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Everything posted by letsgobills1990

  1. Not to be that guy, but Ralph has turned into such an embarrassment for Bills fans.
  2. No that is Greg Bauch. By the way, anyone know what band Nick was in?
  3. Nice Brad! I miss you on GR. Bringing Whitey on the show? Will be fun to listen too.
  4. After watching Grudens special last night on ESPN I have to say that Tebow's interview is far better then any of the other quarterbacks. He knows what is being said about him and he is dying to prove everyone wrong. I think he will do whatever it takes to make it as an NFL quarterback and I think he would be a great addition to the Bills. I would love it if we go OT at number 9, and I really would like to trade back in late in the first round and grab him. Maybe ship Marshawn out for a second, or third round pick? I know everyone has different opinions on him, you either love him or hate him. But someone like that is committed and dedicated to do whatever it takes to be successful and win. I would rather the bills take a risk on someone like that then some of the other first round choices they have had lately- Lynch, McCargo, Whitner.. Atleast if it ends up not working out you can not fault them for trying.. atleast they would be going after a proven winner, and someone with a good head on his shoulders unlike someone like Lynch.
  5. On what? Injuries? You don't think its coincidence that the Bills have had the most injuries in the NFL the past few years?
  6. Was last week our only game not losing a player to injury? That is so frustrating, every game someone gets injured. I'd put a new and GOOD strength and conditioning coach up at the top of the list next to a new GM.
  7. I don't mean to rain on your parade lol, but Fitz has had two DECENT games.. I wouldn't exactly call him the leader we have been looking for of the past 15 years. But I am glad you are excited, it is definitely nice to be excited for the Bills again. I'm more or less excited about the future, what's going to happen with the head coaching position, coordinators etc and more importantly the front office. On GR this morning they were talking about bringing in Leslie Frazier (Vikings DC) and that would bring along Charlies Weiss as OC. I wouldn't mind that, and keeping Fewell as DC. Although I do enjoy Fewell's enthusiasm on the field and how he connects with his players. I was against it at the beginning but if this season plays out well, and the players actually show some intensity, I wouldn't be against Fewell as HC. He is fun, and refreshing. Even the media loves him. But as far as Fitz goes, we need to get our QB of the future in this draft. We can't keep waiting. Eventually we have to hit on something.
  8. hahah do we find every reason to complain? we ask the same thing on this board all of the time, I can't count how many times posters have said they want the bills to lose so we can get a better draft spot. if we didn't win to Miami, everyone would still be saying let's keep losing and get a top five pick.
  9. Correct on the Marvin Harrison front, the reason Lynch gets accused from most people firsthand is because of the trouble he has gotten himself into, the other players either by luck or by smarts have not gotten caught like lynch with possession of marijuana with an unregistered loaded gun. The guy is an idiot, I'm sure there are other players on the team who smoke marijuana but so far they are smart enough not to do it in a car, with an unregistered gun in the vehicle. As far as what I said about seeming fishy, i'm saying what I thought the night I heard about it, then I read TO's twitter, then the next day asked Angel (his daughter) about it. I totally understand why you would be questioning, you can believe me or you don't have to lol. I am not a reporter, you can believe what you want, or think what you want that's totally fine by me. I'm just stating what I know, and how it was all blown out of proportion to begin with. Thurm was frustrated at the time, and by the end of the night cooled down, tried to end speculation that it was TO because thats the last thing he needs is to create controversy with his former team, when he is in such close contact with the team, and always at the stadium.
  10. That happens in so many places though, and I can imagine much worse has been done. Not to say that it is right, but being a young player and having a ton of money, and the fame is probably a hard thing to deal with. I'm sure they thought they could get away with anything. Every sports player is like that, some more then others though. Every interaction i've had with Thurman he has been nothing but the nicest he could be. Again, not making excuses for his actions as a younger player but NFL players think they can do anything they want, and that's because most people put them on the highest level. I think it's ridiculous the amount of money they get to work half of the year, and playing a sport they love to play.
  11. Thurman is a good guy, so is Jim. Noone is perfect, and imagine being in your early 20's with all of the fame and money they had around here. I'm sure you've had your fair share of bad days. Everyone has. Now imagine being a starting QB and RB in the NFL. Everything you do is magnified.
  12. I'm friends with his daughter. As I said you can believe it if you want to believe it, it does not really matter to me. As i've stated before, after the game I said there was no way it was TO, but really when it comes down to it who else on this team could you expect it to be other then Lynch, and TO. The way i look at it is this- TO doesn't care about the Bills of the 90's or about meeting the hall of fame guys, but it sure was fishy when TO was tweeting about Thurm being the better then Emmett Smith after all of that had went down.
  13. Take it for what it is, I'm just telling you what I know. I didn't think it would have had anything to do with TO neither at first. Nor do I really think it was really that big of a deal, my guess is he was just fuming at the time.. hence the twitter updates. Now that he has realized it's not really that big of a deal, he has cooled down about it.
  14. Dk. maybe his kid was with him when they were supposed to meet with him and jim, and saw them walk right by them.
  15. Thurm said it wasn't T.O on twitter, but I think he was just trying not to start anything. I thought it was funny that T.O was on twitter that night saying how Thurm was better then Emmett Smith. I don't think it's that big of a deal to be honest, I think it was overreacting.. And I think he was more upset at Lynch following T.O's lead when T.O is around, but numerous times before that Lynch has always been nice to Thurm.
  16. Not halftime, before the game. My bad.
  17. It was T.O and Lynch. All of the current players were able to meet the hall of fame players at halftime, and when T.O was schedule to meet Jim and Thurman he just walked by, and then Lynch followed. Thurm was pissed because every other time Marshawn has been nice to him. I don't understand the big deal in that, T.O is himself, he wasn't drafted here nor does he plan to be here more then a year he doesn't care about the bills past. Lynch on the other hand is a different story, he needs to get a plane ticket out of here asap. It was something along those lines.
  18. Howard Simon just started off the showing say this is the best he has felt about a bills victory all season and disagreed with Schopp saying what he did.
  19. That's also incorrect. The idiot that posted it didnt even know what T.O said oh well too cause he left him like 100 messages @terrellowens what did you say oh well! lol to? I only commented u like 100 different things! You can read so yourself here http://twitter.com/Paully10Towne Typical trouble starter trying to make T.O look like a bad guy. When he hasnt done much of anything wrong this year.
  20. The thing is he really does have the goat in his garage. It's not like he is just making it up, that would be odd.
  21. Seen them both, 2012 was allright. But the Blindside is a great movie. It was fun, but just a great all around movie. I wanted the Bills to take him at 11, but when we passed on him and the 20's started getting picked and he was still there i was really hoping he would have fallen to us. He looked great tonight against Pit. Any kid with that kind of a story and turns his life around like that really is something special. The family could have taken in some kid with his background and have been extremely sorry for doing so, but he didnt do that to them.
  22. I loved Brinson. Would love it if he was on GR instead of Schopp Howard and Jeremy are great together in the am.
  23. he also said it was not T.O funny how everyone assumes it was T.O ridiculous.
  24. ya know, I can see where the argument comes from but the way I see it is simple: I'm sure there are alot of die hard UB fans, but not a demanding amount. We don't live in the south, college football isn't huge here and it never will be. UB was good last year, which caused all of the fair weather fans to come out of the woodwork because for the first time in a long time Buffalo had a winning team. Howard and Jeremy had Turner Gil on all of the time last year. Now that the team has come back down to normal (average at best, just like the Bills) the demand for the team has went down. I am sure once they stumble upon a good season again they will find a way to get them into the rotation. Howard and Jeremy are great in the morning, they actually listen to the callers and let them speak and share their opinion. Schopp and the Bulldog on the other hand is a different story. Schopp is one of the biggest aholes around. Never lets callers finish, he is always right, and if he doesn't agree with the caller they are automatically wrong. It's funny that people even bother calling these two idiots, listeners ask "Hey how are you doing" and you get a fast snippy "fine" like you should apologize for asking how they are doing? What a joke. I've heard a caller say "Don't worry I won't ask how you are doing", callers should not have to do that. They are the reason these idiots are still on the air. And it's funny cause whenever Schopp is not in, Bulldog does not act anything like he does when Schopp is around. You can ask "how are you doing" and Bulldog will give a nie "i'm doing good thank you". Schopp is just a straight up ass. I miss Jim Brinson, WNSA was a great station. And i'd love to replace Brinson with Schopp anyday. Hell, replace Zig with Bulldog as well. WNSA was a class station and I really miss it. It was great being able to listen to the Sabres games at night and hear them clearly. GR's signal sucks.
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