decent numbers. I say give him the ball most often and put Boobie back on the bench where he belongs. Unless of course Karlos can play.
  6. I thought Herron looked pretty good yesterday. They just didn't give him enough carries. They were trying to use three backs in the same role. Should have given Boom more carries and less for Wood and Dixon.
  7. This team is clearly better than it was last year. We have three key cogs to our offense sitting on the sidelines and we are still 3-2. I still say this team makes the playoffs. Will we destroy every opponent? No. Will we win every game? No. We will win enough to make the playoffs though and that's good enough for me. Your opinion is your opinion, but I have mine as well and I completely disagree.
  8. I doubt it. Most Europeans hate American football. Europeans prefer soccer. It is like a religion to them. American football will never be popular anywhere outside the U.S. And judging by the comments on this forum, it is rapidly losing it's popularity among Americans as well due to over officiating and poor officiating.
  9. He's exactly right. Results are what counts and thus far this team has been a huge disappointment. Inconsistent play is about the only thing the Bills have been consistent at over the past 10 years. This year doesn't look much different.
  10. Love me some Freddy, but he was done.
  11. Not buying that excuse at all. Other teams with new coaches and new players manage to win games. This team has enough talent to win. The fact of the matter is that the game plan sucked both against NE and the Giants and that lies squarely with the coaches. Those teams exploited the Bills Defensive aggresiveness and we had no answer. We also did not throw the ball nearly enough against a weak Giants secondary. Again, coaching. Hate to say it, but Rex needs to up his game and shut his mouth.
  12. You obviously are not watching the same QB as most other people. Every one of the "experts" on all of the networks are praising his play. I commented at least three times yesterday on what a nice ball he throws. He was not the reason the Bills got beat yesterday. His play was pretty consistent with the way he's played all year. The defense was shredded by the Giants game plan and never adjusted. They were undisciplined and looked completely overmatched. Taylor was one of the few bright spots yesterday and he's the guy you are questioning? Makes no sense.
  13. Actually he's pretty good on the longer kicks. It seems to be the shorter ones that are giving him trouble.
  14. Agree that it's too early to panic, but it's getting close. This is a team we should beat at home and they completely kicked our asses. If this team does not develop some discipline and consistency in the next couple of weeks, it is all over. Another wasted season of hope followed by disappointment.
  15. Absolutely horrible display of football. Officiating was once again suspect, but this team is way too inconsistent.
  16. Not sure if he will be first, but I believe Chip Kelly is gone at some point in the near future. He completely gutted the roster and brought in his own guys and they are not performing. He will be fired soon enough.
  17. I just saw this over at the ESPN site. Last week the Bills were number 8. On Sunday, they went into Miami and completely destroyed the Dolphins. This week they are number 10. WTF? How do you fall two spots after a performance like that? Makes absolutely no sense.
  18. Statistics can be deceiving. It's not the number of penalties or the number of yards, it has to do with when and where the calls were made. The officials definitely gave NE an unfair advantage in this game. They put us in a hole field position wise on a number of occasions and also negated some big plays by the Bills. In an eight point game, they were the difference makers in this one.
  19. So what? You want to penalize him for that? His completion percentage is what it is. There are no caveats, it is simple math. This guy has been incredibly good thus far and if that's not good enough for you then your standards are impossible to achieve. TT is the man.
  20. Nope. A win is a win is a win. We're 2-1 and made the Patsies sweat a little bit in the 4th quarter last week. Great start and I feel nothing but good about this team and the way they are playing.
  21. What's the BS excuse if we win Troll?
  22. I'd be in favor of a minor league for the NFL. Smaller cities that don't have NFL franchises would go for this and I believe fans would support it better than Europeans did. Europe is soccer country. They could care less for the most part about American football. Play it in the U.S. and play it concurrently with the NFL season so players could be called up. Week night games would be the way to go so as not to conflict with High School and College games.
  23. Watching the MNF game last night and it is clear to me that the Jets D is for real. To me, our offense looks better, but that defense looked awfully good. Hoping the Bills can bounce back this weekend, but if they fall to 0-2 in the division, it will be a difficult hole to dig out of because it will be a tough task beating the Jets. If we lose this weekend and we also lose to the Jets, it could be another long season. I think our team is greatly improved, but Sunday showed me there is a long way to go, while the Jets, Pats and Fins all look pretty good. Thoughts?
  24. His height doesn't worry me in the least. The guy makes plays and he put up 32 points on the NE defense. They are a good defense and gave Rothlesberger problems as well. Anyone think he's too short?
  25. I know the refs usually help the Patsies, but do they have to be so obvious?
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