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Everything posted by goldenboy81

  1. Merry Xmas everybody and Happy New Year
  2. Oh great hopefully he's good
  3. Was pulling for him but looks like injuries have caught up with him. Hopefully he bounces back
  4. So he missed almost 2 yrs then he played in a snow storm then made the west trip. Maybe let the guy get his feet wet first
  5. Prob so. And then Bills only hope is Allen out scores the other offense
  6. Jets should have a high pick. Maybe youse guys can draft a qb
  7. Let's go Buffalo!!!
  8. So happy Allen got a true No 1 receiver. He's been making chicken salad out of chicken shih this season
  9. Jets got a 2-4 problem
  10. Great game by Rapp,made game saving plays again and again.And welcome back Taron The best secondary prob in the league and Allen carved em up. Go Bills
  11. Let's the jets get right in their heads
  12. I got wings and they forgot the blue cheese. I had to use ranch,I'm sorry everyone.
  13. Didn't want the momentum anyways
  14. I'm still waiting for that elite defense they were saying all morning that the cowboys have
  15. That sucks for tua. He really should hang it up. Kincaid takes a knee blow to the head and he's fine. Tua just got tackled
  16. Are the refs on a rodeo speaker or some karaoke machine from the 90s
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