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b stein 22

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Everything posted by b stein 22

  1. read this article about what REx Ryan did for Sanchez its pretty funny http://www.nfl.com/news/story?id=09000d5d8...mp;confirm=true i am sorry if this was already posted
  2. I was trying to find the movie online but i could not get the full movie, only 76 mins of it. Anybody know were i can get the rest. I used movie25.com but it just cuts off
  3. lynch is missing his holes and it looks like hes dancing in the backfield instead of going at the defense head on.
  4. You know your team sucks when your compared to the raiders. Thank you Im looking forward for next weeks game
  5. Does anyone realize losman is playing against teams that probably could not even beat some college teams. Its like playing against third and forth stringers its easy.
  6. Firing Dj was stupid. Now the players have to produce or they will get cut. Not like Dj were he thought that veterans were better just because they are veterans. Now I get to see younger players like steve johnson finally get some playing time
  7. mike Tomlin is a defensive guy and look at his offense. 49ers dont even have a franchise QB. The bills offense might be a little better, but not enough to get us to the playoffs.
  8. Right now i want proven coaches that will eventually bring this team to the playoffs in the near future. I think fewell should just stay at defensive coordinator. Mike Tomlin is struggling with consistent offensive play and thats probably what will happen to fewell
  9. Exactly what I was thinking. I would love the bills to e the colts right now.
  10. One question. Who is going to stop chris johnson? Answer this question the and the bills win on sunday.
  11. I dont give a f about my grammar or spelling. I dont waste my time going through my sentences picking out the mistakes I typed. If you have a problem with my typing then go ahead and fix it for me. this is not formal writing so i dont care.
  12. For the bills 60% is to low. The actual percentage should be around 90% because almost all of the bills draft picks are busts. I forget the exact number but the bills have only retained like 6/52 players from the drafts between 2001-2005
  13. Maybe if the plays were not basic and AVP tried to do something like miami. He has seven wr on the roster and we have not seen the bills try a spread offense. Look at Aaron Rogers he does not have a great line but has receivers get open to throw to them. AVP needs to change up the plays and put in different formations to confuse the defense. It just seems like the bills line up the same on most of the plays.
  14. If this somehow came true would he still be considered crazy?
  15. LETS GO STEVE JOHNSON. he should be #2 but being that its DJ he will sit him
  16. Dont you mean jags vs rams
  17. I dont understand in another thread you wanted Eric Magini as coach and now you want to keep DJ. Serious question: Do you want the Bills to loose because DJ and ManGenouis could not have a winning season unless getting touchdowns on offense would give you negative points? And they would still loose because they would try to get touchdowns and not understand why the other team is giving to them.
  18. Why would you want another year of having to watch offense do NOTHING. I really mean NOTHING when I say this. Do you like having to watch every game and know that in any second they can blow the game.
  19. for anyone who thinks his name is chris polian u r wrong. His name is bill Polian
  20. This is what happens when you have ralph's daughter trying to pick good players and Failing to do so
  21. u know there five guys on the Line and three of them suck
  22. Bills 2nd in the league in QB hits and fifth in the league giving up sacks. Thats why we need to draft a 1st round offensive lineman. It cant get much worse than this. All the good teams in this league have good offensive line
  23. why trade marshawn lynch fred jackson 29 marshawn 23 Fred jacksons getting old and I dont think he has a lot more seasons left in him. If we trade marshawn e are going to have to get another running back and waste another pick in 1st round pick in a couple of years
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