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Everything posted by weehawk

  1. Both teams were pathetic, but I think we get a pass for the CB injuries. When you can hit 50+ yard bombs with impunity, you know something's up. I like how EJ and Stevie played, even though EJ threw some real stinkers. I see some light. Playoffs, not likely. I want to see the front office really stick it to Byrd. I think he's faking it and he may have cost us both the Pats and Jets games. Dont give in. Let him sit and rot.
  2. Either not enuf coffee today or too much. Make that third-least valuable team in the NFL. Hopefully it means that it wont be such an uphill battle to get a local buyer once RW passes on, which at this rate will be the year 2025.
  3. http://www.forbes.com/nfl-valuations/list/
  4. A couple thoughts: * There's different echelons of players in the NFL. Many players dont make enough money to retire on after their careers and dont have a problem with playing in cities that have a better cost-of-living. * If I'm a big-time player, I'm going to think twice about the Bills more because of NY State's tax burden than how sexy the city is. * Low- to mid-level players have no problem coming here. The tax burden is offset by the low cost of living. * These guys only play 10 games a year in town and on the whole probably spend six months out of the year here. You have to assume that most lease their housing and have no issues about flying out of town for "hot times" elsewhere The argument that we may be too unhip or uncool is not the overriding factor for the majority of players. Sure, there's a sub-set of superstars and coaches that wont come here. That holds for the NHL too. However, I think it's more about ownership or state-of-the-team situations than whether or not the city itself is cool. I think this argument is geared more towards the NBA than the NFL. Stars wont come here because of RW and the poor state-of-the-team and front-office. Trust me, if this team had a winning atmosphere or a recent history of winning, more stars would come here without worrying about how cool the city is.
  5. I was always skeptical about the stories I've read that folks call DTV and get ST for free. Well...it finally happened to me. I've been with DTV since 1996. My current two yr contract was almost up and I called the retention dept. and told them that I was thinking of leaving. I told them that I wanted the new Genie system and ST max for free. He didn't bat an eye AND he gave me a $35 a month credit for the next 12 months. The new system was installed by 430 on the same day! I know some folks have had lousy DTV experiences. I'm not one of them. The new Genie system rocks and I get to watch the Bills this year for free. I'm sure the key was my being with them so long and the fact that i was nice about it and told him exactly what I wanted.
  6. Ok. Work on the upper deck then. We're not Dallas. We're more like KC. We need to use the existing site and building and keep it functional and safe. Nothing more or less. RWS can be functional for decades IF they spend any reno money wisely (which I'm sure they wont). This is NY States' way of claiming that they are building for the future and providing jobs, blah, blah. But every single year they come back to the taxpayers for more money and those same taxpayers are seeing their pay and benefits going down. Look, those with good paying and secure jobs can obviously afford to be more liberal with taxpayer dollars. Those that aren't are nuts to support this. Everyone WILL pay for it one way or another. Not to mention a new building means new pricing and we're not talking lower prices. Are people in WNY that secure financially? I dont think they are or else the State would not be losing the number of residents that continue to flow out of here. Rochester had the only real corporate base and now it's gone. I just dont understand how WNYers can continue to be so flippant about where their tax dollars go. Definately fight for State development money to come to the area, but not for the Bills. I maintain that RWS is fine.
  7. New stadium backers should have their heads examined. Tell me why would an already overburdened taxpayer (homeowner-apt owner) want to help pay for a new stadium when the existing one is perfectly fine to watch a losing team play in? Who ultimately pays for this new building? It wont be privately built that's for sure. From the Census: 1. New York (Least tax friendly state) The Tax Foundation considers New York to have the worst business climate of all states. When they say..."considers New York to have the worst business climate of all states"... they are talking about upstate. Downstate is doing just fine. Upstate is a trainwreck. So let's drop half a billion or more on a new stadium and raise everyone's taxes so drunken college kids and Canadians can watch the Bills lose. You guys just dont make any sense. Bethlehem Steel site - It's a Superfund site - nuff said Niagara Falls - You cant get there easily when there's no traffic. NF is already a dump. Why make it worse? Downtown - Yeah, because Pet Clark says that's where the lights are bright. Harbor - Sure, take away the only decent land left in the city and give it to the Bills. Brilliant. If you pay WNY property taxes and you have no problem adding a new stadium to your bill, all the power to you. If you're a renter and you have no problem with your landlord upping your rent due to higher property taxes to pay for a new stadium, go for it. Someone's gotta pay for it.
  8. They both had potential and both got stomped on due to our non-existent OLine. You get thumped enough times in the head and you wont be any good at your job either. Dont know if you're any good at it now, but let's assume you are. Best line of the day..."brand new organization" my god, too funny.
  9. I'm an NC State Wolfpack season ticket holder and have watched Mike Glennon closely for two years. If there's a dark horse in this, it's him. He has the tool set. He needs what all rookies will need.. good coaching and a decent OLine. At this point, I dont think there's a rookie out there that will succeed in BUF. Every QB in here since Flutie has been setup to fail. Next season will be no different. You simply cant judge in advance what an NFL rookie QB will or wont do. It's very dependent upon the organization as a whole. RG3 and Luck are extreme exceptions that both happened in the same season. Quite rare and highly unlikely to be repeated with any of next season's rookie QBs. I would feel more sorry for Glennon if the Bills took him than I would BUF not getting a good QB. This team does one thing really well and that's destroy young QBs.
  10. Long term survival of the team does NOT depend on a new stadium. GB is doing just fine in a renovated stadium (KC too). GB has the same problem BUF does; no corporate base. ROI for a modern NFL stadium requires a robust corporate base. Do you think Joe Fan is going to shell out three times what he does now simply because the stadium is new? No way! Do you think the area has enough corporate entities to sell out a huge inventory of outrageously expensive suites in a new building? I recall awhile back when the Bills couldn't sell out their suites. But somehow when we build new suites, they will all sell out and at three times the current rate? I dont think so. Do some research on how fast the shine wears off on new sports facilities. It's a short-term kick and then watch out. These behemoths are built specifically by the ultra-rich for the ultra-rich, Ultra-rich owners build palaces to host other ultra-rich people.There will be no new stadium. NY wont pay for it and no one is going to sink $1/2 billion or more of their own money into the ultra-weak WNY economy. I agree that the $130 million is just a band aid. GB put about $300 million into their stadium and KC was around the same amount. The $130 million is just a stop-gap. Within the next ten years, RWS stadium will require a real renovation. But forget about a new stadium. The area (and State) cannot support it and no one is going to spend their own money on it.
  11. A conglomeration including Jim Kelly, Thurman Thomas, and, very likely, Donald Trump and Bob Rich have purchased the Buffalo Bills from Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. for an unknown sum, probably in the $800Million to $1Billion range. Wilson is said to have sold based on the expectation that both estate taxes and capital gains taxes will rise significantly beginning January 1, 2013 under the new fiscal cliff agreement. “Wilson is said to have sold based on the exepctation that both estate taxes and capital gaines taxes will rise significnatly…”
  12. This is anything but good news. They are gone in 7 yrs. This almost guarantees it. It will take that long for RW to pass on and sell the team. Then it will take the new owner about 3 years to fight the State over a new stadium that he'll never get. When year 7 comes up, he cuts a meesley $29 million check and it's buh bye BUF. Worst lease evah!!
  13. I was hoping for a 9-7 season. We'd likely be out of the playoffs, but it could signal a light at the end of the tunnel. Sadly, it's not to be. I "gave up" on the team after the 4th SB loss. I'm interested, but no longer am I totally emotionally invested. It's all been gone over time and again. Lousy ownership, FO, coaching, bad players, etc. I'm starting to get the impression that this is all a highly organized plan to devalue the team to the point that no one will want to buy them and keep them in WNY. Who goes to these games anymore and why? At some point people have to wake up and stop shelling out the money for this trainwreck of a team. Wilson's family will realize a much higher price if the team moves. There would be no home town discount involved. I dont think any of us truly know the logisitcs and realities of billion dollar purchases, so please refrain from stating that the team will go to the highest bidder under any and all circumstances. None of us really know for sure. Other than "Ralph is cheap" I just dont get the poor decision making that's gone on for over a decade, other than to increase the value of the team to an outside of Buffalo bidder. Call me crazy, stupid or whatever. The farce has gone on too long now. There's a plan of some kind in the works. No team is this bad year after year on purpose (except maybe the MLB Pirates).
  14. Ben, RWS is probably one of the top ten stadiums in the country for the total NFL experience. These are simply my opinions: * There will be drunks - lots of them. Dont get sassy with anyone (even jokingly) and dont try to be a "buddy" to any of the drunks. * There will be fights in the stands - Hopefully you wont be near any of them. If one breaks out near you, dont get involved and get the hell out of the way. * There will be swearing, standing during plays, and general stupidity - Get over it. * There will be drunk drivers before and after the game. Be careful. I've been to the Olympics, the World Series, the Stanley Cup finals, and the World Cup. There is nothing like a Bills game at RWS. However, it's a mixed bag and a lot depends on where you're parked and where you''re sitting, It's the luck of the draw. You could be around the best fans in the NFL or the dumbest, drunkest idiots you've ever seen. Oh, by the way... HAVE FUN and GO BILLS!!
  15. Insert generic, non-playoff coach name here. Frez, you have over 8k posts. How many do you read? Let's run over this again... 1) No top-level coach will come here until the long-term ownership issues are settled 2) Those that would come here are generally unproven kids, retreads, or assistants looking for a break (Basically the Bills last 5 coaches) 3) This team's problems are not solely coaching-based. It's a top-down problem, although Chan does stink So...put out your list of candidates and see who stands out and who would realistically come here. Then remind yourself that we have no QB and a terrible Def. What's a coach supposed to do when there's so little real talent to work with? Finally, throw in Buddy and Ralph, who's combined age is close to 165 years old. This team is simply treading water until Ralph passes. When he does, both Buddy and Chan will be gone too. "Oh, when I think about the old days...ahh it sends chills up and down my spine. Life aint what it seems, on the boulevard of broken dreams. Guess I'll open my eyes in the nick of time, because it sure feels like the end of the line." - Gregg Allman
  16. johnny gold is now officially a troll. sir, you wanted attention with this post and you got 3 pages worth so far. my only response is... so what if they do win? they are not going to the playoffs yet again, so a win here or there simply does not matter anymore this season. what's your next post?...we have a real shot at making the playoffs and winning the SB
  17. Very nice. The message goes well beyond the Bills of course. It is a great city. Although ruined by special interests and the dysfunctional govt of NY State. It could be great again, but not without a lot of scarifice, change and hard work. It will always be home. This makes "Talkin Proud" look pretty dumb by comparison.
  18. if you're replying to my post, that's not what I was saying. I've followed this board pretty closely over the years. A lot of people get all hyped up when (mediocre) changes are made and then all jump on the "they suck" bandwagon. I never saw any potential in Gailey, Fitz, or Nix. Maybe I was the only one. This is basically the nucleus of a team. None of these three came with any winning credentials.Why people thought so highly of any of them from the start is baffling to me. That's all I'm saying. I feel bad for the guys on the team that do have talent. It's wasted here.
  19. Ok. So you still like Obama too, right? He was left with a mess and made it worse. But I still like the guy. Puleeese. If I performed at my job like either Obama or Gailey, I'd be fired. Gailey sux and he has from the get-go. The real problem is that we're all so desparate for anything other than perpetual losing, that we're willing to jump on the bandwagon of anything that's new. OOh, Fitz won a couple of games, he's awesone. OOh, Jauron was awful, Gailey will rock. OOh Russ Brandon sux, Buddy's the answer. It goes on and on. I have no answers for this team. They spend money, but in the wrong places. They draft like s**t. Ralph's ego is too big for him to sell the team before his death and let someone else make try to make something of it. Talent has to be lterally bribed to come here. My prediction for this week? ANOTHER HUGE BLOWOUT LOSS.
  20. I think FO and coaching people fall into a different category greed wise. Players have a limited shelf life and have to grab what they when they can. Coaches and FOs have long careers ahead of them and dont often grab the first big money offer. They're more worried about reputations and building networks. Players could care a rat's behind about that stuff. We'll always be able to get (supposedly) top-tier athletic talent via bribery. I dont agree that the same holds true for the off-field people.
  21. It hurts? After 11+ years of utter failure, it still hurts? I would hope that folks have gotten over the hurt by now and are focused instead on pure anger over what this team has become. Pain is the last thing I feel. Rage and disgust are more appropriate descriptors. I hope the stadium is less than half full for the rest of the season and that it makes the national news. Fire Gailey and Nix. They are not the answer and in my opinion never were the answer. But I stand by my previous posts. No decent coaching or FO people will sign onto this team while the long-term ownership issue remains unknown.
  22. Stick a fork in them. This team is done like Arizona road kill on a hot August day. The only positive is that there's a Ted's hot dogs somewhere in the state. Ted's should start offering Bison dogs. I'll take a jumbo with chile, cheese, and onions.
  23. My god!! STOP BUYING TICKETS!! This franchise operates the same as the Maple Leafs. Ownership can care less what value the product provides to the consumer, as long as the consumer keeps buying it. Until or unless the stadium is half full on opening day, this ownership will continue to provide a severly degraded product. "oooh, but then they'll move the team." So f**ckin what? Call their bluff. Tell them you're mad as hell and wont take it anymore. Get off the crack cocaine that is this team. Find something else to do on Sunday. How hard can it be? Fine, watch them on TV if you must. But stop throwing away good money until you start getting some value in return. These guys aren't dummies. They keep prices low so they can always have a fresh supply of saps. The day will come when you cant get in the buliding for less than $100 a ticket. Then what? And if I read one more post about how we have a powderpuff scheduled the rest of the way...I'll go f"n nuts. WE are the team that every other lame team is going to beat, not the other way around.
  24. cant lose what you never had
  25. best case scenario...9-7...no playoffs again.
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