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Everything posted by soulburn

  1. Alright look I know there's a lot of hating when it comes to Rex Ryan and his inability to turn it around in one season but it was only one season and for some reason no one has been able to do it in 16 years so give the guy a break. I mean those ravens defenses were legendary top of the line cream of the crop defenses and that was his baby so give it a minute. There's a lot of successful coaches who needed a second shot to iron it out at head coach so let's have just a touch more patience and as far as Mario's comments shut up and go to work bruh seriously. You gotta realize that as far as both these dudes are concerned (Rex and Rob) their whole life has been building to this moment they're on the same team so let's give them a chance to live out their dream cause I mean come on that's kinda awesome right two bros coaching together on the highest stage as a tribute to their pop, frickin sweet. You can say whatever you want about him hiring his brother but let's face it any of us would make the same choice every time if the stars aligned like that and if you wouldn't your brother probably thinks your a d@!k anyways
  2. Chandler the man handler
  3. Stay in Philly you mutinous bastard
  4. WTF any city that isn't a ski town sucks in the winter. Buffalo is sick in the summer puttin on all those free shows and what not to mention the food. There's also plenty of bars and rheir open till 4 (wait maybe thats not such a good thing) anyways F that Buffalonians and their city are the shiznit!
  5. its a two back league boys and lynch is a beast when he gets a block or two. I think he's a funny f*ck and adds some personality to this team. Stop hatin. Also he has been nothing but supportive to Freddy and they have a great working relationship
  6. f@ck that ****. Beast mode needs to stay u fools. He compliments freddy well and they have a great working relationship. its a two back league these days. Short of murdering someone I could give a flying f@ckadoodledoo what lynch does off the field stop the hatin.
  7. Why is eveyone making such a big deal out of what those kids did to Mckelvins lawn. Even he thought that **** was funny. then that one writer compares it to the murder incident give me a f'in break. Kawika mitchel also needs to chill between this and stickin up for Maybin's holdout I'm startin to think he's a bit of a dick. At the end of the day these players have there millions and alls we have are our broken dreams so lets not be to rough on these little guy's for a victimless prank. Remember the saying it's all fun and games till someone gets hurt well jeez I don't think anyone got hurt soooo ya lets not judge these juniors because i'm sure most of us had bit of a delinquet streek at that age to. Message to the kids: next time don't let the piggies scare ya into narcing out your bud dude!
  8. Its the curse of the 12th man. He must never stand on the sidelines again
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