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Everything posted by paulmm3

  1. Shawn Hochuli should never officiate again. I've never seen anything like that. I wish legitimate physical pain upon the man and the rest of his crew.
  2. Been critical of the coaching a bunch this year but McD and the defense had a fine game, and I can't blame the play calling for the turnovers. Josh was trash tonight.
  3. It is weird to me to see so many so-called "liberals" advocate so ardently for the censorship of disfavored speech. That's not what liberalism used to stand for. Especially after scientists from Harvard and Stanford who wound up being right about Covid having a very low IFR were censored in the pandemic.
  4. There is nothing in the least bit political or controversial about this movie. The bad guys are Colombian and nothing American politics related even close to comes up. Shocking to see the character assassinations come out on what is such a benign, normal movie.
  5. Between the emails, bank records, and whistleblower testimony it seems like we have pretty thorough evidence of a bribery scheme involving both Joe and Hunter
  6. We have thousands of emails and Excel files documenting the FBI, DHS, and CISA coercing social media companies to censor "disfavored" speech - from Ivy League physicians questioning the Covid narrative to Hunter Biden's laptop. It's shocking and the largest violation of the first amendment I can recall in my lifetime.
  7. Excessive spending by the federal government and the money printing needed to pay for it are the root causes of inflation.
  8. Happy fourth to all freedom lovers 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲
  9. Even if you think student debt nationalization is ethical (it's not) - a massive financial plan like this has to go through Congress. Blatantly unconstitutional for Biden to do it by executive decree. We don't live in a dictatorship.
  10. Nice! Good for everyone that the charity golf tournament is back on and left wing sponsors don't get to screw kids with cancer out of money because orange man bad.
  11. that DB = jabari greer
  12. In addition to our joke of a run defense, someone needs to figure out how to stop tight ends on passing plays. Fasano, Finley, Gronkowski, Keller, and today even f#@$&(# Marcedes Lewis have eaten us alive.
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