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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. Again, you obviously are too stupid. A portion of your cable bill goes to the NFL, both players and owners. By not watching, ratings go down, which costs the network millions in advertising revenues. If the networks aren't making money, then they can't pay the NFL big money for the TV contract. If the league doesn't have the money, then they can't pay the players. You do have the power to hurt both the league and the players financially and the very fact that I have to explain it to you means that both you and the others are too stupid to understand the financial power that you possess. It has nothing to do with disagreeing with my opinion. That is your right and I spent 23 years defending it. If fans do not let players and owners know that we sign the checks, then they will always take us for granted and treat us like dirt. I can not believe the ignorance that people on this board display every single day. It makes me laugh. And yes I do value my own opinion, just as I value yours if it has any logic to it. Yours didn't and neither did any of the others. Mine on the other hand is well founded and makes good financial sense.
  2. Then go ahead and pay them. That is why they don't care. I for one won't be watching. And I do watch other teams besides the Bills. Did you watch the playoffs or Super Bowl last year? Then you padded the coffers of both players and owners. The only power we as fans have is to hit them in the pocket book. Judging by the responses on this board, the players and owners are right. Fans are too stupid to know that we pay the bills and we are the ones with the economic power.
  3. Again, you miss my point. I am suggesting that we as fans let both the players and owners know that we do not approve of their actions. If you want to continue to pay the bills for millionaires and billionaires who do not appreciate you. I guess it is just too much for the people on this board to grasp. Excuse me for suggestion that we band together and flex the only power that we have. The way they play the game now, Heidi would've been All Pro.
  4. You're missing my point. The point is, we pay the bills and both the players and owners do not appreciate that fact. By "putting us through this" I mean making us miss something that we pay for. And excuse me if I don't cry over millionaires missing a few pay checks. And they make plenty of money to pay for whatever health care benefits they may choose. I on the other hand do not. Let them go work a real job for awhile. And I don't mind finding something else to do with my time on Sundays either. I was suggesting that even if there is football, not to watch. No,I mean when there is football, just don't watch or go to the games, which is what I actually said in my post. Let the players and the owners know that we do not approve of their actions. Obviously the concept is way to much for the people on this board to comprehend.
  5. In light of the millionaires and billionaires being unable to come to agreement on how to split up over 8 billion dollars in revenues, I propose a boycott of NFL games for the upcoming season. Once the agreement is reached, don't buy any tickets, don't go to any games and don't watch the ones on TV. That is the only power we as fans have. Let both owners and players know that it is we the fans that are making them both rich, while we struggle to pay our own bills. I would be willing to sacrifice an entire season of football to send a powerful economic message to both groups. If they lose millions next year, both parties will think twice about ever putting us through this again. Thoughts?
  6. Bet I am a lot more fun than the retards who find the word Hornell similar to horny. At my parties we have people who can tell jokes that people who had more than a third grade education can understand. Bet I am a lot more fun than the retards who find the word Hornell similar to horny. At my parties we have people who can tell jokes that people who had more than a third grade education can understand. I have a great sense of humor when someone says something funny. I have heard the whole horny Hornell comparison a million times and I didn't find it funny even the first time, let alone the millionth.
  7. Nope sorry. Hornell looks nothing like horny. I don't need a dictionary to understand that. I know what horny means. Hornell looks nothing like the word horny. Check the spelling. Not even the same number of letters. To think that it is even close is really a stretch and really reaching to find humor. Bit of history for you. In 1794 an Indian trader and entrepreneur by the name of George Hornell arrived in the valley with big things on his mind. Sensing promise in what he saw, he purchased more than 2000 acres of prime land that same year. The City of Hornell sits on a portion of this property. George Hornell was born in York, Pennsylvania in 1768. His father was Nils Hornell, a native of Hör, Sweden. In 1852, Hornell was selected as the southern terminus of a new branch line to Buffalo, further enhancing Hornell's prospectus. In the same year, the Village of Hornellsville was incorporated. These events are not coincidental. The Erie shops were about the greatest thing to hit Hornell since cream cheese.If anything broke on the Erie, they would send it to Hornell, where the engine shops alone could handle 20 steam locomotives at once. Now, as the fortunes of the railroad go, so go the fortunes of Hornell. And for many years the relationship was good. With the railroad came industry, and Hornell's fortunes grew along with the railroad. The population grew, and the village achieved city status in 1888. The name remained City of Hornellsville until 1906 when it was changed to the City of Hornell.During this period, Hornell took on all the trappings of a medium size city--home to three hotels, three banks, five silk mills, several woodworking factories, a fairgrounds and a horse racing park, a brewery, a shoe factory, a tannery, and even an opera house. Hornell flourished, life was good.The Erie and the City of Hornell hummed along for many years. Hornell seems to have an affinity for baseball. Professional baseball had an 80-year run in Hornell, beginning with the International Association in 1878, and ending with the Hornell Redlegs in 1957. The city hosted numerous teams and leagues over the years. Maple City Park was built in 1942, partly to host the newly franchised Hornell Pirates farm club. That stadium was destroyed in a fire and was rebuilt. It stood until the early 60's when it was demolished to make way for the new high school. The Pirates played in Hornell until 1947 when they were replaced by the Red Sox for a two-year run. In 1950 the Hornell Dodgers materialized as farm club of the Brooklyn Dodgers and totally reinvigorated baseball in Hornell. The 1950 Hornell Dodgers won the pennant by a margin of 10 1/2 games, and the 1951 winning team included player Maury Wills. Attendance at Maple City Park for those two seasons was 97,000 and 74,000 respectively. Wow. The Dodgers left in 1956, making way for the last team to make Hornell home, the Hornell Redlegs. The Redlegs moved to Geneva in 1958, thus ending the era of professional baseball in Hornell.
  8. Actually the current uniforms were never supposed to be worn blue on blue and white on white. When they were unveiled it was the white pants with the blue jerseys at home and the blue pants with white jerseys on the road. Not much different than what is now being proposed. For some reason, they never wore them that way and they never looked right because the striping on the pants never matched the one on the jersey, not to mention how bad those uniforms look worn blue on blue and white on white. Maybe this time they will actually wear the right jerseys with the right pants.
  9. I grew up in Hornell and I don't get the joke. She is a girl from a small town in western NY who made the Jills squad. So what't the joke?
  10. Of course none of us can predict exactly what kind of NFL player Cam Newton will be. We only have our opinions and none is worth more than another. IMHO Cam Newton shows signs of being a very good NFL quarterback. He is the prototype for what NFL teams are currently looking for in a QB. Coaches want that mobility as well as the ability to throw the ball. Newton has demonstrated both. I think he is better than Tebow. If drafted, you could start him off in Wildcat packages, just to get his feet wet. He would bring a new element to the offense while understudying Fitz. Once he gets his feet wet a bit, plug him in there and I believe he will be a star. Just my opinion, based on watching him play this year. If you disagree, I respect your opinion, but again, none of us really knows until we see what he can do.
  11. Before the advent of cable, we got the Giants, the Browns and the Bills games mostly. Since the current Cleveland Browns are not the same team that I grew up rooting for, I have kind of lost interest in them. So when the Bills are not in contention, which is most of the time lately, I root for the Giants to do well.
  12. Dennis Miller is da man! I found your post to be very boring and it almost put me to sleep.
  13. My top 3 would be Dareus, Jordan and Miller in that order. I think that all three will be very good players and would be happy with any of the three as our first pick.
  14. Love the optimism. Guess the Bills might as well not even show up this year. Just forfeit all 16 games since they will suck so bad. Oh wait, a piece of the sky just fell and hit my house. Gotta go.
  15. Living outside the lines for sure. I married a Newfoundlander and now live in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland. Not only is it tough to be a Bills and Sabres fan up here, try being an American living in Canada. They absolutely hate us. The will never say so publicly, in fact they all deny it, but when they don't know you're American, you should hear the things they say. They absolutely despise us. I constantly am defending the honor of America and proud to do so.
  16. I too served for 23 years. For those who have, God Bless you and thank you. For those who haven't, you may not understand the pride of those that have, but we respect what you do as well. This country is great because of all of its people. You are the source of her greatness. I was never more proud in my life than when I wore the uniform and saluted the flag every single day. God Bless America and all her people. Sure she has her flaws, but still the greatest country in the world. Cherish her. Appreciate her. Be thankful that you live in a country that offers the freedoms that she does.
  17. Nobody was forcing anything down your throat. If you didn't want to hear it, then just change the channel. This wasn't about government, it was about the beauty of the document itself. You seem to have grasped that concept. It was about the foresight that the founding fathers had and the freedoms that they made sure we have.
  18. Of course. Because identifying ourselves as Americans is such a terrible thing. I am an American living in Canada and believe me, people up here are amazed by our love of our country. And as someone who spent 23 years in the military, I am proud to hear the national anthem, anytime, anwhere.
  19. No way that Deion Sanders is a Hall of Famer and Andre Reid is not. Sanders had nowhere near a hall of fame career, while Reid clearly did. The whole thing is a joke.
  20. It is you who don't get it my friend. A coaching staff's job is to get their team prepared to play in games. It is not to showcase them for scouts and reporters. This staff did their job. And they did it quite well. By getting them prepared, they allowed them to showcase their skills under game conditions, not on a practice field.
  21. Did you watch the games? Our offense was clearly not the problem this year. Statistics aside, if you watched the games you should know that it was the defense that was the issue with this team. If you don't understand that, then there is no need for further discussion, because you just don't get it.
  22. Wouldn't exactly call the Steelers line a BMW. And ours was not the problem. We had absolutely no defense. We scored enough points to win and actually should have beat Pittsburgh. The D is the problem. The O-line actually performed pretty well.
  23. Cuz he's old that's why. And he wanted a boatload of money. He could help an O line in Pittsburgh that was already pretty good. He would not have been the answer on an O-line that needed the experience that they got this year.
  24. I agree with your assessment. I think we go DL no matter what system they decide to play. I am assuming it will be a mix of fronts again. I think we need some help on the inside at linebacker as well in order to help with stopping the run. The rest, I am on board with. If we got those positions in that order, it would be a good draft.
  25. Responding to people who talk to me. I could care less what Jimmy has to say. I initially clicked on because I thought the thread a few months ago was so ridiculous. This one is no exception. Very entertaining, but just because of people's responses, both joking and otherwise. The original post? Eh.....
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