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Everything posted by xsoldier54

  1. LOL, well it sure beats singing a song about how the sun will never come out again, which is the tune that seems to emanate from this space most of the time.
  2. Well you can count me among those that doesn't believe finishing dead last is a sunny day scenario. A psychologist could have a field day analyzing that mindset. And for the record, I didn't say a word about making the playoffs. I was just having a bit of fun with the defeatist mentality of some people on this board.
  3. That's what I love about this board. It's such a haven for optimists. What if the weatherman predicts sun tomorrow and then it snows. Would you still think the sun might come out again someday or stick with the snowy forecast?
  4. If he had said it on O'Reilly, somehow the liberal media would have made O'Reilly a racist for allowing the word "slavery" to be uttered on the airwaves. And believe it or not Arianna Huffington used to be Republican until she found out how much money she could make by spewing liberal hatred.
  5. You draft a DL, which is what they should do anyway.
  6. He's a real rocket surgeon.
  7. I don't really need to see the IMO. I get that people are posting their opinions. I agree 100% about the hate though. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you disagree with mine, I respect that. Let's just enjoy the back and forth and understand it's all in fun.
  8. Since the other news link about Hornell was such a popular topic, couldn't pass this up. Can't wait to see where this one goes. http://www.eveningtribune.com/sports/x2011264640/Stevie-Johnson-coming-to-Hornell
  9. So you're suggesting that because a judge was appointed by the Bush administration that they won't be fair. What a load of crap. Typical liberal Democrat BS. Supreme court justices are supposed to be impartial. That is the nature of the position. All this politicizing of the Supreme Court is absolute nonsense. I firmly believe that Supreme Court justices are all fair. They may have personal views, but they look at each case on its merits. If the players have a case, they will win, if they don't, then they won't. Plain and simple.
  10. Laughing out loud. Love that you care so much about what I think. Maybe you should boycott this site so you don't have to read my posts. Oh wait, that's right, my posts aren't affecting your life at all. I love how people react to something they don't agree with. That's why I do it.
  11. So just keep believing that you are powerless and do nothing then. I for one am using the power that I have and not watching the games. I really don't care if anyone joins me or not. I would continue to urge everyone not to watch though as I can show you statistics and history on the power of economic boycotts. They do work and consumers do have power. But hey if you believe you have no power to influence future negotiations, then just take what they give you and like it. I won't be.
  12. So nobody's TV is used for ratings, is that what you're trying to say? I am suggesting that nobody watch the games, not just me. I don't want to watch the games, that's the point. I don't care about a bunch of billionaires using a bunch of millionaires to make more money. They don't even play football that well. Most pro football players today can't even execute the basics of blocking and tackling. And the fact that people on this board don't understand the power of an economic boycott just amazes me. So go ahead, do as you please. Watch the games, feed the beast, it's your right, just as it is mine to urge people not to do it anymore. That's right, ban someone that you don't agree with. That's a logical way to prove your point. I really don't care if people agree with me or not. It is my own opinion and unless someone can convince me with a logical argument that a boycott won't work, then I will continue to hold it. I am still waiting for someone to do that. Amazing how they're able to estimate the number of viewers then isn't it? They can tell if nobody is watching, believe me. They will know. But hey, if you don't want to do it, then just don't. I have no problem with that at all. If you don't agree with a boycott, then simply don't do it. I will, and that is both of our rights. The fact that people are so violently opposed to me doing something I believe in just amazes me. It won't stop me though. I really don't care if no one else does it. The reason the players and owners are able to make so much money is because of the fans. That means we hold the power and people just don't seem to get it.
  13. You make me laugh. Up where? Do you even know where I live? And by the way, I like the snow. And I love it when people don't even know they're being tweaked. So keep it coming, I am eating it up.
  14. I am not the least bit angry. And by the way, your arguments don't hold water at all. TV viewers have all the power when it comes to ratings and advertising revenues. If nobody watches, then advertisers will not pay the rates that the NFL is used to and believe me the league owners will feel the pain. If the league doesn't get the money from the networks in the next contract that they are used to, then the players will be affected as well. And in most markets, you can buy single game tickets to almost every game at some point during the pre-season or season, so please don't tell me about wasting tickets that are already paid for. I am proposing that we as fans, who do, by the way hold all the economic power to shut this league down, let both parties know that we are the ones that pay the bills. If we do this, both parties will think twice about ever having another work stoppage. It is a very simple concept and a very powerful one. If you are not on board, then go ahead and feed the beast, it's your right. I for one, won't be watching this bunch of greedy individuals any more. I have a family and I enjoy lots of other interests besides NFL football.
  15. If you don't understand, then sorry for you. I will not explain my reasoning again. You either get it or you don't. If you don't, then no problem, just don't do it. If you do, then think about it. That's all my post was intended to do. It was supposed to make people think about the economic power that they possess and let the players and owners both know that we don't approve of their recent conduct. Period, plain and simple.
  16. Have at it Freddy and I really don't expect anyone to actually boycott the games. That would be too difficult for most. I was merely attempting to make people think about the power that they have and how they could influence future negotiations by hurting the league financially. Enjoy your games, I'll be at the movies or the park with my kids. The NFL is something that I have enjoyed since I was a kid. I'm not anymore and I don't like a bunch of rich, greedy individuals taking me for granted.
  17. At least you have a sense of humor frogger. Made me laugh. I am thoroughly enjoying this discussion. Getting a good laugh at some of the responses to my post. I love tweaking some of the people who have responded with such venom to my posts. Your response on the other hand was classic.
  18. "The average fan punishes themselves by not using tickets that are mostly paid for - by turning off games to hurt ratings they have no effect on." I'm crying BS on this one. Noone suggested fans not use tickets that are already paid for. And fans have a huge impact on TV ratings. And if you don't understand that, then you are a fool and further discussion is pointless. And yes, it is my right to respond to whomever I choose to and ignore whomever I choose to. If you don't like that, then I'm sorry for you. And once again, another idiot fails to understand what I am proposing. If you don't think the current situation is pathetic and deserving of economic retaliation, then once again, I am sorry for you. It has nothing to do with my personal life. I don't like the way a company is being run and I am proposing consumers not patronize their product to let them know we disapprove. Simple as that. If you don't agree, fine, then that is your right, do your thing and I will do mine and encourage others to follow. As a matter of fact, no it wouldn't. Damned is the proper way to spell the word and to use it in this context. And just for the record, I love football. I just don't find it so essential in my life that I can't live without it. I don't believe in what the players and owners are doing and I propose we as fans use our economic might and let them know we dont' approve. Again, I have no grudge against anyone who disagrees. If you want to continue to be ignored and taken for granted, then fine, do your thing. But just think of the power we as fans have. If no one went to the games, and no one watched on TV, the networks, the owners and the league would lose millions and you can bet there would never again be a work stoppage. They would stop taking you for granted and ensure that the product that you love is never again put in jeopardy. +1
  19. It's spelled soldier. And you're the one who needs to get a clue. Did you read my post? What I am suggesting is to punish the billionaire owners and millionaire players by not patronizing their product. It has nothing to do with anything that is going on in my life. It's what smart consumers do when they don't like the products that they are being offered or the way a company is being run. If that's too difficult a concept for people on this board to grasp then it is their problem, not mine. I am doing just fine thank you very much. Very happy with my friends, family and life. And if you actually read some of my responses, calling people stupid had nothing to do with whether or not they agreed with me. It was their inability to grasp the concept of an economic boycott. So I'll just assume that you're another idiot who can't understand the concept and disregard your comments. Thanks very much for playing though, we have some prizes for you back stage for being so damned dumb.
  20. Funny how those businesses seem to survive in non NFL cities. No doubt that game days give them a boost, but maybe they need to think of other ways to attract customers instead of depending on the Bills to do it for them. +1
  21. It's the apathy of most people that allows the NFL and NFLPA to make so much money and have zero regard for its customers. That's you and me. If it's too tough for you, then don't do it. For me, I'll read a book or take the family to a movie next year when football is on. I won't miss it one bit. You're right, the Bills do suck and have for quite some time. So why is it that some people have such a hard time with the concept of not watching something that sucks? +1
  22. Listen brother, if you want to continue lining their pockets, I say go for it. Oh by the way, it does affect you. You just don't understand how it does and I'm tired of explaining it. Some people will agree with me and some won't. I really don't care either way. I'm suggesting we punish both parties for a work stoppage that could have been avoided and show them they need to appreciate the people who pay the bills and that's us.
  23. And your point? Brilliant. The IQ level on this board never ceases to amaze me. What I am proposing is to punish the owners and players for what they are doing right now. The way to do that is not to watch the games or buy tickets or merchandise. Any time a group of people does that,it sends a powerful economic message. Once they see the result of what they have done and how it has hurt them economically, they will think twice about ever having a work stoppage again.
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