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Everything posted by BfloBillsFan

  1. First time in a long time that I was actually yelling at a player on TV. IMO, second biggest blunder of the game to affect the outcome (after Watt INT/TD).
  2. Need some insight from fellow season ticket holders. I bought my tickets a little late (July), for some reason no reps were available and I was told I would be assigned to one, which I eventually was. However I feel like I am missing out on some of the benefits and perks of being a season ticket holder. I emailed the rep with a (what I think is a straight forward question) asking if he could tell me what they are. I never get an adequate response and disappointed with the reps effort. I didn't find anything on the Bills Website. I now turn to the people who know best. Can you please fill me in on what I am missing? Thanks in advance.
  3. From Anchorman Man Movie. Will Ferrell says something along the lines that San Diego, in German means "whale's vagina"
  4. I agree that the talent at WR is one of the best collectively on a NFL. With that talent level and the trend of NFL offenses, two of our receivers should be (minimally) in the top 20 statistically. However, I can't totally blame EJ here. The coaches, specifically Hackett, know EJ's shortcomings and should be running plays that get the WRs open (and are within EJs abilities) to get the balls to the WRs
  5. Lived in Detroit for 7 years before moving back to WNY. I wasn't at all a Lions fan before I moved there, even less of a Lions fan now. The only sports teams I ended up liking and following were the Tigers and MSU football (but not truly devoted to either). The other teams (Lions, Pistons, RedWings and UofM) I could care less about.
  6. Check for new Bills stories and Stadium Wall posts multiple times throughout the day
  7. Does anyone know if the items available on the rewards page change? Will they add more items? Thanks!
  8. Thanks, you saved me much needed time. If I get anything from the Bills I will post.
  9. I just bought my seasons tickets this past Friday. Got the individual tickets in the mail yesterday. Has anyone heard if those who get the individual tickets are entitled to the discount at the store and other perks associated with the card? Thanks in advance.
  10. Richardson's Canal House in Pittsford/Bushnell's Basin is excellent fine dining with a great historic atmosphere.
  11. Who voted that they wanted Bon Jovi? I say BOOOOOO to you and may you be exiled from this site!
  12. That's the approach I used to fill mine out. Now if we only had some clues for the other 15 weeks...
  13. I know this was a (somewhat) serious post and I could not help but laugh when I read the title. The fact that John Bongiovi is trying to buy the Bills is making me sick. I, as many here, only hope that whoever buys the Bills keeps them in Buffalo. Someone from the area makes so much more sense because they understand how important the team is to WNY and how passionate Bill's fans are. Side note opinion #1: GooGooDoll's music much much better than BonJovi, even the new stuff. Side note opinion #2: BonJovi should be banned from local radio stations
  14. My thoughts go out to him and his family. He is and will always be my favorite Buffalo Bill ever.
  15. I would rather have an injured McGee than the corners that played last night.
  16. Good to see because they have a lot to prove with the new coaches. Shows they are taking offseason seriously, or the other players don't care, and know their spots on the roster aren't guaranteed
  17. IMO U2s performance that SB was by far the best ever. It was moving, entertaining, uplifting, and patriotic. No other band or artist could have captured the spirit of the country at that moment in US history as well as they did. I have that performance as a mp3 and still get goosebumps when I listen to it. As far as not getting U2... There are very few bands whose music appeals to so many people in so many different countries spanning multiple generations. Yes they have had some misses on songs but even Led Zeppelin put out songs that should have not been released. To the casual listener they may have had 1-2 songs on each CD, but most of their CDs are well written. They dont, however, contain many radio friendly songs. Actuhng baby and Joshua tree are some of the best records ever made by anyone, from start to finish. Their shows are phenomenal. The problem with U2 now is that they are trying to make "relevant" music, ie Pop music, when the should really do what they do best... Write socially conscious heart felt songs.
  18. Both state and Erie county can possibly benefit from a bigger/better store. Increase in sales at team store translates into increased sales tax income for state and county.
  19. If I'm building a team right now (to win now or the future) I take Rodgers over Manning, Brees, Brady, RG3, Luck, etc. IMO Rodgers would succeed in any offensive system and you wouldn't have to build a system around his strengths. Tough, great arm, smart, and true leader...I think the most complete QB in the league (with Brees being second). Manning and Brady may have better numbers (as of now) but are pure pocket passers and, personally, I would want a more mobile QB.
  20. Packers. Probably the only other team I will watch during the regular season.
  21. BOOO to this post. All cities with NFL teams are very privileged to have teams
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