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Everything posted by BillsInMaine

  1. I think it's a pretty good hire by the Jets. Gailey at OC is a good choice.
  2. I like Clay as well. Cameron has major concussion problems and Julius Thomas will cost way to much.
  3. Can you elaborate on any of the other things your hearing?
  4. Can we have a Leroi thread where just his info can be posted? This is great stuff.
  5. Why on earth would Gase do an interview on the plane headed to Seattle?
  6. Completely agree with all of this.
  7. Id rather keep Doug Whaley over Doug Marrone!
  8. Ill take Revis and Julius.
  9. All my friends are d-bag Pats fans.
  10. Its post like this when I wish there was a "Like" button
  11. So, I'm sitting here with a good buzz on and my mom calls me to ask about the game on Thursday. Shes the only one around that pretends to care about the Bills. I have a pretty cool relationship with my mom, most all swear words go and bitching about everyday crap is tolerated. In privacy of course. Anyway, I just bitched pretty hard about the beloved 2014 Bills for a good 8 mins. After we hung up I started thinking, cloudy thinking of course. What if this team does have the balls we all believe they lack? What if they Win 4-5 of their next 6 and are still in the playoff race? What if? Im sure this makes no sense but just thinking those what ifs kept me beliving and still, somehow happy I'm a Bills fan. Carry on.
  12. So I finally bought Madden 15 the other day. I had played 5 games with no penalties called. On my 6th game online, against the Pats I start off by driving right down the field. On the Pats 25 yd line I throw a beautiful TD to Mike Williams. Out of no where a holding on Chandler. Next play I throw a pick that bounces of Sammys hands... Two plays later the guy scores on 3 broken tackles from 55 yds out. NFL is definitely rigged. Or I just suck at Madden. But the penalty just blew me away, all I could do was laugh.
  13. Think our best chance to win the rest of the year is to put the ball into Kyle's and the WR's hands. It will also open up the run game a lot more. Doubt Hackett will do this, but we will see. Also I think Spiller would benefit from a pass first team, too bad hes gone for awhile if not for good.
  14. Hogan looked pretty good from what I saw. Seems to have a good rapport with Orton. I'm hoping he will be a big part of this offense for the rest of the year. Merge this with another thread if he's being talked about. Just haven't seen anything on him.
  15. Goodell is ruining the NFL by having the officials be such a big part of games. https://www.change.org/p/nfl-fire-roger-goodell-6
  16. I'm thinking 3 wins is very reasonable expectation. We have some dynamic players who will shine with a QB who can get them the ball. Sammy's rookie comments yesterday made me feel good about the passing game from here on out. It seeme like he was rejuvenated with the QB change. I know the Pats have started slow in the past and then come on strong. But it dosent look that way to me this year. They look bad in every aspect of the game. I bet they go 1-3. MIA I see going 2-1 NYJ I see going 1-3
  17. Wors QB in league. http://m.espn.go.com/general/blogs/blogpost?blogname=afceast&id=72362&src=desktop&rand=ref~%7B%22ref%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F%22%7D
  18. If Watkins has another game like last week will the Bills turn to Orton? Theres no way they dont do whatever they have to to get the ball in his hands. They paid to much to not feed him.
  19. Welcome to Maine. You will hate the Pats even more now.
  20. Haha love it! Go Bills!
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