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Everything posted by uforesircher

  1. revisited in reverse order: new point: perhaps you should have started with this - it would aid to making your post look like it's sincere part 10: it was in fact thought out - and my assessment stands as posted - i can only assess by what is written part 9: i don't kmow how to express this any clearer - there is no denial because they have not run our organization before and therefore can't be held accountable for the mistakes, and were many, made by the previous gm's/hc's - i simply have more faith in their ability than anyone else that has been there over the past 10 years - i also hope that i am right - otherwise i will not happy in 2/3 years - but i am willing to give them that much time becuase the state of the bills was so poorly cared for point 8: i agree with you on this - but not willing to sacrifice our youth for just any vets - if we can get vets that will help and are willing to come - im all for it point 7: hmmm - another demeaning comment. how can i make you understand that you loose credibility when you do that. also i am not as old as you may think - and i assure you that my background was very different than yours - being a retired intelligence officer - in and out of jungles - doing things that you couldnt even imagine - and i also assure you that you would choose different words and a different tone if we were face to face - really you would - not trying to be a tough guy - i hate tough guys - especially internet tough guys - just saying that not everyone appreciates that point 6: well you must not have read the whole post - because i explained that i have a minor visual problem and i use that size to preview my posts for accuracy - sorry if it offends you - it is for me - not anyone else
  2. i'd be happy with one the following: best lt or best dt/nt or rolando mcclain. i throw mcclain in there because i firmly believe that he will be a force in the nfl for years to come - one of a very few players in this draft that are as close to "can't miss" as you can get.
  3. QUOTE (kooshari @ Mar 10 2010, 02:02 PM) I like this quote in the story: "Buffalo, dried up." True, Buffalo (and the rest of WNY for that matter) is indeed dried up and has been for a long, long time. Still, I'm not sure what that has to do with the Bills or Michael Vick. kooshari knows that unless he has a room temperature iq - well you may be right after all i think he is just being a negative person - because he can - wouldn't be my first choice - but to each their own of course there is the possibility that he has a room temperature iq and he is also a negative person - can't discount that either based on that inane post
  4. point 1: you may be at the bottom of the food chain - i am not - and neither are the bills point 2: you are confused - denial has nothing to do with it point 3: you have a continuity issue - the talent level of fa and if we are a playoff team are apples and oranges - nice try though point 4: your history of the last ten years is accurate - and i havent seen anything in this fa class (and neither has most of the other nfl teams) to make a significant difference in that area point 5: good research but there has to be both sides agreeing to make it happen. now for specifics - porter would be an ok signing; clifton - pass because i believe that lt will be addressed in the draft; a vet qb is still probably going to happen; mankins and incognito - pass of both; dumervil - i'm on the fence - you may be right; merriman - pass - like lynch one poor decision away from being out of the league for a year. point 6: i am sorry the truth makes you ill point 7: i am not pissed at you - just trying to enlighten you some point 8: i agree with you 100% - but we need quality help not just any help point 9: we will "get by" - by following the nix/coach gailey plan - in fact we will improve - not overnight - but unlike some i do see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel - finally - unlike the previous ten years point 10: pathetic - just had to throw in a negative demeaning comment - well that does say everything about you and your so-called professionalism i need to know - or that anyone else needs to know as well and btw when the world was young i was a small boy at the rockpile watching kemp throw to dubbie - so i have been through it all and this even close to the worst we have seen - and i still see a glass half-full - i am sorry for you that you do not
  5. dear mr. weo, i do think you are missing the point - it wasn't that there were or were not 15 calls a day - it was about the message that nix sent to the media (in particular that pos "sully-in-your-pants") - it was a slap in his face and he and other media types didn't like it - period. since that has happened - if you look at the number and level of negative hype being spewed by the press it has been much more than what we normally get. and btw i preview every post so i know what i am saying and since i have a visual impairment - i need the large font - not you - but i wouldn't even think anyone would consider that.
  6. he (and you) are sooo wrong it is pathetic - and i'll tell you why. wow where to start - this is the worst fa "class" in recent memory - first of all the talent of available players is not great - secondly the cba restrictions have drastically limited what teams "would" do and now what they "cannot" afford to do - thirdly there are so many other teams that have not done anything yet - and some of them are in truly worse shape than we are now to get the the real meat of the concern here - idiots write things like that to get a raise out of who they are targeting - in this case the bills - why? well nix blasted one of their own (that pos sully-in-your-pants) in a presser and this a part of the pay back - don't expect to see anything good written or said about the bills by the media because of that - period! get over it - and accept that is the way it's going to be - i can live with it because i couldn't care less what they say anyway continuing on - they write things like that so people will enable their poor professionalism by posting about it and trying to make it look like they are right - they aren't. which brings me to my last point - because you bought in on this and had the shear brazenness to use tim russert's name to further your misguided post - you should be ashamed of yourself. in fact you do not deserve to use tim russert's name period - he would have seen it for what it is and not even given it a second thought!
  7. listen there are way too many people willing to write off what ever the bills do - it's just nuts. tebow may not be my first choice even though his "intengibles" are off the chart - but the two things that are tangible are all this kid ever did is win - and provide positive leadership on and off the field - and i do not know about some of you but i could use a bunch of that from my starting buffalo bills qb now with that said - if his throwing mechanics are progressing and he is viewed by buddy and coach gailey as a viable nfl qb - then that is good enough for me and btw - guys that just can't perform, as proclaimed by the experts, have performed and performed well - and conversely guys that are cant miss guys in the nfl draft have fallen flat on their faces - that has been proven way too many times - which proves that the nfl draft is just a crap-shoot - you select the best you can and hope for the best results
  8. not a surprise to me for two reasons. 1. buddy chided one of their own - sully-in-his-pants - at a presser and made sully-in-his-pants look like the pos he is - so therefore they are going to give the bills and buffalo every crap comment they can come up with that is negative - period! 2. the lesser reason is we have been active early over the past 2-3 years and spent some money and made some splashes - therefore they are pointing out that we did not continue appraoch this year.
  9. exactly - you have that spot on - it's the room temperature iq people that do not understand that
  10. well said frozen one - well said indeed
  11. pathetic, just pathetic - there's nothing like a name calling tough guy on the internet i would continue this amusing chat - but i never engage in a battle of the wits with people that show they have little to no ammo. i really do feel sorry for you - honestly
  12. i agree - and very funny - actually made me laugh - haven't heard that one in a while
  13. i'm going out on a limb here but . . . i'm guessing that you are a glass half empty kind of guy oh and for the record - i'm embarrassed to have you as a so-called fan of my buffalo bills
  14. THE BROHM THE BROHM THE BROHM, THE BROHM THE BROHM THE BROHM . . . would that be brohm's lullaby?
  15. i have had enough of your garbage - pay attention if you are capable - i have fixed it for you *1: I was born in 1970 . . . abortion would have been a better option . . . yadda yadda yadda *2: Was it youth? . . . Or is it the undeniable fact that i am a jerk . . . yadda yadda yadda *3: Stop following my team you stupid bastard.
  16. less than pathetic - saying that your post is pathetic would be complimentary - do us all a favor and disgrace some other board - any other board - really just go away
  17. close - ah not really - but it's more like - it is the ultimate in stupidonium!!!!!!!
  18. that is very possibly the dumbest statement ever made on this board - and that is really saying something - but it did come from a mod (hehehehehehehe) - maybe it's time to up the voltage
  19. your post - worst in history of NFL?
  20. puberty has really hit you hard - tell your mom to have the doctor up the meds
  21. just as pathetic as billsoverdue
  22. nix is respected - you however . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  23. a joke? - actually winning is the only measurable i care about - i could less about mechanics, footwork, etc. . . - just get the wins neccessary to get into the playoffs and beyond winning is the only measurable - internalize that - it is a truism
  24. if you think that anything connected with pmsnbc is not all about the liberal agenda and liberal politics - then you should re-consider who the jackass really is.
  25. buffalo sabres san antonio spurs orlando magic tampabay rays boston red sox chicago cubs duke blue devils nc tarheels manchester u team federer usa olymtic team (any sport) usa davis cup team usa federation cup team
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