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Everything posted by uforesircher

  1. estro you are right in saying that we are a dreadful team - we are. but keep the faith - we will be better next year (not playoff better but better for sure) and in 2012 we will contend for the division - better times are coming. winning comes in cycles in the nfl - every team goes through it - we are in it again as i will remind you that the bills were worse then than now in the 70's and the early to mid 80's. the colts were a joke a few times, the 49'ers we a joke for a long time as were the giants, the dull-fish and jests as well - it happens to every team. that being said it does not make it any easier on us fans right now - but i've been through this before with the bills - and after we are back to being contenders - after a time it will happen again. it is the way of sport - more so in the nfl though it seems. wear the bag if it makes you feel better, but i have been to over 35 countries and have worn my bills colors in every one of them - through the 2-14 seasons - through the superbowl losses - and ive always been proud to be from buffalo (born and raised) and be a bills fan - even when we were horrible.
  2. you usually do not say things like this - not this tasteless - so i have to assume it is a joke - a bad one though. i find it not funny to talk coldly and with a level of disrespect that is disgusting. if it is not a joke then talking about a human life for the sake of increaing one's entertainment value or making one feel better about a sports team - well it is just pathetic.
  3. there is no suffering going on - and if you think that there is suffering it is because of a blessed life you have had so far - well shy of what suffering realy is. stand on the banks of the arauca river and watch the bodies float down - then you will begin to understand the depth of what suffering is.
  4. as a very young boy i learned that you NEVER tell a man what to do with his money or time - you should have known this
  5. i agree with you iceman - there are still some players that need to be gone - and yes some of those will cause the fanbase some mental anguish - but it still needs to be done. i like the fact that gm nix and coach gailey WILL build THEIR team according to THEIR PLAN and not anyone else's. the only downer imo is it will take until the 2012 season to be contending for the division - but the wait will be worth it becasue we will be a force for some years after that as well.
  6. one is a fan through the good and bad, through the great and horrible, through the ravages of storms and the peacefulness of calm, and through the joy of victory and pain of defeat - one accepts those terms and conditions to be called a fan and to those who cannot are just fair-weather on-lookers (cannot even call them fair-weather fans - they do not deserve the label of fanhood).
  7. swampy - i concur with that point of view - i did not understand that from the other post - sorry
  8. thanks swampy, and let me say this: (1) people that say we are not allowed to get angry - are just wrong - one cannot be emotional tied to a thing and not get angry from time to time; (2) spot on - anyone that does truly cares about this team has every right to get angry; (3) i agree with you that poeple do not have the right to judge if someone else has the right to be angry from time to time about the bills; (4) my perspective on this may be slightly different - i do not think that becasue it's just a game is a factor in whether the bills stay or leave; i have to think that mr. wilson has recieved many, many lucrative offers to move the bills in the past but he has not done so. the reasons may vary from offer to offer but the fact that the bills are still here says something in mr. wilsons favor i think - if it were all just about business/money then one could say that the bills would have left a long time ago. and you should just get over it - it's not going to change
  9. swampy - help me out here - i must not be making myself clear because you are equating apathy to what i have stated and that is not the case - at least that is not the case i am making here. apathy is when you just dont care about a given situation or topic - i did not nor would i ever say that i don;t care about the bills - in fact i have stated just the opposite in this thread. my contention is "having the intellilectual ability to understand that it is just a game and not what is most important in life" - does not preclude one from also - "being able to be emotionally invested in the bills by caring about them and being angry at them at times; laughing during the good times and crying during the bad times". they are not mutually exclusive. and being able to do all of that does not equate to being apathetic.
  10. i am sorry your understanding is so limited to "either or" - one can get angry AND one can care very much AND one can realize that it is only a game - all that is possible - not contratictive - in fact it is enlightingly congruent. also i will state again, the font size is for me - i have a slight visual impairment - and it allows me to preview my post so i am sure of what is being typed in my post. - so no i will not turn down the font size and no i am not pretentious (neither minorly nor to the extreme). your lack of depth of insight, coupled with your inability to grasp this simple concept is frightful. however i will try again, the two are not mutually exclusive. they are not "either or" scenarios.
  11. that is a pathetic reach of "getting angry and giving a damn about something in the world and if someone doesn't agree with you on that point then they are a lifeless robot" to realizing that it is just a game and not what is truly important in life. pathetic reach. you can, and i do, get angry over many things associated with the bills (some posters included), i do give a damn about the bills (more than you could possibly ever guess) - but i also realize that it is only a game and not what is important in life - i am sorry for you because you cannot.
  12. you stand alone - it's a game not life and death - not what's important in life - i kmow something about life and death - it's a game for entertainment purposes - put it in perspective. and btw when the world was young as a little boy i was at the rockpile watching kemp throw to dubbie - i have been and always will be a hard-nosed bills fan (from the beginning of their existence) - i was born in buffalo and grew up on the west side and yes i cried when that lick went wide-right - i have been to over 35 countries and have worn my bills colors in every one of them - it hurts when they lose - but it's just a game - not like and death - not what's important in life.
  13. actually it's in brandon - not tampa - two seperate towns.
  14. it is possible to dissagree with someone without resorting to name calling - really it is. also it will always take away from one's point of view because it makes that person look just silly. finally, the contract may be for four years - but this is the nfl and players can be cut at anytime - and i am sure we will cut him as soon as we get better olb players in here - which is not our most pressing need, or 2nd most pressing need, or 3rd most pressing need. and for the record i was in hopes of he and ellison both gone next year - not a fan of either of them
  15. they have internet in the afterlife?
  16. i had to stop a laughing/coughing fit before i tell you that was my first thought also
  17. really??? actually you said there were two of you tough guys to do that - and it would take two of you tough guys to handle one old qb - wow
  18. well it's not over a state line - nj jest
  19. (1) wow a real tough guy – an honest to goodness tough guy? really? just wondering because in my life’s experience real tough guys don’t brag about it – they go in do their business and come home – i know; (2) the word is invincible not unvinceable – I mean brass knuckles comes with instructions so how do you read them if you can’t even spell?; (3) maybe we will get to win this one too; (4) that is laughable; (5) so now you want us to believe that the head coach of an nfl calls tough guys to handle removing people – hmmmm – wonder what the nfl would think of that – and besides why would “rex” call in tough guys to do something so minor when he is a big guy, talks like a tough guys, acts like a tough guy heck he could do it himself; (6) P.S. it’s J-E-S-T Jest JEst JEST
  20. don't be fooled by the pr - the players know why trent was released - everyone with a brain knows why trent was released
  21. trent was a very good guy for us - but a very poor qb - so i hope he does get another gig real soon. we (the bills) do not have an idiot coach - just some idiot posters (on this board)
  22. i don't remember coach gailey or gm nix being in charge last season - the progression was correct when they decided after two games that they would not go back to edwards - and correct for everyone involved
  23. (1) agree; (2) spot on - too right you are about that
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