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Everything posted by uforesircher

  1. yeah i agree with you - if he does not show improvement to where coach thinks it should be against the run then he will be gone next year
  2. 100% correct - too right you are
  3. why even bother with sully-in-your-pants? imo he is a negative pos and that is his best quality. he is not a good writer, researcher, or analyst - all important requisite qualities that a journalist is supposed to have. that is why is will never be confused with a competent journalist. and if this offends any member of the trade - oh well - you all could try and police up after your own kind - a novel idea i know - but it does work.
  4. it's a thought - not even a bad thought - he was brutal yesterday
  5. jim you are mixing apples with oranges now - you are now talking about something that is not congruent with the topic at hand. the title of the thread is: "Getting really tired of this Pats* cheater stuff" - to that end i will say again: get over it. they cheated - they got caught cheating - therefore they are cheaters. and btw - belicheat being on the competition committee is a travesty and a joke!
  6. no . . . no . . . no. . . i do not subscribe to your point of view
  7. i know the attempt on their part is to make fun of the bills - but in fact what they did was say for everyone to see that the giants did not win the game but rather the bills lost the game. not the message i would choose to put out there - shame on them.
  8. well maybe you should have added a little more than just your two cents - perhaps put in another 62 cents and then you could have shown all 32 teams' overall record and then see where the bills fit in. using a single statistic to prove or disprove a singular point-of-view is the reason why the saying "you can make ststistics prove anything" exists.
  9. get over it - they cheated - they got caught cheating - they are cheaters!
  10. i think it was trent's fault for letting it go unchallenged - he should have whacked him in the man area - yes a penatly but people would think twice about next time.
  11. being hopeful and having a positive mindset for your team is NOT blantant stupidity . . . your post however . . .
  12. well to give some of you happy feelings - we do study insects don't we. then there is the point of view of having something they want - most likely. then there is the point of view of them being generous and wanting to save us from ourselves. i could go on and on . . . but one thing i can tell you is i do believe that we have been visited, are still being visited, and will continue to be visited . . . by a technologically advanced civilization not of this world for unknow reasons and/or hidden agendas.
  13. it's not the coaching - honestly joemac the talent level on offense is well below what dj/fewell had last year. this is unfortunately going to take until the 2012 season before we are truly contending for a playoff spot - and that is not the head coaches fault. actually it isn't even nix's fault - you can blame nix for anything that transpires from january of this year forward. if we all remember in his first presser he did say it would take some time to get it right. i still think we have a good plan in place - a good approach in place - we just need the time to get the talent in place. 2010 will be aweful - 2011 will be a little better - 2012 will be enjoyable - and i can live with that - i don't like it - but that is the reality of the talent situation both nix and gailey inherited.
  14. having one son just returning from iraq and another just arriving in iraq - and as a retired military guy i wish him a safe tour of duty and many, many more happy birthdays!
  15. nice pools - user friendly
  16. it's the same on mine as well - so it is not just you - also some of the replies here are just too funny . . . well maybe they are not that funny . . . but now we may never really know what they are about i should have mentioned that my avatar seems to be working - just not any of the others so far.
  17. i agree totally - in fact i said the same thing to my wife yesterday - go bills!!!!!!!!! and good post!
  18. i have read every post on this thread. i just want to say that is was a nice experience to read different points of view, all good points holding their own merit, without the negative garbage and name calling and degenerate prose that we have seen on this board (and you know who you are!). good job to all of the posters here from an old school kind of guy.
  19. the massachusettes unit boy's club? where joe b., nick and nate worked? i went there also all of the time from around 63 to 70. please pm me if it's the same club and same time frame.
  20. iceman - you know i respect your opinion, don't always agree with it but i still respect you. however, the bolded above is really, really inappropriate - really not good at all
  21. nice job - good stuff - thanks
  22. i honestly laughed out loud! a classic mel brooks take - brilliant
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